I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 484: Worry and the pattern of the world

ps thank brother ‘Brother Chuan Lin’ for the chapters these days, gifts, rewards, and evaluation votes .....

Your support is my motivation to write this book that has been written for a long time. This chapter is excessive. The later plot will be accelerated. There is not much. I will try to write the remaining ones. .....

Thank you to all the siblings who have been subscribing ...


"What is the biggest role of this huge receiver?" It is a busy phenomenon in the largest square in the center of the base of Shanghai. Various large machines are constantly running, and the young and old Absolute experts in each base city also pointed around. M []

From their serious expressions it's not hard to see what it means to be in the things being built.

Qin Lan, who had just arrived here, found Fang Chong with a look of doubt ...

Fang Chong is also here. Unlike Tong Lao Ye Lao, they are busy and serious. Fang Chong is sitting aside, but holding a notebook in his hand, he keeps his gestures.

Qin Lan approached and found out that Fang Chong was drawing something. It looks like they are in the current position ...

"Isn't it tiring to use my laptop to observe the images from the satellite system? And the range I can see is much narrower ..." When Fang Chong looked up, he saw Qin Lan looking at him, and slightly smile Fang Chong said.

"Now the Shanghai base city has been completed, and with our current strength, it is more than enough to want to keep a base city, even if the Zak people appear ..." Fang Chong continued. His idea is very simple. After he decided to set the Shanghai base city here as the center, he didn't want to leave anymore. His purpose was very simple. Make the Shanghai base city into an iron bucket ...

"Under the condition that security can be ensured, putting a satellite receiver in this place is undoubtedly the most suitable, and the square we choose now is not far from the central TV tower in Shanghai base city, and we can completely pass the receiver The satellite signal was guided to the television station. I believe that by then, the role of the satellite system can be activated ... "Fang Chong added.

"You have such an idea?" Qin Lan nodded. Although Fang Chong had told her about the idea of ​​building such a large receiver, she had no idea what exactly it would do. Until now I heard Fang Chong say this, Qin Lan understood ...

Fang Chong's idea has to be said very well, but now I am afraid that only the Shanghai base city in China will have such strength and technology ...

"Do you feel bad?" Fang Chong nodded, Qin Lan did not say. Fang Chong made such an idea.

Although it is said that the construction of such a large receiver, the biggest purpose is to observe the situation of the entire Huaxia area, and try to find the whereabouts of the Zak people if possible.

To ensure that the human team will not be attacked by the Zak or suffered heavy losses, and that they can respond before the Zak attacks ...

"Of course. There are such good things. We don't have to worry so much in the future. The Zak people are afraid that as soon as they appear, they can't escape Fang's eyes ...

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"Okay, of course. In this way, we will undoubtedly have the upper hand in the face of the Zaks ..." Qin Lan smiled even more happily. The Zaks have always been a big stone pressed on their chests. . (Read novels.) But now, my eyes disappeared.

"That's right. We do have the upper hand ...." Fang Chong nodded. This was even more clear than Qin Lan's, but unlike Qin Lan's glee, although Fang Chong had a faint smile on his face, If he carefully observes between his eyebrows, it is not difficult to see what Fang Chong is worried about ...

"What are you worried about?" What Fang Chong did not expect was that when he thought he was covering up well, not far from him, Qin Lan who stood opposite him suddenly discovered that Fang Chongmei was different. The place.

Knowing that Fang Chong has been under extraordinary pressure ...

"You say that the number of people we have in China is still close to almost 20 million, but where else? The earth is so big that no one dares to say that they also do n’t know. In proportion, the entire earth Fang Chong has a lot of enemies ... "Fang Chong no longer concealed his inner thoughts.

Tell others that they are afraid of causing confusion together, but tell Qin Lan that you don't need to worry about them ...

"Are you worried about other countries?" As Fang Chong reminded him, Qin Lan suddenly came to his senses, indeed! After the end of the last days, Qin Lan, like many people, thinks most of every day is survival, food ...

No matter what is popular, entertainment, these things have nothing to do with human beings, let alone things like the country.

Everyone's instinctual consciousness is that they are all like this, and other countries must be the same. Zombies know no borders ...

In fact, this is indeed the case in many countries, but who can be sure before seeing it in person?

At least Fang Chong didn't dare. Each country has a different situation. It has something to do with the country's national strength and the country's environment ...

It is undeniable that Fang Chong's heart is still the most feared country in China before the end of the last days ...

Rice country!

Before the end of the last century, the rice country had an absolute power status in the world dominated by humans. Rao is a large country with a large population and Huaxia could not overcome him. This is the gap between national strength and technology ...

Because of this, Fang Chong did not know whether the country suffered such a heavy blow in this large-scale eruption in the last days.

However, in Fang Chong's consciousness, the situation in the country of Rice will definitely be much better than that of Huaxia ...

As for why Fang Chong said so? Before the end of the last century, even the law of China was different from that of Huaxia, and what Fang Chong wanted to say was that the most important point was the jurisdiction of firearms.

In the Huaxia Middle School, the law was clearly settled. It is illegal to own firearms and ammunition in private.

Originally, the existence of firearms had little to do with ordinary people, and Rao is also the same in the country.

But the difference between having a gun and not having a gun started at the moment of eschatology, and the major differences were reflected ...

Just think about it. In the early days of zombies, even ordinary first-order zombies are much better than humans. Fang Chong still remembers the situation at the time, even him, when it was necessary to kill a zombies, it cost nine cattle and two tigers The force killed a zombie. [Read the novel ~]

At first, the power of a zombie should be known, but humans are five times as powerful. Humans want to kill zombies, and it feels like a child hits an adult. And this little child only has a broken kitchen knife in his hand, and the adult not only has a lot of powerful children, but also has an armor on his body ...

As a result, except for the occasional miracle, the zombies are difficult to defeat ...

Of course later. In addition to the further improvement of human strength, the weaknesses of zombies were gradually discovered, and human beings were able to breathe slowly.

Fang Chong and Qin Lan don't know if this is the case elsewhere, but here in Huaxia, that's the way to go….

And there is no such thing as a firearm. With all kinds of large cutters not found ....

The United States is not the same. Without the legal support of restricting firearms, many adults in the United States have licenses to hold guns. This is the case. It's not just that the people in the U.S. are generally able to master them well in the case of guns.

And the most important point is the Middle School. Except that most people use guns, guns are also found in many families ...


Having said that. Qin Lan also understood what Fang Chong wanted to express ...

Although the situation of the Mi people and the Huaxia people was the same in the early days of the last days, the differences between guns and knives were reflected.

If you compare both to a child, Huaxia is a survivor who can take a kitchen knife, and Mi Guo is a child with a gun. Although they are also children and have the same strength, the lethality of a gun is not the same as a kitchen knife. It is comparable, and there is no restriction on the age of power. As long as you can move one finger, the gun can be fired ...

In the country with a large number of civilian guns, the situation of the survivors in the country is much better than the survivors in the country of Huaxia. At least in the early days of the eschatological outbreak, they have a higher chance of survival.

And with the extension of the last days, they can stand firm in the early days of the last days, and the advantages of the back are also reflected ...

Listening to what Fang Chong said, Qin Lan's expression turned from sudden realization to surprise and worry ...

Speaking of the Mi Kingdom, Qin Lan believes that many people, including Fang Chong and herself, are definitely not very impressed.

If in the last days, let the rice country take the lead? In the future, even if it is defeated by human beings in the last days, but all nations are taken away by the rice country, what are the consequences?

Some people may say that at that time, human beings will be more peaceful. At least there is only one country. It is impossible to want a war, but for Fang Chong, this kind of thing is absolutely not allowed to happen.

The country is strong and not fake, but now they are not weak. If the country is big, he is willing to accompany him.

Although the State of Mi has always surpassed Huaxia for many years in terms of scientific and technological strength, especially in the development of weapons, it is now the last days, and there is another person. Although Fang Chong is a very common name, it may not be the future.

Although Fang Chong is low-key, once something that does not belong to Huaxia appears on Huaxia's territory, Fang Chong will not shrink back.

He wanted the world to return to the age of peace, but he absolutely did not allow Huaxia to cease to be called Huaxia. On this issue, he cannot step back, if he wants to fight, then ...

Just an attitude, the pride of a nation ...

Fang Chong is confident, because in addition to his powerful power, he has a Maya system that exists against the sky.

Fang Chong does not deny that the country's science and technology are very powerful, but how strong is the country? Is science and technology more advanced? Can we win advanced Mayan civilization?

Do n’t think too much about the answer….


"What if a boat from the rice country really appeared in China's territorial waters? We do this?" At this time, Qin Lan's expression changed from her original worry to calmness and calmness. In addition to believing Fang Chong's strength and the strength of their base city.

Qin Lan also knew that before she saw survivors from other countries, she said everything was false.

"Warning to sink them if they don't work. We can further explore the power of our energy cannons ..." Fang Chong also thought that now he would talk on paper before he found out the intentions of other countries, but he did not plan ahead wrong.

Thinking of this at least today, this incident can give Fang Chong a warning and pave the way for the future.

Rice is the overlord of the sea, but after the end of the last days, are there any powerful mutant fishes in the sea? Fang Chong does not know, after all, the area of ​​the sea can be much larger than the area of ​​land, in this case. It is not impossible to have any powerful mutant fish.

"Oh, indeed, as long as they enter our strike range, it will not be a problem to sink them. But what will happen to them once they are not close?" Qin Lan said his worries, that the aircraft carrier and warship of the State of Mi were always in their sea The overlord's guarantee, but these advantages are the disadvantages of Huaxia, once there is no way to approach. A hard lesson for Miguo failed.

"It seems that we need to find Commander Makino, to see where our Huaxia aircraft carriers and maritime forces are there. Sooner or later war at sea will break out ..." Fang Chong nodded, and Qin Lan said this before him Did not expect. All of a sudden, it came to Kan. But this problem is not the kind that cannot be solved ...

"Yes, Commander Makino must know. And now that there are so many workers in the center of weapons development, we can no longer build our own warships ..." Qin Lan said with arrogance. As the days are getting better, Qin Lan's momentum is now even more arrogant ...

But this is also a manifestation of self-confidence.

"If it is to protect the territory of Huaxia, in addition to building a batch of small warships, we also have a small energy vehicle. The bombing is undoubtedly the best choice, and the speed of the small energy vehicle is so fast, even if it is a rice country. It is impossible for soldiers to lay him down ...

"It's absolutely not possible to be small. If the rice country really dares to come here to harass, we must give them a lesson and fight back, so that their arrogance will not dare to be so arrogant ..." He also said what was in his heart ...

Fang Chong did not comment on Qin Lan's statement. Qin Lan's idea was in favor of Fang Chong, but can the Zak minority's unstable factor leave them so much time?

Is there so much time left for the rice country?

So much time for all human survivors?

Fang Chong didn't know ...


However, if you want a large warship or an aircraft carrier, Fang Chong did not say, but in the Mayan system today, as long as he has enough reward points, there is no problem in redemption, and this is what Fang Chonggan is so relieved about s reason….

Can't make it? Big deal, he hurled out to exchange for a boat.

"In short, we need to increase our attention. In addition to the rice country that deserves our attention, we need to hold the same idea throughout the coastal zone, and we Chinese survivors must believe more in each other ..." Fang Chong concluded.

In the current Shanghai base city, Fang Chong hopes to see that the situation is almost the same, without any bad habits. Today, the population of the Shanghai base city has greatly increased, and everything is still proceeding in an orderly manner ...

"Understand ..." Qin Lan nodded, and Fang Chong said here that unity she knew what it meant.

But now the five largest base cities in Huaxia do not have to worry. They all have a good relationship with Fang Chong, and at the same time, they have agreed to a cooperative relationship. In this case, there is no need to worry about things such as internal strife.

Time still needs time. Only time can make Huaxia stronger. Once most survivors surpass the hundredth level, then Huaxia is really strong. The hundredth level is a watershed ...

"How about praying for them?" Fang Chong said of unity, he remembered them and praying for them, to this day, four or five days have passed since the day that Yu Yu asked him for the extraction technology of genetic medicine ...

In the past four or five days, Yu Yu was very open-minded and learned many management methods of Shanghai base cities, including planning in the home. Of course, the extraction technology of genetic drugs is the most important ...

"They had already left before I came. In addition to taking away the gene extraction technology and gene extraction machine, we also gave them a batch of armor sets and weapons ..." Qin Lan replied, Lao Qi and Yu Yu's departure He sent it ...

"Well, last time you found the energy crystal stone in the base city of Nanyue, was there an alien spaceship that wasn't open?" Fang Chong nodded and mentioned that Yu Yu prayed for them, and Fang Chong thought of Qin Lan There are some things that have been said, and the deepest impact is undoubtedly the two kinds of energy crystal stone and alien spaceship.

The energy crystal stone is now ~ www.readwn.com ~ more and more able to reflect his important role, so Fang Chong clearly felt what Qin Lan said, and there is an alien Fang Chong, many times, the alien spaceship There are a lot of things in it. For people who can be easily opened like Fang Chong, the attraction of alien Fang Chong is also huge.

"Yes, when the Shanghai base city is fully on track, we will explore it. We did n’t say when there were a lot of people, but now the two of us are not afraid ..." Qin Lan nodded, but his tone was very serious. .

"Okay, you say ..." Fang Chong did not expect Qin Lan to be so serious, did he just say a message? As for?

"The place where the energy crystal stone is produced is weird, and there is a very powerful danger force, and my instinct has always told me that it is very dangerous ..." Qin Lan said earnestly, under the gaze he issued ...

At the same time, she also carefully described the surrounding environment ...

………………………………………………………………………… (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start (an. ) Vote for referrals and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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