When he received the text message from Yan Shuang, Wei Yichen was having dinner with a local supplier.

"Brother, I have no money for lunch, so I cry."

In a short ten-word text message, Wei Yichen seemed to have seen a sly face hidden under disguise, with a sweet smile and evil eyes. He was like a born little devil who took pleasure in playing with people's hearts.

"Mr. Wei..."

Seeing him absent-mindedly looking at the phone, the boss of the supplier said with sincerity, "Is the food unpalatable?"

"No," Wei Yichen took a sip of the wine glass, "My friend is looking for me... Excuse me for now." Wei Yichen nodded lightly, moved his chairs and stood up. Everyone at the table stood up, watched him go out, and looked at each other. After a few glances, he could clearly see the sweat on the other's forehead.

As soon as this ghost came to worry, they knew it was going to be bad.

What does Wei Yichen do? The imperial commissioner, specially to clean up people.

They have been with Wei Yichen all morning, Wei Yichen's attitude has always been ambiguous, he handed over the conversation, and he didn't seem to pick up, leaving their hearts in the air, it seems that this time it really can't be good.

"Hey," Wei Yichen got on the phone and said directly, "Where are the others?"

Before setting out to go to the south, he had already found a reliable person to stare at Yan Shuang according to Qin Yubai's instructions.

"I was in the hotel and arrived at 11:03. The front desk asked for the leftover buns from the morning, and then went upstairs and never came out."

Wei Yichen was silent for a while, "Baozi?"

"Baozi, Hanamaki, and others, I can't see clearly."

The person watching is on the second floor of the cafe opposite the hotel, observing with binoculars.

"Understood, keep watching."

"Okay, Mr. Wei."

Wei Yichen hung up the phone.

He also has a cell phone in his suit pocket.

It was supposed to be a brand new and almost completely unused phone.

Now there are traces of another person.

There are his phone calls, text messages, and downloaded ppts.

All day long, I held my mobile phone in my arms, and it turned out that I was making up lessons.

Wei Yichen lowered his eyes, lifted his suit, took out his close-fitting mobile phone, and downloaded the takeout software.

Select Shipping Address - Enter manually.

Wei Yichen lit a cigarette at the end of the corridor in the box.

He never smoked or drank alcohol when he was in the city.

The best housekeeper should be like an inanimate tool, and it is best to be infinitely close to the family's sweeping robot.

Tobacco and alcohol are not suitable for touch.

With light blue smoke coming out of the corner of his mouth, Wei Yichen raised his face, letting the smell of tobacco fall to the tip of his nose.

This is addictive nicotine.

I know it's harmful, I know it's addicting, I know I can't touch it after I return to the city, but I still can't help touching it in private when no one is there.

The more patient you are, the more itchy.

After smoking a cigarette, Wei Yichen called again, "How is the situation?"

The person monitoring was very surprised that Wei Yichen called again after a few minutes, but the other party was the boss who paid the money, so he still did his duty: "Just now... uh, someone came down now and went to the front desk to get a takeaway."

The corners of his lips tickled slightly, Wei Yichen opened the cigarette case, took out another cigarette and slowly slid it across the tip of his nose, "You said just now, what happened just now?"

"Ji Shao came just now, and the two went up together after meeting in the hall."

"Eight minutes ago, Ji Shao came down alone."

"Mr. Wei, are you still here?"

"Yes," Wei Yichen said lightly, folding the cigarette on his fingertips into two pieces with his fingers, "Then keep an eye on it and report at any time."

The close phone vibrated.

Wei Yichen lazily took out his phone.

"What did you order?"

Wei Yichen didn't reply, just stared at three words and a question mark on the screen.

Maybe this message was sent in groups.

Including the previous one.

Wei Yichen was amused by his own thoughts, the corners of his mouth on both sides rose, and then slowly and tensely fell.

"Mr. Wei..."

Wei Yichen had been away from the box for too long, and the supplier inside couldn't sit still and came out to find someone. Seeing him staring at the phone blankly, his legs were shaking, for fear that the notorious butler in front of him would call him in the next second. He **** off.

Wei Yichen put away the phone, threw away the residual smoke from his fingertips, and put on a business-like face, "Let's go."

Yan Shuang didn't eat that luxurious Japanese bento, and there was a refrigerator at the front desk.

There was only one class in the afternoon, and Yan Shuang had a very full line for himself.

Work for two hours, finish class, do bad things after class, then go back to the hotel to do homework, and finally wait for Xiaoji to deliver the check.


In addition to convenience stores, Yan Shuang also distributes flyers at gas stations part-time.

Check out the real estate around the city.

The two-hour leaflet was handed out, and it was so hot that I was sweating, and my bangs were all wet.

The auntie at the gas station was very nice. She brought him a disposable cup and poured water for him, "Xiaoyan, drink water."

"Thank you." Yan Shuang thanked him, pushed back his soaked bangs, raised his head and drank the water in one breath, rubbed the disposable cup into a ball, squinted his eyes, raised his hand, buttoned it down, and accurately Garbage is thrown into a trash can a few meters away.


Yan Shuangxiao nodded his head proudly.

"Auntie, let's go."

Yan Shuang loudly greeted the people in the gas station store, waved his hand vigorously, and ran to the bus station with a ragged canvas bag.

These three scenes were all turned into photos and texts and sent to Wei Yichen's mobile phone.

Thumbs slid across the first photo, with his head down and his arms reddened, and paused in the second.

The person who took the photo should have no superfluous ideas, and the shooting method is not professional.

Just happened to capture this scene.

The wet bangs were lifted back, revealing a smooth and full forehead, her slender body leaned against the wall casually, her arms stretched naturally, and her face was bright and flamboyant.

Another different face.

Wei Yichen's eyes were slightly blurred.

Which one is the real him?

Yan Shuang noticed something unusual during the morning and afternoon classes.

Someone in the classroom was staring at him.

This is strange.

As a transparent person in the school, he hasn't implemented his plan to debut as C, why is someone eyeing him?

Nine times out of ten, Qin Yu did a good thing for nothing.


Have money and nowhere to spend?

If you want to know what to do, just ask him directly.

Spend that money.

All are family.


In this regard, Yan Shuang said that it doesn't matter to monitor him, just don't hurt his business.

get out of class has ended.

Yan Shuang walked out of the classroom following the flow of people.

He hadn't noticed the abnormality before, but now that he has taken precautions, he can indeed feel a vague line of sight coming from the rear right.

Yan Shuang calmly walked out of the teaching building and walked to a remote biology teaching building in the school.

The teaching building is old and the facilities are outdated. It is said that it will be renovated and refurbished soon. There are basically no classes here. The most common thing for students to come to this building is to go to the toilet.

Yan Shuang walked into the men's toilet.

Open the compartment doors one by one.

No one at all.

very good.

Walking into one of them, Yan Shuang waited quietly.

About ten minutes later, someone walked in.

The footsteps landed on the ground of the porcelain drill, and the sound was crisp.

It's the sound of shoes.

Yan Shuang pushed open the compartment door directly, and the man who followed up caught the eye of the person under surveillance.

The man quickly turned his face, opened the zipper, and pretended to go to the toilet.

And Yan Shuang leaned on the door of the compartment and said casually: "Friend, don't take it out. I'm afraid Qin Yubai knows that I have seen your Jill, and your happiness will be in trouble in the next half of your life."

The man pulled the zipper without a second, turned his head and bowed to Yan Shuang, "Hello, Mr. Yan."

Yan Shuang raised his eyebrows, so acquainted, it saved him a lot of words.

"It's not convenient here, let's find a place to talk."

A convenient place - the dissection room.

The cabinet was filled with various organs soaked in formalin. Yan Shuang sat in the middle of the jar and asked curiously, "When did you start monitoring me?"


"Then what did you see?"

"Seeing that Ji Shao came to you, you went downstairs and got a takeaway."

"Have you reported it?"

"Report to class."

"Why are you so honest?" Yan Shuang couldn't help but said, "I asked you to tell me?"

The man raised his head, "Mr. Wei said that if you find out, you will be honest and don't resist."

Yan Shuang was slightly stunned, and then smiled lowly. He supported his face with one hand and smiled sweetly in the pile of internal organs, "He is really smart."

The man obeyed Wei Yichen's orders and lowered his head.

- "If he finds out, you can answer whatever he asks, don't have any conflict with him, try to avoid it."

That's what Wei Yichen explained to him.

It seems that the object of surveillance is not an ordinary college student, but a vicious criminal.

Yan Shuang jumped off the platform.

The jar on the stage shook slightly, and the liquid flowed up and down.

"I'm going to do bad things for the next hour, don't follow me."

He walked briskly towards the door.

"I will tell Wei Yichen."

The stalker stood helplessly and had to send a message to Wei Yichen first.

"Mr. Wei, it was discovered."

Wei Yichen had already ended his inhumane mentality towards the supplier, and was working in the hotel. Just as he was about to reply to the text message, another phone call came in immediately.

"Book a Lover" call.

Wei Yichen answered the phone calmly, "Hello?"

"Did you order lunch?"


The other end of the phone smiled.

"If you say no, it's not."

"I'm going to an Internet cafe to open a computer, and go to the school forum to anonymously spread the photos of me and Ji Yao's opening room. It will take about an hour. Can you let that person pretend that I am studying in a hotel during this hour?"

A long series of words came out in a succinct manner. Yan Shuang spoke at a slow pace and his voice was gentle. Wei Yichen could interrupt at any time, but he listened to it completely, and his face was calm.

The blue light from the laptop reflected on his face, illuminating the faint light in his eyes.

"Internet cafes are monitored," Wei Yichen slowly analyzed the loopholes for him, "You can track IP by posting."

"It doesn't matter, I've already thought about it. It doesn't matter if I change into women's clothes, and it doesn't matter if the surveillance captures it."

The Adam's apple rolled slowly, and Wei Yichen unconsciously rubbed the pen in his hand.

"Promise me."

There was a low voice on the other end of the phone.

"I'll show you a little skirt."

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