Yan Shuang didn't speak or struggle, and quietly looked at Qin Yubai who was holding him.

The expression on Qin Yubai's face was as if he would collapse if he said one more word.

Yan Shuang reflected in his heart: Did he force Qin Yubai to do this?

"You won," Qin Yubai repeated, Yan Shuang smelled the slightly pungent smell of tobacco on him, "Are you happy?"

Yan Shuang thought to himself: Happy.

The emotional line is already 90, of course he is happy.

The core of his relationship with Qin Yubai is sadomasochism.

The moment of falling in love is also the beginning of tragedy.

When it reaches 100, that is when the two of them are completely separated.

Now that Qin Yubai is trapped, should he also express it symbolically?

Yan Shuang thought about it for a while, he shouldn't have slapped Qin Yu twice as much as he loves him, right?

The servants in the house consciously hid, Qin Yubai carried Yan Shuang upstairs and did not meet anyone. It seemed that there were only the two of them left in the whole building, empty and echoing with loneliness.

Qin Yubai carried the person back to his bedroom, put him on the bed, lay down, stretched out his hand and pulled the quilt to cover Yan Shuang.

Yan Shuang stretched out his hand to block the quilt, "I want to go back."

The arm was forcibly pulled down, and Yan Shuang was wrapped tightly by Qin Yu, "You can't go anywhere, just stay honest."

Yan Shuang was silent for a moment, thought about it, and decided to continue to stimulate him, "What I said in the car is true..."

"Shut up."

Qin Yubai's tone turned cold again, and the quilt was pulled until Yan Shuang's lips were pressed, making Yan Shuang speechless.

"Don't worry, I will find the person and make him regret the person who touched me."

Yan Shuang: "?"

Tiezi, are you going in the wrong direction?

The others are lying here, revenge on him first?

It's too far away, isn't it?

"Stay honest."

As soon as Qin Yubai let go, Yan Shuang immediately became dishonest. He lifted the quilt with his arms and was about to run away, but Qin Yubai still pushed him back.

"The contract is still in my hands," Qin Yubai said calmly, but a stinging pain surged in his heart. How did they return to the original point in the end? "Can you afford the penalty?"

"You might think I can't do anything to you."

"You can try it."

Qin Yubai let go of his hand, he stood up straight, looked down at Yan Shuang, "Do you want to drop out of school and go to jail?"

Yan Shuang looked at Qin Yubai in disbelief, thinking that Qin Yubai, you finally remembered that you are a scumbag.

Slag Gong has no heart, Slag Gong does not understand love, Slag Gong will only coerce and lure, and will do anything to achieve his goals.

Even if he likes him.

so what?

If he refuses to love him, does he kowtow and kneel to pray for his love?


Can't do it.

"You will sleep here tonight," Qin Yubai said lightly, inserting his hand into his pocket, "I will call someone to check on you tomorrow."

Yan Shuang: "..."

He really wanted to jump up and kiss Qin Yubai.

That's right, that's it, the more you like it, the more you want to stab people in the heart.

Sadomasochism activist Qin Dadan.

Yan Shuang thought to himself that if he didn't express his expression, he couldn't justify it.

Laughter suddenly sounded in the room.

At the first sound, Qin Yubai thought that he had heard it wrong.

Afterwards, the laughter continued, Qin Yubai didn't say anything to stop it, and let Yan Shuang laugh strangely on the bed.

Yan Shuang laughed and trembled, "In the car... you have already... kissed me..." With his fingertips on his lips, his smile was uglier than crying, "I am bleeding, and you are bleeding, if I am sick Well, so do you..."

Qin Yubai stood quietly, his expression did not fluctuate at all, and his tone was still flat, "I mean let someone come and see if you have any frostbite."

Yan Shuang was still laughing, with tears oozing from the corners of his eyes, he took a deep breath, leaned his face on the pillow, frowned slightly, and looked sarcastic and sarcastic, "Really?"

Qin Yubai looked down at him and said coldly, "You look like a ghost, I think it's necessary for someone to check your brain."

Yan Shuang fell silent.

They are going to great lengths to hurt each other as hard as they can to justify each other's feelings.

It still hurts, but it is still love.

Yan Shuang suddenly lifted the quilt covering him. His body was fair and attractive, glowing lustrous under the light. He smiled provocatively at Qin Yubai, "I want to fulfill the contract now."

This is the first time Yan Shuang has taken the initiative between them.

But in this situation.

Heartache, really hurts.

Qin Yubai couldn't describe the feeling. For a moment, he wanted to go back to the time when nothing happened before he met Yan Shuang. It turned out that the suffering at that time was already a kind of happiness.

What can be controlled is desire.

The uncontrollable... is the emotion.

"Go to sleep," Qin Yubai said, holding back the pain in his heart, expressionlessly, "What's the matter, I'll talk about it when you wake up tomorrow."

"Don't you dare?" Yan Shuang mocked.

"Why don't I dare?" Qin Yubai was suddenly annoyed, he pressed one knee on the bed, stretched out his hand to grab Yan Shuang's chin, his tone was cold and mixed with anger, "Don't take yourself too seriously, you are my vent. I don't have that interest right now, understand?"

Yan Shuang: Ah, he hasn't heard Qin Yubai humiliate him for a while. It's like listening to Xian Le's ears.

The two were so close that Qin Yubai could clearly see every subtle change on Yan Shuang's face.

His nose trembled slightly, his eyelashes were fluttering, his teeth protruded from the gap between his lips, and he would immediately bite those two lips.

This is his signature move to endure pain.

is it? He is also in pain.

That's good.

Why would they want to maintain a relationship that hurts both of them?

But to let him let go now, he would never agree.

I would rather be in pain than let him go, let myself go.

Humans are contradictory creatures.

Qin Yu let go of his hands and regained his composure, "Sleep, you need to rest now."

Yan tilted his head to one side, stared at a point in the air, silent for a while, and said, "I don't want to sleep here."


Yan Shuang sat up and said to himself, "I want to sleep on the third floor."

The air pressure in the room dropped significantly.


Yan Shuang raised his face and said word by word, "I don't want to sleep with you."

"I'm going to sleep downstairs," Qin Yubai leaned over, watching Yan Shuang pick up the person with a warning eye, moving cautiously and cautiously, "No more tossing, don't sleep tonight."

He didn't say it was okay, but when he said that, Yan Shuang wanted to be a demon again.

Yan Shuang turned his face and bit Qin Yubai's chest muscles. Soon, even through his shirt, Yan Shuang could taste the smell of blood.

Shielding the pain, he has no worries whether it is beating or biting, and the next mouth is a quick and accurate.

Qin Yubai said nothing and carried the person back to the small room before.

Instead of going through the painting, he walked through the door of the room.

The small room remained the same as when Yan Shuang left.

Qin Yubai put the man down, but the arm around his neck was still tightly twisted, and he refused to let go. He lowered his eyes and looked at Yan Shuang in the dark.

Such a reserved gesture expresses the diametrically opposite meaning.

Those eyes stared at him in the dark, hateful.

Going back to the original point seems like an overly optimistic idea, but it's clearly... worse than that time.

With a heavy heart, Qin Yubai smiled and said, "It seems that I don't care about you today, you are reluctant to let me go."

The wrist was bitten hard.

He has suffered more injuries during this period than the previous twenty years combined.

Qin Yubai said to himself, "It's so cheap."

The force from the wrist is heavier.

Qin Yubai lowered his head, followed the direction of his wrist, kissed the soft lips, and at the same time kissed a little blood flowing from his wrist.

The moment the four lips touched, Yan Shuang bounced off as if he was hot.

Qin Yu's white wrist fell, and suddenly he thought of a joke he said when he was drunk.

"People who love each other kiss."

The room was eerily quiet for a moment.

Something... something he and Yan Shuang both know is rolling around in the house.

It's just that none of them can admit it, and no one can say it.

Qin Yubai leaned over and kissed.

Yan Shuang struggled to escape silently.

As soon as the lips touch and the tip of the tongue twists together, the feeling of intimacy spreads all over the body, and there is no way to hide the obsession.

The body does not lie.

The crumpled shirts and suits were all thrown under the bed.

It's been a long time.

Embracing this body again, Qin Yubai was so invested that he didn't think about anything in his mind, just a moment of joy, that's all.

After returning to silence, the breathing in the room was deep and shallow, and the heartbeats sticking together went from violent to calm, sharing a gradually similar frequency.

A spark of joy and excitement remained in his brain, temporarily suppressing all other thoughts, Qin Yubai hugged Yan Shuang from behind, lowered his head and kissed him lightly on the shoulder.

Yan Shuang shuddered, Qin Yubai's bed skills belonged to the advanced type, and he improved every time, which was contrary to his attitude towards love. The more he liked it, the better he lived.

Yan Shuang praised him with one word.


A sneer.

The lazy voice after the lingering rhyme replied: "If you beg me, I won't stay."

Yan Shuang: Okay, okay, just leave when you're done serving.

Qin Yubai was wearing a shirt and trousers in the dark. He walked to the door and looked back at Yan Shuang, who was lying quietly in the dark. He strangely remembered that Yan Shuang was all wrapped in clothes and went back to the room in embarrassment.

Is that how it feels?

I can't feel any trace of being cherished at all, or even just a little favor.

He closed the door and looked up at the silent third floor again.

He hadn't gotten a response from Qin Qing for a long time, but he was used to it, and at most felt a little bitter.

And tonight...

Qin Yubai lowered his head and smiled bitterly.

Back in the living room downstairs, Qin Yubai walked into the kitchen and found that the housekeeper was cooking milk.


Qin Yubai glanced at the cup in his hand.

"Mr. Yan hasn't eaten anything since he came back. I think he should drink at least a glass of milk before going to bed."

Qin Yubai opened the wine cabinet without a word, took a bottle of red wine, and said lightly, "Are you too empathetic?"

"Mr. misunderstood," the butler poured the hot milk into the cup and said calmly, "I just take care of Mr. Yan as a member of the family, such as the young master."

The wine was poured into the glass, Qin Yubai was too lazy to sober up, took a sip, it was astringent and sour, the aroma of roses just swept away, and the aftertaste was only endless bitterness.

The housekeeper was holding the milk still, waiting for the master's approval.

Qin Yubai drank half of the wine in the glass, put down the glass, and poured himself the wine again.

In the sound of the wine pouring into the wine glass, the owner spoke lazily.

"Give him more sugar, he likes sweets."

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