I can't be killed by Ultraman

Chapter 7 7 Arrival at the Kingdom of Light!

Chapter 7 7. Arriving at the Kingdom of Light!

Bai Ye stared blankly at the scene in front of him, unable to believe his eyes.

In front of him was a huge planet, but everything on this planet was actually frozen, as if time had stopped flowing on this planet.

What is even more shocking is that there are giant bodies buried in the ice, and the deathly silence adds a bit of sadness and melancholy.

It seems that this is not a place where living beings should exist.

Just looking at this scene frozen for thousands of miles made Bai Ye's heart beat fiercely, and an unstoppable look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"This...can't be it?"

A prestigious name has already appeared in Bai Ye's mind.

In fact, it's the only place that matches everything you see.

That's right, the frozen giants Bai Ye saw just now were Ultra Warriors, and the name of the planet in front of him naturally went without saying, it was the legendary Ultra Star.

Thinking of this, Bai Ye couldn't help but reveal a helpless smile.

He spent a lot of time and made sufficient preparations in advance before using the 'time and space transfer card' to transfer to another random time and space before the battle.

But he never expected that he would travel to the Kingdom of Light, the headquarters of the Ultra clan.

Bai Ye was embarrassed on the spot.

What does that old saying mean?

Just after escaping from the wolf's den, he turned around and fell into the tiger's mouth again.

Fortunately, something is obviously not right in the Kingdom of Light in front of us.

Otherwise, a swarm of Ultraman would have swarmed out to capture this monster.

Looking at the entire history of the Kingdom of Light, there is only one possibility for this planet with countless glorious pasts to be frozen in this way - that is, the plasma spark was taken away by Beria.

"So, I have traveled to the time period in "Super Galaxy Legend 1"? But, is this traveling to another time and space? Or is it the same time and space, just traveling back to the past from the future time period?"

Bai Ye secretly thought, and couldn't help but feel doubtful in his heart.

But no matter what the situation is, at least he has got rid of the conflict with the three Ultraman Zero, Gauss, and Dyna, and can be regarded as saving his life.

"By the way, it seems that in the original work, after the Kingdom of Light was frozen, Mebius found the human Leonix Ramon..."

Thinking of this, Hakuye planned to leave the Kingdom of Light without looking back in order to avoid another conflict with Mebius and others.

Although he is not afraid of Mebius and others, the Ultra King has to guard against them.

Now in his larval form, he is far from being a match for the big guys.


However, before he had walked a few steps, a hungry sound suddenly sounded in Bai Ye's lower abdomen, and a particularly embarrassing smile suddenly appeared on his face.

Just at this moment, Bai Ye's stomach growled a few more times.

Um, by the way, I vaguely remember that Beria seemed to have left a few little monsters here when he left. Why don't you go hunt them first?

Food is the most important thing for the people, so no matter what, we cannot let ourselves go hungry.

Bai Ye hesitated, and finally crawled on the ice in the dark to search.

Well, five minutes after leaving the feeding master Baite, Bai Ye has already begun to miss the life where he used to have food to eat.

As for meeting Membius and others?

Just be careful.

On future earth.

Half an hour later.

The tentacled spaceman Baxter has been killed, and his big head fell to the ground casually. Unfortunately, he can no longer trigger the answer-to-questions passive.

This cosmic biology expert who specializes in the study of special creatures is not very strong in his own right. Without Jayton's assistance, he could barely make a draw against Gauss without the help of Jayton.

Not to mention that after the defense team found the flashing sword and Riverwatch found faith, he had to face the combined attack of three Ultra Warriors.

Dyna, who had just regained consciousness, was particularly vigilant and took the initiative to persuade the other two Ultra Warriors: "Where did that weird Jayton go? With its terrifying power, if it is not eliminated, it may cause a catastrophe." Woe!"

"What's more, the souls and bodies of 7 billion humans are still in its body. Only by killing it can we truly save this planet!"

Gauss looked embarrassed: "I understand this, but I don't know exactly where Jayton went."

Although he was the only one who transformed into an Ultra Warrior at the time of the explosion and was still at the forefront of the battlefield, he did not see clearly how Bai Ye disappeared at that time.

Dana sighed helplessly: "Is there really no other way?"


At this time, Sai Shao's firm voice sounded: "I just explored the area where it disappeared and discovered the twisted fluctuations that traveled through time and space."

"With the help of Palagi's Shield and the powerful power, we might be able to directly track the time and space that Jayton traveled through!"

On the frozen kingdom of light.

Bai Ye was lying on an ice layer, looking forward, his eyes full of hostility.

And his two forelimbs of the sickle, which exuded cold light, were raised high in front of him and rubbed against each other, as if they were sharpening their knives and making preparations for them.

On the opposite side of him, the person confronting Hakuno was not an Ultra Warrior, but a cute-looking monster bird.

Of course, the small bird is only relative to Hakuno's huge size.

However, Bai Ye did not dare to slack off. After all, the opponent was not really an ordinary bird, but a real space monster Bemonstan!

Bemonstan looked huge and bulky, covered with hard skin, and with those round eyes, he was indeed worthy of the word cute.

"Chichi squeak!"

Bemonstan roared and tried to force Bai Ye back.

However, its action aroused Bai Ye's interest even more.

It is said that Bemonstan's five-pointed mouth can produce a suction vortex that distorts the surrounding space, swallowing anything and converting it into its own energy. It looks very similar to Bai Ye's mysterious talent.

He wanted to try what this guy's energy absorption port looked like.

Immediately, a famous one trillion degree fireball opened the way first, and Bai Ye took the initiative to attack.

Bemonstan immediately opened the abdominal absorption port, and a light blue halo appeared, swallowing the one trillion degree fireball into it.

The extremely high temperature almost burst Bemundstan's stomach, making it scream miserably.

"Oh, so capable? Then try this trick!"

Hakuno said playfully, and quickly crawled over, using his sharp forelimbs and powerful tentacles to lash at Bemundstan fiercely.

Hyper Zetton's strength is far more than the classic one trillion degree fireball or petrifying light, his physical strength is truly terrifying.

You know, even in the original plot, the young Zetton can block Zero's plasma spark slash with its strong physical strength alone, not to mention that Hakuno's strength in this life is undoubtedly stronger!

And Bemundstan reacted and rushed towards Hakuno.


After a collision, Bemundstan finally realized his insignificance.

Hakuno's sharp forelimbs Bemundstan could not resist at all with his stiff skin alone, and was hit by a big sinus by a swing of his hand, and fell to the ground in an instant.

"Come on, let me try how delicious you are."

Bai Ye rubbed his forelimbs while making chilling low moans.

The primitive desire is rising.

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