I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 517: Lesson [Happy New Year]

Chinese New Year, I wish you all a Happy New Year, Happy Chinese New Year, and all my wishes come true. In the new year, everything is fine ...

Ps. Thanks for the book prize "1212181306 .." ...


Just as Qin Jian said, at 10 am the next day, the pastoral sitting in the center console had seen through the satellite system that a fleet of warships appeared on the surface of the East China Sea. From the fleet direction, No doubt it is Fang Chong's Shanghai base city. m [Go to the novel ~]

When they heard such news, Fang Chong did not show much surprise. Not only did they learn the news through Qin Jian's mouth, it can be said that they already had a solution in their hearts.

Dozens of warships may sound menacing, but these warships originating from Huaxia, although they can be called first-class naval equipment, are different from Fang Chong, who now have core technologies derived from the Maya system. The level is not a little bit.

Fang Chong's new-type new energy warships are absolutely incomparable to ordinary warships in terms of speed, resistance, and attacking firepower. This is absolute.

And as long as it was in the water, Fang Chong believed that his giant lizard was enough to bring a devastating disaster to his opponents.

The giant lizard up to 100 meters in strength is not small, and it can reach a level of five hundred. Even if it is the most advanced warship on the planet, I am afraid that the aircraft carrier will have a headache for a long time ...

Even a nuclear-powered submarine doesn't have to think about it if it wants to keep up with the speed of giant lizards ...

"Did you give them a little warning?" Hours after the discovery of the fleet. (Read the novel to come.) They knew that the fleet from the southern naval base had already appeared on the sea not far from them. According to the speed of battleships, the entire Shanghai base city will appear in the attack range of this fleet in less than 20 minutes.

Although fearless, this does not mean that Fang Chong would like to see their buildings in Shanghai Base City destroyed by enemy fire.

This reason is also the main reason for the idyllic question ...

"No, they will stop. They will not attack easily without knowing what combat power the Shanghai base city has.

They don't have that confidence or ability ... "Fang Chong's tone is very calm. He already knew from Qin Jian's mouth that there is something about the strength of the current southern naval base. In addition to being very confident in his own strength, he also I believe that the coward who do not have the courage to directly face the crisis of the last days are still cowardly ...

"Okay ..." Muge nodded, and she saw Fang Chong's meaning with a mocking smile on the corner of her mouth.

And actually. The fleet from the Southern Naval Base has been suspended for a distance of 20 nautical miles from the base city of Shanghai. The dozens of warships are not lined up or lined up, but are scattered between the two. ........

Watching the scene of the ranch song immediately became happy, she knew that the situation was guessed by Fang Chong. [Read the novel ~] These fleets from the southern naval base are scared.

They did not dare to take the initiative to attack before they were afraid of the attack from the Shanghai base city. After all, they did not understand how powerful the sea power of the Shanghai base city was. If they rashly attacked, they were afraid of fatal destruction. They can't afford to hurt ...

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Commander Chen Kai, what shall we do next?" On a large battleship, Chen Kai, the highest commander of the Southern Naval Base, also appeared on this fleet.

After the fleet stopped more than twenty nautical miles from the base of Shanghai, the large battleship where Chen Kai was standing was stubborn and sturdy. But one of the officers who was not difficult to see from the uniform on his body asked.

"Wait, we can't do anything else until we can figure out the low of the Shanghai base market ..." Chen Kai said blankly, and he is now under great pressure.

Although he had thought about countermeasures before, in fact there was no bottom in his heart about how to do it, not to mention that now, they have already reached the gate of the Shanghai base city.

Retreat is impossible, but the storm is no longer planned.

Chen Kai's purpose of docking dozens of warships at a location more than 20 nautical miles from the base city of Shanghai was very simple. He planned to put pressure on Fang Chong. Let them take the initiative to send someone out. In this way, they can not only judge whether the Shanghai base city has such strength in the military ...

But the imagination is full, and the result is that the reality is too skinny ...

What Kai Kai couldn't imagine was a plan he thought was perfect. In Fang Chong's opinion, they are completely children's homes ...

After all, if Fang Chong did not have the same strength as they do now, I was afraid that they would be dominated by such dozens of warships. Also scared and frightened.

But unfortunately, Fang Chong and them are different from ordinary eschatological survivors. They have strengths that other survivors do not have, or in other words, they now have more sea power than the southern naval base.

Such a difference, in their eyes, Chen Kaizi thinks that the perfect plan is not much different from what they have played with children ...

"But what should we do if they don't come out?" Although the sturdy figure, it is absolutely impossible for a person who can climb to the position of a general to get there, so this stubble man suddenly asked the key questions.

"Impossible, they dare not let us attack ..." Chen Kai said with a slight struggle, and then said that in Chen Kai's view, this is absolutely impossible ...


"Just let them dry up there, but pay close attention to them, and if they dare to attack, give them a hard lesson ..." Fang Chong took a look at all this at the command center, Fang Chong anti-thinking already knew Chen Kai's plans, but Fang Chong knew ~ www.readwn.com ~ but was unwilling to make them happy ...

"Understand ..." Although Fang Chong has a spoofing element in it, her daughters will not dislike Fang Chong's behavior.

Judging from the menacing appearance of the Southern Naval Base, they were bad visitors.

Often walking by the river, there is no reason for wet shoes. They don't believe in Chen Kai, they don't know.

Now their awkward expressions, a few girls laughed ...

As for Qin Jian, although the southern naval base is of great significance to him, his feelings have also changed a lot since the end of the last days. Although it sounds a bit offensive now, in Qin Jian ’s opinion, Some of their lessons are also good ...

"Also try to lock the radar and give them a surprise… .." Huang Qianchuan, who was afraid that the atmosphere was not tense enough, didn't know when Fang Chong appeared beside them ...

………………………………………………………… .. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support, Is my greatest motivation.)

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