I can't be killed by Ultraman

Chapter 31 31 Black King shows up

Chapter 31 31. King Black shows up halfway

The original shape of this flame capsule seemed to be like a stomach, used to convert the energy of the whole body into high-temperature flames and spray them out.

However, this time, it shrank rapidly under Bai Ye's baking and turned into a shape similar to a crystal.

What made Bai Ye even more happy was that as soon as he saw this flame capsule, he felt a slight agitation in his subconscious mind, as if a part of his body was longing for this thing.

Bai Ye made a prompt decision and quickly swallowed the flame capsule into his mouth, and at the same time kicked the somewhat boring piece of Garula meat to King Red who was standing beside him.

"Here, the rest are all yours."

King Red was naturally very happy, but at the same time he secretly complained in his heart: "How stupid! You don't want to eat such a big piece of meat, but you have to get such a small piece."

Of course, the only response to it was Bai Ye's one trillion degree flame attack.

The flame capsule was easily bitten into several pieces under the strong bite force of Bai Ye's mouthparts, and the flame energy hidden in it turned into powder and sprayed out, attaching to the surroundings of Bai Ye's mouth.

For a moment, Bai Ye could be said to have felt a sense of warmth inside his mouth, but after careful identification, it was a bit hot and spicy.

The taste was like some tender green peppers, with a bit of sweetness, and the spiciness was the eternal background. At the same time, there was a special sour feeling that spread throughout the body. This wonderful intersection of tastes made Bai Ye couldn't help but let out a satisfied groan.

"It's really a good thing!"

After Bai Ye swallowed the flame capsule completely, he only felt a pity.

There is only one such small flame capsule on each Garula, and it may be difficult for him to taste it again in the future.

At this time, the system prompt sounded: [Congratulations to the host for successfully swallowing the ancient monster Garula and obtaining a flame jet ability enhancement card! ]

Bai Ye's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he immediately opened the system to check the effect, and was even more delighted.

This ability card is not particularly outstanding, but it has only one benefit, which is that it can speed up Bai Ye's production of high-temperature flames and increase the range of the flames.

For Bai Ye, who only has two attack methods, one trillion degree fireball and close attack, this ability card is simply a blessing from heaven.

He quickly used the ability card, and a wave of flames instantly covered Bai Ye's whole body.

In an instant, Bai Ye felt that his whole body was filled with an extremely hot breath, and it began to spread uncontrollably throughout the body, and even the surface of the skin could emit bursts of white gas.

His carapace began to wrap around strange red lines, and the overall appearance was a strange red, faintly revealing a sense of demonic.

Feeling the changes in his body, Bai Ye suddenly felt a sense of comfort in his body.

In addition to being happy, Bai Ye was planning to go out and hunt a few more monsters. After all, one flame capsule was really not enough.

But at this moment, he seemed to sense something and quickly raised his head.

In the sky, a small black dot expanded rapidly, and in the end it turned into a huge black shadow.

It turned out to be a spaceship.

What the hell is going on?

Star Wars?

Looking at the rare scene in front of him, Bai Ye couldn't help but complain.

But no matter how you look at it, the target of the spaceship this time is himself!

Before Bai Ye came to his senses, a deafening roar came.

A missile exploded directly above Bai Ye's head, and the place where Bai Ye was standing was razed to the ground. The Red King beside him was blown beyond recognition and fell to the ground howling in pain.

Only Bai Ye relied on his strong defense to remain intact and still stood in the same place.

But the next moment, a huge mouth suddenly opened in the lower right corner of the spaceship, and a powerful Black King was thrown out from the spaceship.

What's more terrifying is that when Black King landed, the ground shook instantly.

This giant beast was as big as a mountain, with a majestic body and a pair of ferocious iron gloves on his hands.

The Red King, who was already powerful, looked like an ordinary corn cob in front of it, with no deterrent power at all.

The moment this Black King appeared, the air around him seemed to be oppressed by its breath.

The body of the Red King next to Bai Ye was also shaking constantly, as if he couldn't bear this huge power.

"Can you be a little more promising! Are you afraid of this thing?"

Bai Ye couldn't help but complain to Red King, and then a critical hit sent Red King flying out of the battlefield, then turned his head to look at Black King, and felt a little unhappy in his heart.

"It's really annoying, didn't anyone tell you not to disturb others when they are eating?"

"Oh, you dare to attack me?"

The anger slowly burned in his heart. Bai Ye now had no time to think about why the spaceship would launch monsters. Bai Ye just wanted to quickly tear these enemies who disturbed him to pieces.

On the other side, as soon as Black King landed on the ground, he rushed towards Bai Ye, and his sharp claws tore at the surroundings crazily, as if even the surrounding air would be torn by it, bringing out a series of piercing screams.

Faced with such a fierce attack, Bai Ye did not have any intention of retreating.

He flashed, dodged Black King's claws, and swung his forelimbs to chop at the opponent.

A layer of metal skin suddenly appeared on King Black's body, and then Bai Ye hit him hard on the chest with a powerful and heavy blow. The skin reflecting the metallic luster made a sharp clanging sound when it collided with Bai Ye's forelimbs.

But despite this, King Black's figure was still hit like a cannonball and flew thousands of meters away.

Bai Ye was obviously really angry. Normally, he would never use his forelimbs to do such a thing, but now it was completely based on the fighting instinct of humans at the time, and he used his forelimbs as a machete.

As the future king of monsters, Bai Ye could not tolerate such a monster provoking him.

Before King Black stood up, Bai Ye attacked with another one-trillion-degree fireball, and the strong flames spread instantly.

King Black screamed, and the whole pit was filled with strange smoke.

But it soon struggled to get up from the ground, hot smoke coming out of its steel-like arms, and there were scars and blood all over its body.


The Black King also roared, staring at Bai Ye with a pair of eyes as big as copper bells, and bloody light kept coming out of his eye sockets.

Obviously, it was not ready to give up on being injured by Bai Ye.

Bai Ye snorted coldly, moved quickly, and a fireball quickly condensed in his mouth.

Bai Ye had just received a reward of a one-trillion-degree fireball from Garula, and was worried that there was no enemy to try his hand. This Black King appeared just in time.


The fireball whistled away, and when it was still a certain distance away from the Black King, it exploded violently, and a sea of ​​fire quickly swept around.

The flames all over the sky formed a huge fire scene. Although the Black King standing in it could barely resist the erosion of the flames, he had already become a naked prey in Bai Ye's eyes.

This fire scene is where it will be buried!

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