The smell of sauce-flavored cakes in the breakfast shop at the entrance of the old community fascinates the soul. Yan Shuang subconsciously takes out his pockets, but when he expects to fail, his fingers touch the familiar hard touch.

It's a brand new hundred dollar bill.

The corners are folded in half, very docile, exuding a faint scent of camphor.

It was tucked into a fingertip, like a moth with broken wings, clattering alone in the autumn morning wind.

Yan Shuang reached out his hand indifferently.

"Boss, come for five dollars!"

Spend other people's money and be extravagant!

Yan bilaterally ate the hot sauce-flavored cake and called the system.

"System, come out for two laps."

"...Hello staff, do you need any help?"

"What about the planets I added to the shopping cart?"

"The price of planet TGR156 is currently stable, the price of planet HJU394 has increased by 12%, and the price of planet GKD43 has decreased by 34%."


Yan Shuang took off happily in his heart, but on the surface he had a frowning look, "HJU394 is what I marked, why did it go up again."

"This planet is rich in metal minerals, and the price is of course more expensive."


Metal is a hammer, and the weapon system has already fully entered the spiritual realm. At most, metal acts as a medium, which is expensive.

Chuanshuju is a broken unit full of pure bad guys.

Whenever an employee reveals which ball is in his dream, he immediately raises the price secretly, trying to slash the employee's pension.

Damn it, why did you get into this unit when you first took the exam!

I knew I had to go to the Archaeological Bureau! I heard that the archaeological bureau will send a dinosaur egg when it goes in.

Gan, I admired it fiercely.

I want a Tyrannosaurus rex.

When he is happy, let him play discs; when he is unhappy, let him eat people.

The wonderful life of retirement seemed to be in front of her eyes, and Yan Shuang couldn't help showing a dreamy smile on her face.

Ride a Tyrannosaurus Rex to pick bananas.

Just thinking about it makes my heart bubble.

"Boss, what are you looking at?"

Seeing the boss in the driver's seat facing out of the car window, the co-pilot's employee looked in a trance and leaned over curiously, and was immediately pushed back by the former boxer's elbow.

"...Saw a neighbor."

Sheng Guangming was surprised to meet Yan Shuang here.

Do you live near here? He went home after being kicked out by his neighbor last night?

It looked different from when we met before.

She lost her gorgeous and decadent shell, and she was also a very sunny student. Sitting under the umbrella by the roadside, she ate cheap delicacies in large mouthfuls. When she chewed, she was very full, and her eyes narrowed, as if she was completely immersed in it. In the good feeling that food brings.

It makes people feel that what he is eating now is very delicious.

I can't help but feel... very happy for him, people can't take their eyes off.

Almost without warning.

Yan Shuang turned his face.

Sheng Guangming, who was regarded as a "peeping" in the car, was caught in a flash.

The moment they looked at each other, Sheng Guangming didn't know why, and subconsciously pressed the window button.

When the window was up, he realized how guilty he was.

Wait - why is he guilty?

"Boss, the store over there is open, let's get out of the car quickly."

The people beside him hurriedly pushed open the door.

Sheng Guangming was still sitting there, holding the steering wheel in his hand, bowing his head, obviously feeling his face a little hot.

How to explain this situation?

Because every time he sees Yan Shuang, the other party is in a "business" state. He has become accustomed to that sloppy and casual attitude. This time, he seems to have accidentally bumped into Yan Shuang's real appearance, as if he spied on the other party. the same privacy.

Sheng Guangming is very clear that everyone will wear different masks on their faces when facing different people, which is a protective color.

It made him feel embarrassed to pierce the mask of the other party like this.

A bit out of bounds.

"Boom boom-"

The car window beside him was knocked twice.

Sheng Guangming turned his face from his thoughts, and saw through the car window Yan Shuang who was bending over to look inside the car.

He calmed down, coughed lightly, and rolled down the window.

The brown glass came down, and that pretty innocent face of a beautiful young man appeared in sight. At this moment, he was looking at him quietly and without any emotion.

Sheng Guangming: "...morning."

Yan Shuang did not expect to meet Sheng Guangming near Wei Yichen's home.

Is this the so-called plot attraction?

Now that I met... Yan Shuang smiled, "It's really you, I felt like someone was staring at me just now, and when I looked back, someone was staring at me."

"From a distance, I thought, that person looks like Mr. Sheng, but why is Mr. Sheng staring at me all the time?"

"It shouldn't be Mr. Sheng, maybe it just looks alike."

Yan Shuang's smile deepened, "I took a closer look, I didn't expect that it was really you, Mr. Sheng."

After a long list of words, Sheng Guangming wanted to refute something, but found that he seemed unable to refute. After opening his mouth, he slowly said: "...You have sesame on your mouth."


Sheng Guangming just wanted to say the left side, but inexplicably remembered the plot in the TV series.

The heroine has something on the corner of her mouth, the hero speaks to the left, and then the heroine seems to have a sensory disorder and can't be wiped off no matter how much she wipes, and finally the hero can only help her...

Yan Shuang wiped the sesame seeds from the corners of his mouth with ease with the rearview mirror outside the car, and glanced at Sheng Guangming, who was holding the steering wheel tightly inside the car with a slightly red face, "Thank you."

"…you are welcome."


Not far away, the figure jumped up and down and waved, "Hurry up—"

Although there was only one person in the shop, it was very busy.

Sheng Guangming followed behind the shopkeeper and took a pen to carefully write down every step.

The employees who were brought over are helping the owner of the small shop to fight, and they are full of energy running around.

In the small shop, Yan Shuang was almost out of place to stand.

Soon, the sweet aroma slowly drilled out of the oven.

"That's about it, the finished product will come out in half an hour."

The elderly man said gently.

Sheng Guangming put away the pen and paper, and bowed solemnly, "Thank you, I will try my best to do it well, so that more people can taste this delicious food."

"Haha," the old man smiled and patted the bulging muscles on his arm, "With your perseverance, you can definitely do it."

"Stay and try it, it's the last day."

The old man looked at the door, "Is that guy with you?"

Sheng Guangming turned back.

Yan had his hands in his pockets, half of him stood outside the small shop, his white shirt was almost transparent in the autumn morning light, and his face was even whiter, so clean that there was no impurities, and his dark pupils glowed in the sunlight. A little light amber.

He followed by himself, without saying a word, he just stood quietly outside, watching them busy.

Sheng Guangming opened his mouth and looked a little hesitant, and finally said: "Do you want to eat cake?"

The store was narrow, and there was no place for the adult men to sit down. The three of them returned to the car with a bag of freshly baked cakes.

"Mr. Zhang's old cake is very good. I have never eaten anything better than this. Try it."

Sheng Guangming took a Yan Shuang from the plastic bag for the back seat.

Yan Shuang thanked him, took a light bite, and showed an uncontrollable astonished look on his face.

"It's delicious."

Sheng Guangming smiled, and after giving it to the employees around him, he also took one.

"It would be a pity if such a good craftsmanship was lost," the employee sighed. "His son is really, really owed a lot of gambling debts and ran away. If he honestly followed Mr. Zhang, his life should be the same now. Good."

Sheng Guangming was noncommittal.

"Send you to school?"

Didn't hear the answer, Sheng Guangming turned around, only to see Yan holding a bite of the honey-colored cake in both hands and was stunned.

"What's wrong?"

After being called by him, Yan Shuang seemed to tremble a little, he raised his face, and his expression was light again, "I left beforehand."

Sheng Guangming watched him push the door and get out of the car, holding the old cake in his hand, his shoulders drooping slightly, his pace was slow, and the indescribably depressed and melancholy atmosphere found him again.

It was fine at first, what did they say wrong?

Sheng Guangming turned his face back and shook his head lightly.

"Boss, this is so delicious, I'll have another one."


Sheng Guangming breathed a sigh of relief, there are always people in the world that he can't understand, I hope he can take the right path.

The vehicle started, and the figure in the rearview mirror became smaller and smaller, gradually turning into a small black spot, and finally disappeared from his sight.

The employees around him had already started to eat the second cake, and said casually, "Boss, your neighbor looks weird."

"...Eat yours."

The old cake is really delicious.

Yan Shuang estimated that Sheng Guangming had gone far, so he stopped pretending to be melancholy, and immediately ate the old cake in his hand.

In the original book, Sheng Guangming opened a dessert shop after he retired.

It seems that he is very attentive, and he also specially came to this kind of corner shop to ask for the recipe.

There must be more prostitution in the future!

It's a pity that he had to get out of the car in order to ambush.

Forget it, take the bus to school, finish the world early, and then he can ride a Tyrannosaurus Rex!

The photo was frozen at the scene where the boy stepped on the bus.

There are all kinds of photos scattered on the ground.

Wearing a red dress with a downcast face.

The parking lot stopped the doctor from leaving.

Sitting on a bench with a man drinking beer.

In the elevator, the hand hidden in the sleeve of the sleeve quietly went to tease the doctor's surveillance picture.

Countless photos were put together into a Yan Shuang whom Ji Yao did not know at all.

"How many times do I need to tell you," Ji Wensong cocked his legs, turning a square wine glass in his hand, unbuttoned two buttons on his shirt, and looked a little funny, "Your friend is not as simple as you think."

Ji Yao was silent.

He has been locked up for seven days.

After his father stopped him from chasing Yan Shuang who had left the game, he locked him at home on the grounds of "reflecting well".

"I want to go out."

The voice has become hoarse in the confrontation with the powerful father these days.

The tone still did not fluctuate.

He only glanced at the photos on the ground and stopped looking at them.

"What are you doing out?"

Ji Wensong sneered, "Like that kid from the Qin family, rushing to play with others?"

"When have you figured it out, when will you go out again?"

Ji Wensong put down the wine glass with a "pop", frowning slightly.

The 100 million game was messed up by Yan Shuang alone.

This is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that Ji Wensong saw Qin Yubai's life-threatening look with his own eyes.

Although he didn't want to admit it, his son was much simpler than the heir of the Qin family.

Rather than letting Yan Shuang break this innocence, it would be better to let him do it himself, at least he has weight in his hands.

Whether it is said that he is doting or loving a father, he is just this one son, and he is really irreplaceable.

"I figured it out."

Ji Yao picked it up almost without a pause.

Ji Wensong sneered again, "It's good, now I've learned to be imaginary and condescending. If I lock you up for a few more days, maybe you can give me a few more surprises."

Ji Yao knelt down on the ground, with his arms down on his knees, his entire face was hidden from his father's sight, so that he would not reveal the expression on his face at the moment.

His brain had entered a defensive state, instinctively resisting the messages his father had imposed on him.


all fake.

His father just couldn't get used to it... he couldn't get used to it... he couldn't get used to having his own... friends.

"I know I was wrong," he said against his will, his tone calm, the calm his father had always expected, "I won't be in contact with him again."


Rejected mercilessly.

"You're my son, and you may think I don't know you, but you're dead wrong."

"I know you too well Ji Yao."

"You're already fascinated by him."

"If I let you go, tonight you will kneel on the bed and lick his feet."


Ji Yao couldn't help raising his face, his young face was full of anger and dissatisfaction, just like what Ji Wensong thought, there was no trace of repentance.

Just like his mother, don't look back if you don't hit the south wall.

"What," Ji Wensong stretched his arms, his expression sarcastic, "you want to say you can't?"

"How did I raise a son like you!"

He suddenly stood up and suddenly became furious.

"You like men, I don't care about you, but you have to figure out what your surname is!"

The photo of leather shoes stepping on the ground dyes the smiling face with shoe prints.

"Your surname is Ji."

"You are my son of Ji Wensong."

"What kind of person do you want and what kind of means you should use, you have no sense at all."

"Like an ordinary person, what a lifetime good friend, being played around by others!"

Ji Wensong seemed to hate him to the extreme.

With his chest heaving, Ji Wensong glanced at him fiercely, "How did I raise such a **** as you."

Trash, idiots... Now there's another "bitter".

Ji Yao found that his heart had no waves.

From a very young age he knew that he was not the product of his parents' love.

They didn't love each other, but they made him.

My mother thought he was too much like my father and didn't want to look at his face more.

My father felt that he was too much like his mother, a hopelessly inferior product.

What is the meaning of his existence in this world?

He never found it.

Maybe there was a trace of warmth from Qin Qing for a short time, but it was fleeting, and soon he was the only one left.

Until... Yan Shuang appeared.

He wants to protect someone and be his friend for life.

But his father wouldn't allow it.

And he... has had enough of being manipulated and manipulated like this!

"discipline"? That last name was like **** to him!

Ji Yao stood up slowly, holding his knees.

"Ji Wensong," he looked directly into his father's eyes, blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, "I want him, and no one can stop me."

The pupil of the father who was called by his son's first name trembled slightly, "You're like this..."

"Just like your mother."

Ji Yao spoke for him coldly.

"I'm not like anyone, I won't commit suicide for anyone, and I won't be like you, I think I'm cold-blooded, but my essence is cowardice."

"You don't believe anyone because you dare not—"

Those eyes were fierce and vicious, Ji Wensong's heart was shocked, and suddenly there was a tingling feeling of being bitten in the throat.

"Sir." The bodyguard at the door greeted cautiously.

Ji Wensong raised his hand, "Come in."

The bodyguard whispered a few words in his ear.

After Ji Wensong heard this, he glanced at his son who was so stubborn that he was helpless, and his expression suddenly relaxed.

"Okay, if you want to go, I'll let you go."

"But before you leave, you have to meet someone with me first."

In the courtyard, the moonlight was shining brightly, sprinkled on the straight shoulders, and the person standing beside the maple tree bowed lightly when they saw the father and son coming out.

"I invited you to work here a few years ago, and this time you are finally here," Ji Wensong smiled lightly.

"Thank you Mr. Ji for the praise."

"Working by my side, you have to have no reservations about me, do you understand?"


"Very good," Ji Wensong glanced at Ji Yao, who had a stern face on his side, and said with a half-smile, "Now tell me this stupid son, who did you spend the night with last night."

The lanterns hanging in the courtyard swayed in the breeze, and the lights flickered like ghosts, dancing on gold-rimmed glasses.

The answer was extremely calm.

"Yan Shuang."

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