Yan Shuang got out of the car, his footsteps were very unnatural, but he was not injured.

The physique that the abused text always suffers can always be trusted.

Even in the car, so rude and unprepared, Yan Shuang was still cool.

To describe it as cool is a bit one-sided.

Should be cool.

Yan Shuang licked his lips, just not enjoying himself enough.

The process is undoubtedly happy, but the side effects it brings cannot be ignored either.

The wet feeling is uncomfortable.

Not to mention a vacuum.

Yan Shuang walked on the campus as if nothing had happened, walking towards the dormitory like a transparent person.

The trail covered by the bushes was the closest to the dormitory. Yan Shuang was in a hurry to go back to clean, so he copied the trail and froze before he took two steps.

In the midst of the fallen flowers and trees stood a man like ice and snow, with red flowers and green leaves, white clothes and trousers.

"Ji Yao…"

Yan Shuang's hand holding the canvas bag suddenly trembled, and he quickly lowered his face, standing stiffly and not daring to move.

In a second, he is really a god.

Cold eyes slowly slid down the top of his hair, all the way from his cheeks to his thin body and slender limbs, with serious scrutiny.

"Are you going to cry again?"

Indifferent words came to my ears.

Yan Shuang didn't even dare to shake.

The footsteps slowly approached him, and the unique cold fragrance of Ji Yao penetrated into the tip of his nose.

"You promised me not to see him again."

Slight sobbing spread out in the trail.

Ji Yao stretched out his hand, he wanted to grab the black hair and completely strip the face from the protection of the black hair, and then asked him why he was so condescending.

He has given him money.

He was also given asylum.

But still not enough.

"Yes, I'm sorry..." Yan Shuang cried and apologized to Ji Yao, but he just didn't explain.

Ambiguity is the essence of sadomasochism.

What's the point of a showdown?

Ji Yao said indifferently, "I don't want to see you again."

He turned to leave, but his waist was tightly bound by two slender arms.

"do not want-"

The temperature and touch of the other person made Ji Shan feel unpleasant almost instantly, and the nerves all over his body immediately tense.

"Let go."

These two words almost popped out of the gap between the teeth.

The more he said this, the less Yan Shuang would of course let go.

Ji Yao threw the mouse and refused to touch him, so of course he could only hold him in his arms.

Yan Shuang pressed his tear-drenched face tightly to Ji Yao's back, and kept saying "I'm sorry."

The heat and dampness spread through the shirt to his back, and an unfamiliar tremor spread throughout his body.

Yan Shuang just got off Qin Yubai's car.

What did he do with Qin Yubai in the car, although Ji Yao only heard one sound, it was enough to fill all the blank imaginations.

And Yan Shuang is now holding him tightly.

Ji Yao thought he would feel sick to the point of vomiting.

But he didn't.

Violent emotions reverberated in his chest, and the image he had just imagined appeared in his mind.

His blue-veined arm grabbed Yan Shuang's black hair, causing his fragile face to look up, his eyes filled with helpless tears.

Yan Shuang was still chattering and apologizing.

Ji Yao finally couldn't bear it anymore, he stretched out his hand and grabbed Yan Shuang's arm.

Yan Shuang's skin was slightly cool and incredibly smooth, it almost seemed to melt in Ji Yao's hot palm, Ji Yao forcefully shook the person away.

Yan Shuang groaned and fell to the ground.

The white fabric flew out of the shallow pocket of the jeans and landed at Ji Yao's feet.

The air seemed to freeze for a moment.

Ji Yao's eyes were fixed on the white cloth, and then he slowly shifted his gaze to Yan Shuang's face.

Yan Shuang was completely stunned. He cried so hard that the glasses on the bridge of his nose were skewed, and the black frame was like a dividing line, revealing half-clear eyes.

He looked weak, pitiful, and innocent.

But the fact is that he got out of a man's car early in the morning.

Not even wearing underwear.

Ji Yao couldn't tell how he was feeling right now.

There seems to be a volcano hidden in the chest and it seems to be experiencing a tsunami.

He only knows that he should leave now, otherwise, he may do something that he himself can't bear.

Ji Yao left, and his figure cut through the forest decisively, as if he would never come back.

The audience ran away.

Yan Shuang stopped the performance immediately, and his eyes stopped crying like a faucet.


How beautiful he was crying.

I even twisted my glasses a little bit.

Don't watch for a while.

A virgin man can't help but be amused, and a pair of underwear can scare his soul away.

Yan Shuang curled his lips boringly, stood up, picked up his **** and put them in his pockets, and sent a message to Wei Yichen, "Brother Wei, can you put two sleeves in your boss's suit pocket, he's in heat anytime, anywhere, so troublesome. ."

"You seem to be distracted a lot lately."

Qin Yubai glanced at the housekeeper who was holding the phone again, with a hint of warning and displeasure in his tone.

Wei Yichen raised his head, "Mr. Qin, come this way. I called Amy to come down and take care of the wound on your face before going up to the meeting."

Qin Yubai retracted his gaze and wiped his cheek with the back of his hand, still feeling the burning pain.

That stubborn, unyielding face came to mind.

Qin Yubai: "Tell that Yan Guofu from the warehouse to keep an eye on him and not allow him to leave for half a step."


Amy, one of the secretaries, came down and brought the medicine box and powder as Wei Yichen ordered.

Qin Yubai sat on the sofa with a gloomy face, and Amy didn't even dare to look at him.

Commander Ba is handsome, and he is very handsome. The secretaries, whether male or female, have not given birth to any extra thoughts. Their boss is simply the incarnation of Grandet. Calling the ruthless capitalist of the expert.

The money attribute overshadowed his handsome skin and was daunting.

Today, a slap print suddenly appeared on this stern face, and there were several scratches, even on the neck, which looked like it was injured by a disobedient bedmate.

"All right-"

Qin Yubai pushed the female secretary's hand away, preventing her from putting powder on his neck.

Amy packed up his things without saying a word, glanced at Wei Yichen, got a positive look, and stepped out with a sigh of relief.

"Mr. Qin, the meeting will start in ten minutes."

Wei Yichen said respectfully.

Qin Yubai sat without saying a word, the sweet fragrance of cosmetics lingered on the tip of his nose, and said gloomily: "Am I too out of control today?"

Wei Yichen said objectively, "Yes."

The living room was silent except for the sound of breathing.

"Is he worthy?"

Qin Yubai asked and answered himself, with a loud voice, "He doesn't deserve it."

But he couldn't control himself.

either in bed.

Still under the bed.

Almost every time he met Yan Shuang, he would easily ignite his anger.

He admits that he is not a good-natured person, but there are not many people like Yan Shuang who can really irritate him.

Qin Yubai held his forehead, "Should I chill him for two days?"

"If so, I think Mr. Yan should be very happy."

Qin Yubai's face twisted for a moment, and his eyes shot sharply at Wei Yichen, "You always like to tell the truth."

"Loyalty is hard to hear."

"It's not against my ears," Qin Yubai retracted his gaze, "it's a fact."

"I don't want to make him happy," Qin Yubai said lightly, "I want him to cry, and let him kneel and beg me for mercy."

"Sir," Wei Yichen changed his title, representing his role as a more private housekeeper, "Why?"

Qin Yubai fell into a trance briefly.


He didn't think about it.

He didn't want to be nice to him, because it was just a substitute and a fake, and he had to distinguish Yan Shuang from Qin Qing clearly.

There can be no confusion at all.

Yan Shuang just needs to play the obedient and obedient role. He shouldn't have his own personality, his own thoughts, his own feelings.

But he is not a lump of mud.

He is a thorn in the hand.

The harder you grab it, the more blood drips from it.

"Mr. Qin, it's time for the meeting."

When the time to think about life is over, Qin Yubai will devote himself to endless work again. He said to Wei Yichen, "Send someone to clean up the car."

Wei Yichen lowered his face, a faint light flashed in his eyes, "Okay."

Yan Shuang went back to the dormitory for a brief treatment, changed his clothes, and took the time to go to literature class.

Yan Shuang didn't pretend to occupy a seat for Ji Yao this time. When someone came to sit next to him, he just let it go.

Ji Yao was really stimulated today, it is estimated that it is impossible to appear.

This class was mainly about giving assignments, so a group of people all sat together.

There are four boys next to Yan Shuang, they are all in a group, only Yan Shuang is alone, and they are alone.

Since teaming up with Ji Yao, Yan Shuang has prepared plan B.

If Ji Yao didn't show up, he would throw all the blame on Ji Yao alone.

If you want to deduct it, deduct Ji Yao's points.

This part of Ji Yao's class in the school has long been notorious. I believe that the teacher will not blame him. Maybe he will pity him for teaming up with Ji Yao, a weird genius, and give him more sympathy points.

After thinking about the plan, Yan Shuang still sent a text message to Ji Yao.

"Ji Yao, will you come to class? We are a group, and we have to do homework together. This is really important to me. I beg you, you promised me."

Until the official start of the class, when the professor announced the assignment, Ji Yao never responded.

Groups came to the stage and started their heartfelt speeches.

The professor clapped his lips with joy, applauding as if he were watching a play, and then circled the roster.

The groups came to the stage one by one. I don't know if it was a coincidence or intentional, but it was never the turn of Yan Shuang's group.

In the end, the nose of the professor sitting on the side slipped twice in the air on the roster, and said strangely: "Ji Yao is left... Yan Shuang? Who is Yan Shuang?"

The entire classroom was silent.

Who is Yan Shuang?

No one really knew it before.

But now the name has gained some popularity.

—The person who opened a room with Ji Yao.

It's just that the face and name don't match up a bit, he looks blurry and has no memory. It's hard to remember what he looks like.

Yan Shuang, who was named and stood up, was neither tall nor short, with dark and bushy hair, which was pressed against him, covering almost half of his face, as if he had no facial features.

The students looked at Yan Shuang curiously.

Nothing malicious, just out of curiosity.

In fact, most people think that Ji Yao and Yan Shuang should not be like that.

Although there were photos, and even Ji Yao led people away in front of everyone's eyes, everyone still subconsciously felt that there was some misunderstanding.

The gap is too big.

For someone like Ji Yao, it's really hard to imagine what kind of relationship he would have with such an ordinary person.

"Teacher," Yan Shuang said warmly, "My team member is Ji Yao."

The professor was stunned for a moment and then smiled, "What about your team members?"

"He..." Yan Shuang lied, "He's not feeling well."

The professor also knew about Ji Yao's stinky virtue and had no intention of embarrassing Yan Shuang, "Then you speak on behalf of your group, it's all the same."

"Thank you, teacher."

As expected.

He is such an inconspicuous child, with excellent grades, low-key and diligent. Although the professor has no impression of him, he does not have any bad feelings towards him. He waved his hand and motioned Yan Shuang to publish.

Yan Shuang stepped onto the stage.

Everyone is looking at him.

The ppt was with Ji Yao, and he could only speak dryly on stage.

Everyone was surprised that this inconspicuous Yan Shuang spoke with no stage fright, his voice was neither light nor heavy, clean and comfortable, and he expressed his unique views and opinions in a eloquent manner.

Unconsciously, everyone gradually forgot to spy on the relationship between Yan Shuang and Ji Yao, but immersed in Yan Shuang's speech.

When Yan Shuang finished the last word, the professor took the lead in applauding.

Of course, he would applaud at the end of each group.

The classmates in the audience also naturally applauded together.

Zhang Shuai, who was in the same dormitory, was crazy, and even whistled, causing a burst of laughter.

It is admirable to be able to speak so smoothly and naturally without being boring.

"That's really good, isn't it Yan Shuang?" The professor wrote an "A" and continued to praise: "The opinion is very unique, I like it very much."

"Thank you, teacher."

Yan Shuang bent over to thank him, and finally heaved a sigh of relief, revealing a faint smile.

In fact, Yan Shuang's study is quite good.

He is poor, poor, and no one loves him, but it does not affect his efforts, progress, and desire to live a better life.

He's talented, hard-working, and there's no reason not to be great.

Now, he will continue to be better and better.

Then win the highest scholarship at the end of the semester! yeah!

The bright smile on the podium appeared on Wei Yichen's phone in real time.

Interestingly, the last message on his phone was a message from this good student urging him to buy a set.

A kind and good student.

Slutty bitch.

Wei Yichen looked at the different sides of Yan Shuang and kept thinking about which one is the real Yan Shuang.

At this moment, he suddenly figured it out.

Each...is the real Yan Shuang.

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