I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 519: Eat its own fruits


Listening to the questions from the people around him, Chen Kai didn't answer. He slowly moved forward step by step with a surprised and doubtful expression. He didn't know if these young people who were standing a few meters away from them were on. The ruler of Shanghai Base City ...

He is unwilling to believe, but from the pressure they feel now, it feels like these young people are ...

Chen Kai's breathing slowly became a little rapid. Although his body was struggling to keep calm, his excessive surprise still made his body tremble slightly. m 【】 【】

The distance of tens of meters is not long or short, and within a short time, they came to Fang Chong ...

Although Fang Chong was young from a distance, when they really walked in front of them, they found that Fang Chong was younger than they thought. Chen Kai included the expressions of several people behind him. Can't help but twitch ...

"Who are you in Shanghai base city?" Standing at less than three meters from Fang Chong, Chen Kai stopped and asked, but his expression appeared because he wanted to work hard to calm down. It looks weird when it's stiff ...

"You can be understood as some administrators of the Shanghai base city ..." Fang Chong's expression was still and calm, and he said a little coldly, in the case of not having much impression on these people, this is considered good ...

"Our battleship is locked by your weapon system in Shanghai base city?" Although it has long been considered that Fang Chong's identity is not simple in Shanghai base city. [] [] But really wait to acknowledge. Even if it is not the highest authority in the Shanghai base city, the administrator is also a real figure in the base city. From this point, it has been proved that Fang Chong and their people are not simple, and it is not difficult to feel Fang Chong's breath It is not easy to worship their strength….

"Yes ..." Ling Ya, who operated this series of actions, made a noise.

"How do you know this without satellite radar ..." Chen Kai kept asking ...

"Do we have to answer these questions for you?" Huang Qianchuan's mouth slightly raised, and the smile on his face was full of taunts ...

"You ..." Hearing Huang Qianchuan's words and the expression on his face, a man standing beside Chen Kai, but his military uniform and other men in white, who had obvious differences, spoke out.

Obviously, with a mocking expression on Huang Qianchuan's face, he was very angry. After all, he was Chen Kaijin's guard. No one is allowed to treat this way.

"Why do you say this with a mocking expression, we are from the Huaxia military, from the Southern Naval Base, as the military of China. (Read the novel to come.) We have a mission, and you have an obligation ... "Chen Kaixin is impossible without anger, but in order to know the current situation of the Shanghai base market, he has to pretend, and at the same time he is very afraid of Fang Chong their strength.

"Military? What is the military?" Listening to Chen Kai's words. The ridiculous expression on Huang Qianchuan's face became stronger and stronger, and the arc rising from the corner of his mouth was not difficult to see, the disgust in his heart.

People like Chen Kai, they are thinking very clearly in their hearts now ...

"You ..." Chen Kai originally thought that when he moved out of the military, people like Fang Chong would be obedient, but what he didn't expect was that Fang Chong's other expressions remained the same. Huang Qianchuan would say something like this, and when he heard it, his face changed completely ...

"Why didn't you see your military when the last days erupted? We all came here when it was so dangerous in the early days, let alone now ..." Huang Qianchuan looked at Chen Kai with disdain, and Chen Kai is still the same The obsessed expression made Huang Qianchuan's glance more and more ...

"You are going to be hostile to the military ..." Chen Kai heard the words of Huang Qianchuan, and his heart jumped a little. He understood why Huang Qianchuan would be full of ridicule when they said these words. They did it after the end of the last days Things they all know?

Shocked by the situation. His expression was strong and calm, and he continued to move out of the military card ...

"The military counts. Fart." Huang Qianchuan was swearing. If it wasn't for him to know, Fang Chong and they would stop him, afraid he would have rushed forward in a short stride. Let Chen Kai wait for these people to slump and learn a little ...


"……………………." Chen Kai did not expect Huang Qianchuan to start cursing. While his face was flushed, he couldn't say a word.

And a sense of crisis that had never been entangled in his mind, he remembered the warnings of those who decided to hide their strength in the early days of the last days ...

It seems that they are in a state of being not trusted by the survivors ...

Elsewhere, it is difficult to say, but isn't everything they encounter now the scene they were worried about before?

"Well, I don't need to say anything else, just briefly explain your purpose of coming to Shanghai base city. This time, as the same Chinese people, we don't care about it, but next time I don't want you to step in again. The scope of the Shanghai base city ... "Fang Chong said, he did not plan to tear his face this time, after all, as he said, they are all Chinese ....

"We want new battleships from the Shanghai base city ~ www.readwn.com ~ new weapons, as well as technology to control satellite systems ..." Knowing that Fang Chong was not kidding, Chen Kai was indifferent to Fang Chong His expression was scared, and he took a deep breath and said everything he wanted.

"Do you think this is possible?" Fang Chong listened to such a request, he smiled ...

"What do you mean ..." Watching Fang Chong laughed, Chen Kai understood the ironic meaning of Fang Chong's words, and he was a little embarrassed and angry after a stupid expression ...

"We might give you what the Shanghai base city depends on to survive, to you, those military forces who can only be selfish and completely abandon all Huaxia robes when the danger comes?" Fang Chongsu said in his heart. dissatisfied….

"I tell you the truth from the fact that we knew that when the military made the choice after the end of the last days, we already had a plan. You go back. Do n’t make insignificant and impossible plans. You are very weak now. , Now is the time to eat its fruits ... "Qin Lan said.

…………………………………………………………………………………… .. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome Come to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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