I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 502: Choice of war

ps thanks for the monthly tickets of the two brothers who are "waiting in the air" and "waiting in the air"


"Major Croya, do we really need to attack Huaxia in an environment like the last days?" On a battleship with high flying flagpoles and stars and stripes, a white uniformed officer stood on the battleship's deck. M [Go to the novel ~]

The white chief looked calmly at the continuous waves in front of him. This calm expression made it impossible to see what he was thinking….

Behind him is a black soldier who also wears white military uniform on his body. The dark skin and white military uniform form a great visual impact ...

"It's the president's order, and it was unanimously passed by Congress. As a soldier, our responsibility is to obey ..." Listening to the words of the black soldier, the white chief, Major General Croya, slowly turned his head, his voice with a touch of solemnity.

"But this decision is wrong, not to mention that Huaxia is a mysterious country. Even if they are seriously injured now, it is still a question whether our fleet can reach it smoothly ..." Although the black soldiers are a little afraid of their bosses The majesty of the sir, but more than an hour ago, after this team of more than 20 warships appeared again and again, he finally couldn't help it.

Sailing across the Pacific Ocean would have been normal for them before the end of the world. Such a state-of-the-art battleship from the United States, even in a tropical storm, had no fear of the twelfth wind, but never left After the rice coast, these proud warships lost their magical side.

At the beginning. The first day of sailing was without any trouble at all. But as they went deeper into the Pacific Ocean, there was a scene that they could never believe before.

Various marine creatures have appeared one after another ...

But these mutant creatures are no longer familiar to them before. Super giant whales up to hundreds of meters long, a super octopus with enough antennae to entangle a small battleship ...

These forms are not the sea mutants they can believe they are suffering.

By the third day today, three warships had sunk under attack.

This kind of quantity is unimaginable. The Rice Sea Marine Team with the title of Ocean Overlord has already suffered such losses without encountering real battles, which is beyond their acceptable range ...

And besides the loss, a fear for the navy of the United States that never knew why things spread among ordinary soldiers, and when they did n’t know when the warship they were in was dragged into the shadow of the water, Rao was confident The heartfelt soldier has begun to shake ...

For death. Even well-trained soldiers cannot resist this pressure, especially this fear from the unknown ...


"Enough, Brewer, I tell you, from the moment you were a soldier. You have lost the right to choose. Now you have to remember your identity and responsibility, if you talk nonsense again, watch out for military law. Dispose of ... "Listening to the words of the black soldier, Croa's original calm expression finally changed, and a little anger spread on his face.

The tone of seriousness without any emotion caused the surrounding air to drop several degrees in an instant ...

Listening to Croa's words, the black soldier Brewer's expression was extremely angry, but because of the responsibility, he could not hold back his words, from Croa's words. [] [] Brewer already knew it would be useless to say more.

Of course, Brewer knows that this is the mission of the soldier ...

The only thing he can't understand is why human greed has not been suppressed in such an environment in the last days, or that the ambitions of those politicians have not been suppressed in such an environment in the last days, but have become more inflated ...

"This is the mission of the soldiers. As a soldier, we are just fulfilling our mission, for the glory of the country ..." After watching the black soldier Brewer calm down, Croya said earnestly. He also dislikes war, after all, war represents death, but as a soldier, does he have a choice?

The answer is of course negative, although he had long thought that war would break out sooner or later in Domi and Huaxia. I just didn't expect this day to come so fast ...

"I understand ..." Brewer nodded, but simply said three words before turning away.

But Brewer's face was ugly. He can imagine what their future will look like.

"I hope the journey goes well ....." Looking at the back of Brewer's departure, Major General Croya's expression is also a bit complicated, he knows that everything still cannot be said, because there is still such a long distance from China ... .

What will happen at sea in the next few days? He doesn't know and no one can tell him ...


"Children and Ye Lao are in a good situation now. There are tens of thousands of survivors working at the same time. Most of the weapons are developing smoothly. Before today, there were more than ten warships that were able to enter the combat state. , And the largest of which is close to a hundred meters, it can already be said that it is a small aircraft carrier… .. ”Listening to Qin Lan's words, Fang Chong's already dignified expression relaxed a lot at this moment.

More than ten warships are enough for a fight. Without the help of a clear satellite system, Fang Chong they have clearly received the news. The number is about a dozen ...

Such a quantity is what Fang Chongle commented on ...

"Okay, okay, okay ..." After listening to such a report, Fang Chong said several good things in succession. It seems that only this sentence can be used to express the satisfaction in Fang Chong's heart ...

"Go and see?" Qin Lan asked.

Miguel is about to call, and it is time for them to be prepared. Although there are several days to prepare, the accident was not impossible at that time. Qin Lan knew clearly. Once something unexpected happens, a battleship that is already prepared is better than nothing that accepts supplements, ...

"Okay ...." Fang Chong nodded. He already had such a meaning, but it was only delayed because of other things that needed to be dealt with ...

"Hmm ..." Fang Chong nodded, and the others didn't have any opinions. As for what they were talking about in the conference room, it was unknown ...

As Qin Lan and Fang Chong stepped out of the conference room one after another, Huang Qianchuan also followed them closely. As to whether their purpose is the same as Fang Chong ...

After a number of small energy vehicles have vacated, Fang Chong stopped for a few minutes in the open space outside the weapon research and development center. [Let ’s read the novel ~] After the small energy car Weiwen stopped in the open space, Fang Chong got out of the car ...

There are ten people in total, but these ten people also represent the presence of the most powerful people in the Shanghai base city. There is no difference between men and women ...

"Go ..." Fang Chong walked ahead. He has no idea how many times he has been here, he is no stranger or does not know where to go….

Without the need for others to lead the way, Fang Chong's footsteps took a lot of steps when he walked, and the frequency was very fast. If everyone's strength is close, I am afraid that they may lose behind Fang Chong ... .

Not long after, Fang Chong's people appeared in the weapon research and development center, the place closest to the battleship, Fang Chong saw the busy appearance of the child and Ye Lao ...

"Fang Chong, are you here? How are we now?" When Fang Chongren first appeared, others stopped when he heard the voice. It was Ye Lao ...

"Hmm ..." Fang Chong nodded. After discerning the location of the sound, Fang Chongli immediately went up ...


"Fang Chong, then the pressure should not be too great. Although it is said that the rice country has always been an overlord of the oceans before the end of the world, but the end of the world is the end of the world. The environment is different and the weapons are different. … .. ”After looking at Fang Chong's serious expression, he said with a smile.

The meaning in this sentence is very simple, except to tell Fang Chong that there is no need to worry so much. More is the question of self-confidence ...

The battleships were designed and built by the two of them. I do n’t know how powerful these new warships are ...

However, it is definitely not weaker than the Chinese warships before the end of the world. With this little self-confidence, the old man still has ...

"I understand, I will not pressure myself ..." Hearing these words. Fang Chong reported a slight smile.

Such anxiety as children and Ye Lao are superfluous, Fang Chong has never put pressure on himself ...

"Hehe. We are at ease, we are not afraid of this fleet of rice, but you still have to be careful. In Asia, the sea power of rice is still not to be underestimated. We do n’t want to capsize in the gutter ..." With confidence, the child reminded with a smile.

Although it is impossible for Fang Chong to think of these things, but if everything is not afraid of 10,000, he will have to say something, especially if Fang Chong looks confident.

It's one thing for a child to be afraid of Fang Chong's lack of confidence. What's more, Fang Chong is a person of this age. It is a good thing that young people are not afraid of heaven, but there is not much in the eyes ...

Childhood is equally uneasy about this ...

"Your elders rest assured that we have paid close attention to the sea power of the United States in Asia as early as yesterday, but for the time being, except for the fleet on the Pacific Ocean, there are no movements in other places ..." Fang Chonggang I want to say that when you feel relieved, Huang Qianchuan, who has already come to Fang Chong, talks first. This matter is clearer than Fang Chonglai. In this case, his answer is undoubtedly the most suitable ...

"That's good, we can research and develop here with peace of mind ..." After looking at each other, Tong Lao and Ye Lao, they knew that Fang Chong and their lads were much smarter than he thought.

But this situation is what they most want to see ...

"Your second old must pay attention to your body ..." Fang Chong nodded.

"Rest assured, we're physically good now ..." Ye Lao shook his head gently, expressing that their bodies were great, no need to worry ...

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"Go, go to the battleship and see ..." After a while. Ye Laozai fully understood the current situation of Fang Chong. And after the whole situation in Huaxia, their expressions flashed a dignified expression. They knew that the divided country could play only a small amount of combat power.

They did not express any opinions on the military that Fang Chong was worried about, and they did not know whether the possibility that Fang Chong was worried about did not exist. If it were not for what Fang Chong was worried about, why did it really happen after the end of the end, Did the soldiers see it?

Could it be said that compared to the rice country, Huaxia's military was completely dead under the attack of zombies?

We must know that ordinary people can build a large base city with more than one million people by themselves without any heat weapon ...

It is impossible for all soldiers with powerful weapons to die, if there are children now. Afraid that three-year-olds will not believe ...

However, the second old man can hear from Fang Chong's words, whether Fang Chong or others, they now hold a lot of caution and resentment against the military. Once the military really exists and reappears in the sight of the people, I am afraid that the bloodshed in Huaxia's own country will definitely occur ...

It will be difficult to say who wins or loses ...

The two people who have stayed in the Shanghai base city for a short time are very clear about the strength of the Shanghai base city, especially Fang Chong, Song Minghuang Qianchuan, the young people who established the Shanghai base city, they Has reached a level where people can look up.

Can someone in the military match? Erao didn't know ...

And Fang Chong they have a lot of weapons and equipment more than Earth technology.

Regardless of the warships currently being developed, energy weapons, swords, and armor sets alone are enough to occupy an absolute advantage ...

In addition to these small weapons, there are also many large weapons. Afraid to fight, Fang Chong's odds are even greater, and after so many lives and deaths, will the survivors of the Shanghai base city be inferior to the military?

Afraid that the average strength of the military wants to be stronger than Fang Chong's team, it is difficult to say ...

Although they are unfamiliar with genetic research and development, this does not mean that two children, Lao Ye and Ye Lao, did not know that the research on genes in Shanghai Base City is more than before eschatology.

The reason they are so old and their bodies are still alive is the credit for genetic medicine.

In summary, Tong Lao Ye Lao has unknowingly put Fang Chong on the side of the odds of Jiaotong University ...

Although they do not want to see the emergence of civil war from their hearts, if there is a war, they should have no hesitation in standing on the side of Fang Chong ...

But the military did not show up for whatever reason. It was their fault not to appear, and it was unforgivable.

You have to know that the number of people left in Huaxia will not exceed 20 million at most ...

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"The biggest feature of this Jaguar is the same as its name. Speed ​​is supreme, but its volume is small. But we are equipped with several large enhanced energy-concentrated guns. The power of this gun is ordinary enhanced energy. Several times of the cannon. The only drawback is that it consumes energy crystal stones, but the power is absolutely satisfactory ... "A dozen people have already arrived on the battleship, and the children and Ye Lao have also recovered from their worries. It has been determined After they will stand now, they have no previous worry.

They fight, they are not afraid ...

And these are the future. Now the most important thing is to kill the team in the rice country ...

"Energy crystal stone does not need much to worry about. With the energy crystal stone ore found successively, we don't need to worry for a period of time ..." Fang Chong nodded, for the child old Ye Lao for the battleship named Jaguar Describe, Fang Chong is very not ...

Although I don't know what the power of this large-scale enhanced energy-conserving gun is, Fang Chong believes that if it hits ordinary warships directly, it will not be a problem to smash their hulls ...

And with the most important worry of speed, Fang Chong became even more affirmed that the Jaguar's combat power, marine warfare, speed is the most needed, especially the above super-large battleships, such as the Jaguar, the carrier The most threatening, but this feature is what Fang Chong most want to see ...

The maritime supremacy of the rice country depends on the dozens of war fortresses and aircraft carriers ...

If they can successfully destroy one or more of their aircraft carriers, they will not be arrogant if they want to be arrogant ...

The more Fang Chong thinks, the more this approach works ...

The next time ~ www.readwn.com ~ Fang Chong visited the four different warships with different functions and volumes. These four warships will play an important role in the following marine battles. It is Fang Chong's main force.

Although there are two warships in the weapon research and development center that have already been put on the assembly line, compared to these four models, they are mainly auxiliary ...

Like Erao's self-confidence, Fang Chong himself has very few attributes and power of these warships. Once cooperated with air strikes, the attack power will be more lethal ...

However, Fang Chong was somewhat worried about the presence of air strike forces on this battleship of the State of Mi.

To a great extent, aircraft need the assistance of radar and satellites, otherwise the combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

Thinking of this, Fang Chong was more relieved. She found that his worry was unnecessary. After all, in this case, if Mi Fang was not stupid, it would be impossible to send air power to attack ...

………………………………………………………………………… (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for it , Monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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