Yan Shuang opened his eyes and saw Qin Yubai's thinner face than before. There was some imperceptible nervousness in his expression, and he showed a tentative gentle smile to Yan Shuang, "Why, are you still dizzy?"

Yan Shuang looked at him intently.

When Qin Yubai couldn't hold back his expression when he saw it, Yan Shuangcai smiled slightly, "Big brother."

When he heard Yan Shuang's big brother, Qin Yubai's whole body relaxed, and he reached out and wiped Yan Shuang's forehead lightly, "Scare big brother."

Yan Shuang: Grass, Xiao Qin entered the show so fast, he can't lose.

Yan Shuang hugged Qin Yubai's waist and arched it attached, "My headache is dead."

The feeling of being hugged by this person again was good enough for Qin Yubai to forget all the pain and unwillingness during this time.

A sense of euphoria fills his chest.

Qin Yubai stared at this face full of attachment and knew that his choice was the right one.

He did not make this choice on impulse.

On the contrary, he decided to take this risky move after careful consideration.

It doesn't matter how it started, it doesn't make any sense to study what went wrong in the middle, what has happened is there anyway, what matters is how he can continue to walk with Yan Shuang.

Overindulging in past mistakes can only lead to missed opportunities in the future.

Many years ago, he was not cruel, he believed in the so-called power of man himself, and he thought he could help Qin Qing out of the shadows.

The truth is, he failed.

It is better to erase all the bad past.

Yan Shuang has always been by his side, and he grew up favored by him. There is no haze in his life, and there is no pain between them.

How beautiful.

As if everything had started from scratch.

"I told you to wear less clothes," Qin Yubai squeezed Yanshuang's hands, his tone was mild and a little reproachful, "It seems that you have caught a cold, and you will have to suffer."

"It's okay, it's just a headache," Yan Shuang raised his face, "You said you were going to take me to see the snow today."

Qin Yubai said calmly: "You are not feeling well now, let's talk about it later."

What Yan Shuang wants to say, Qin Yubai has already let go of his hand, leaned over and kissed him lightly, "The company has something to do temporarily, you can rest for a while, we will go back to China in the afternoon, and come back to play next time, okay?"

"Okay..." Yan Duanyu was disappointed, but he obeyed obediently.

He lay back on the bed, his black hair was fluffy, his face was fair, and the expression on his face was tame and docile. Everything was what Qin Yubai dreamed of.

He made the wrong decision, but fortunately, he ended up on the right path.

Qin Yubai left the room, closed the door, and immediately went to the next door.

Qi Feiyun was holding a cup of coffee, staring at the dark clouds outside the window.

Since yesterday, it has been looking as if it is going to rain or snow, but I have been holding on to it, and it has been gloomy until today.

The door opened, he followed the sound, and after seeing Qin Yubai, he put down the coffee cup and stood up.

Facing the doctor who performed a stunt, Qin Yubai couldn't help but bow down and said politely: "Doctor Qi, thank you, I have already given the reward to your teacher, you master and apprentice are free."

After a moment of silence, Qi Feiyun said, "There will be a brief confusion in his memory during this time. This is a normal reaction. Please don't try to correct him, Mr. Qin."

Before being hypnotized, Qi Feiyun had already communicated with Qin Yubai.

"The human brain is a labyrinth. Reconstruction after eradication may cause huge damage to his subconscious. In layman's terms, he may become a fool. Can Mr. Qin bear such consequences?"

"No, I don't want him to be like that."

"Then I can only take another way to overwrite the memory."

"What's the meaning?"

"He will project all intimacy and attachment to you, and the protagonist in his memory will become you. Of course, there will be no pain, only beauty will be left."

Qi Feiyun really has extraordinary abilities.

After waking up, Yan Shuang said that he had said that he would take him to see the snow.

But Qin Yubai clearly never said such a thing.

It should be Ji Yao's promise.

It's just a little thing.

Since he chose to accept it, Qin Yubai had already prepared himself mentally.

Yan Shuang is just relying on Ji Yao after a little lovelorn.

After all, it's all because of him.

Moreover, from today, Yan Shuang's eyes can only see him alone.

They have started over, he should look forward, Yan Shuang will soon be on the right track from the short-lived chaos.

"I understand," Qin Yubai said calmly, "I hope no fourth person knows about this."

"This, Mr. Qin can rest assured."

In this regard, Dr. Smith did not only accept his orders, and Qin Yubai had nothing to say, even though Qi Feiyun was also a Chinese, which made him a little uneasy.

He asked what Qi Feiyun meant by "osmanthus tree" at the end. Qi Feiyun told him that it was equivalent to a door, locking the entire maze. Without that door, Yan Shuang's mind would fall into a chaotic conflict between old and new memories. among.

Qin Yubai accepted this statement and remained vigilant.

Even if Qi Feiyun is Chinese, if something goes wrong with Yan Shuang, it is easy to find him to solve it.

Qin Yubai sent someone to take Qi Feiyun out, returned to Yan Shuang's room, knocked on the door lightly, and said a few words to Yan Shuang before taking Yan Shuang away.

"What's wrong with the company? In such a hurry?" Yan Bi said while putting on his shoes, and yawned.

The hypnosis took a long time, and his brain left a new imprint just like what Qi Feiyun said, and naturally he became lethargic. Qin Yubai looked distressed, took him in his arms, and gave him a light kiss on the forehead, " It's not a big deal."

Yan Shuang leaned lazily in his arms and said, "Those people really get worse as they get older, brother, why are you being polite to them?"

Qin Yubai's footsteps paused slightly, and an uncontrollable warmth appeared in his heart.

This is what he wants.

A person who only sees him.

Qin Yu put his arms around Yan Shuang and walked out of the room, only then did Yan Shuang realize that they were no longer in the hotel, which seemed to be a manor.

There was a fart in the country. Yan Shuang guessed that Qin Yubai was in such a hurry to leave because he was afraid that Ji Yao would catch up. After all, this was not his territory. When he returned to the country and put people in Qin's house, Qin Yubai could truly feel at ease.

Yan Shuang let Qin Yubai hug him without any objection.

It's good to go back home, go back home and go through the plot swiftly.

The clouds were rolling in the sky, gloomy and gray, and Yan Shuang couldn't tell what time it was, so he simply pulled up Qin Yubai's arm.

Qin Yu was suddenly pulled up by his arm, but saw Yan Shuang staring at his watch and said, "It's almost 1 o'clock."

He and Ji Yao left the suite at 9 am, and it has been almost 4 hours now.

"What's wrong?" Qin Yu said whitely.

Yan Shuang put down his arm and smiled, "I'm a little hungry."

Qin Yubai shook his palm, "I'll eat on the plane later."

Ji Yao's face in the hotel was dark, listening to the person in charge of the hotel kept apologizing, explaining that they had gone through all the surveillance video, but there was really no trace of anyone.

"Mr. Ji, we speculate that the person may have left through the back window of the bathroom."

The person in charge used the word "leave" carefully, not flee.

Ji Yao heard what he meant and gave him a deep look.

The person in charge was immediately cold-hearted by that look, and dared not speak any more.

In fact, Ji Yao couldn't wait for anyone outside the bathroom for a long time. The moment he went in to find someone and found that he was missing, he was completely burned out. Several hours have passed, and he is still no one. He looks calm on the surface, but in reality Almost going crazy.

His heart pointed directly and strongly at one person—Qin Yubai.

The person in charge of the hotel refused to tell the whereabouts of the other guest.

Ji Yao sat on the sofa in the VIP room of the hotel without saying a word. The people from the hotel stood around him, all respectful and polite, and all kept tight-lipped.

His chest was like an ocean wave, and the coldness came and went repeatedly.

He is a reef in the boundless sea, and a strong sense of loneliness spreads throughout his body, and what is even more intense is... helplessness...


"Mom misses you."

"Would you like to die with your mother?"

He looked into those tender and desperate eyes, he didn't speak, just watched her walk out of his sight.

Since then, he has no mother.

The hand hanging by his side slowly tightened, and he picked up the phone.

"it's me."

On the other end of the phone came the maid's surprised voice, "Master, my God, why did you call..."

"Is father there?"

Ji Yao interrupted.

"Sir is in the study, wait a moment."

Ji Yao was holding a mobile phone in his hand, and he was like a statue that had lost its brilliance and vitality under the gaze of everyone in the hotel.

A moment later, a familiar and unfamiliar voice rang from the other end of the phone.

"What's up?"

"I'm at the Heli Rance Hotel in Geneva now. Yan and the two are gone. I need help."

Ji Wensong quietly listened to his son's voice from the receiver held by the servant.

Calm, peaceful, washed away impetuousness, there is no trace of unwillingness in his tone, not even the shame of bowing his head to his father for help.

He devoured all his emotions, and all he showed was an emotionless equanimity.

Ji Wensong was writing on his hand, and the nib of the pen was about to fall when he was full of ink. He didn't pause, he immediately started to write, and he made a stroke with a sharp edge and a light expression on his face. Call someone to help you right away... Do you have any inferences yourself?"

"I ran into Qin Yubai at the hotel, and I suspect he kidnapped people."

"Oh, it's possible that this kid from the Qin family is a little crazy," Ji Wensong said slowly after he finished writing, "After finding someone, discuss it well, it's not a big deal, don't hurt your peace."


"Anything else?"


The phone hung up, and the person in charge in the hotel only felt that the person sitting on the sofa was filled with an indescribable tragic feeling. It was so quiet that they were a little scared.

But ten minutes later, there was a knock on the door of the VIP room. It turned out to be the head of the local police station. There was an Asian face in a suit and leather shoes next to him. The head of the police station negotiated with the panicked hotel staff.

The Asian-faced man came over and greeted Ji Yao, "Master, sir, sent me here for your dispatch."

Ji Yao nodded lightly, but did not speak.

After a while, the person in charge of the hotel came over in a cold sweat, "The guest who lived on the same floor as you had already checked out and left before your friend disappeared. We have no right to ask the guest's whereabouts, so... we don't know where he went. where?"

The person in charge of the police station said: "Sir, we have mobilized all available surveillance cameras to try our best to find the whereabouts of Mr. Qin."

"Go to the airport," Ji Yao said coldly, "All airports are guarded, including places where private jets can take off."

"Okay, young master, I'll do it right away."

After everyone was busy, Ji Yao was still sitting in the VIP room, the fireplace in front of him was burning brightly, the flames jumped in his eyes, and there were coquettish shadows.

that power.

He must have power.

Otherwise, he can't protect anything.

There seemed to be exclamations from outside the window, and Ji Yao turned his face sharply.


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