I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 109: corpse in chains

Zhengui Temple, the building at the bottom of the lake is actually a temple?

I really don't know how to name it, and I haven't heard that the ** Temple is called Zhensnake Temple. The name of this Zhengui Temple is too vulgar.

Eh? Not right.

Previously, the buildings on the Nine Star Realm of the Pre-Qin Dynasty did not look like temples.

Moreover, what the Nine-Star Mirror of the Pre-Qin Dynasty shows should be a very early scene, such as the Shang and Zhou Dynasties.

However, the earliest temples were introduced to my country was the White Horse Temple in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

It's not the right time either.

That is to say, the Ghost Town Temple should have appeared after the Nine Star Mirror of the Pre-Qin Dynasty was filmed.

Could it be rebuilt here later?

But such a dilapidated location at the bottom of the lake, what can be rebuilt? Not downtown.

And from looking down from above, it can be seen that the scale is not small.

Ji Han was puzzled, but he didn't have a chance to explain to everyone at this time, so he had to save his thoughts and continue to explore.

As the four of them swam in through the dilapidated main entrance, they came to a courtyard. Most of the buildings here were made of stone, which seemed to have been built for a long time.

There are also some wooden materials in it, and miraculously, there is no decay.

Ji Han has heard that Populus euphratica in the northwest can live for 1,000 years without dying, die for 1,000 years without falling, and fall for 1,000 years without rot. Maybe it is that kind of material.

Some buildings here have collapsed, but most are still intact.

As the four swam by, debris in the water began to fly.

At this time, Song Qian shook her diving light and pointed to the front left, as if she had discovered something.

The lights of the four pointed to a pile of collapsed bricks and tiles in the front left of the courtyard.

Song Qian took the lead and swam over, but her body stopped when she arrived nearby.

Everyone didn't stop, and they all bumped into Song Qian.

Although unable to communicate verbally, Song Qian pointed at the pile of rubble cautiously while reaching out her hand to stop the three of them from continuing past.

I saw a foot protruding from the rubble near the position of the four people.

Chen Ke was taken aback, and his body was uncoordinated in the water.

The foot exposed in the rubble was soaked white.

It's incredible that this thing didn't rot in the water. Could it be a zombie?

Everyone became more cautious, and no one dared to approach easily.

The game interface in front of Ji Han popped up a task again:

[Optional side mission: helpful]

[Description: Help the corpse under the rubble to remove the **** on the body]

What a "helpful"!

If that counts as helpful, why don't I go to the cemetery and pry the coffin boards to let the dead inside breathe?

At the same time, Ji Han saw the following task price:

[Reward: 8000]

Hey, can you give the price first next time, so I can do my mental construction earlier.

For a well-meaning person like me who helped the old lady across the road back and forth, this kind of "helpful" type of task is better than me.

Ji Han raised his hand to call for Song Qian and the three to cover, and at the same time motioned for himself to go and have a look.

Whenever this happens, Ji Han takes the initiative to stand up, which really makes everyone feel very dependent.

Eggplant nodded and gave a thumbs up, as if to say: "Yes."

Ji Han slowly swam towards the pile of rubble, Song Qian, Chen Ke and Qiezi also followed.

I don't know what Ji Han is going to do here, and the three of them hold harpoons around them. After all, water is not like land, and they can move around quickly. If there is an accident in the water, then they can only resist it. Running away is no big deal. , especially for people like Ji Han who are not so good at water.

When Ji Han got close, he started poking at the pile of rubble with the harpoon in his hand, as if he wanted to dig out the people buried below.

Chen Ke thought that if he knew it was a dead body, he should take a look? Brother Ji, you are too brave, right?

Song Qian also reached out to remove the rubble, and Eggplant and Chen Ke were alert.

After a few larger rubble bricks were removed, the basic shape of the corpse below was also exposed, but because the rubble of the building brought a lot of suspended matter, the water here became cloudy.

The corpse that was crushed under the rubble could not be seen clearly either.

Ji Han wanted to directly grab the corpse's foot and pull him out, but his eyes were covered with suspended matter and he couldn't see the foot clearly.

The four of them had no choice but to distance themselves first, and wait for the floating object to calm down a little before making a move.

Chen Ke was swimming to the side, but felt tripped and looked back.

I saw a man with staring eyes and a white body pulling his feet.

Chen Ke was so frightened that he jumped into the water immediately, but the corpse also rushed towards Chen Ke.

Ji Han and Qiezi also noticed the strangeness of Chen Ke, looked in the direction Chen Ke pointed, and saw a pale corpse behind him holding him.

Ji Hanxin said, **** it, he really cheated.

This is really a guide for robbers, and good things change bad things.

The two hurriedly swam over and separated the pale body with the end of the harpoon.

But after a while, Ji Han found that he didn't feel much power from the harpoon.

The corpse was easily separated like this, and it floated backwards motionless.

But as Chen Ke turned his head and swam, the corpse followed him again.

Eggplant seemed to have discovered the reason. With one hand, he held Chen Ke to prevent him from moving again, and with the other hand, he blocked the floating corpse. The distance between the two of them was kept very good, and they did not get closer this time.

Then Eggplant signaled Chen Ke not to move, and untied a tangled chain from his foot.

As soon as the chain was dropped, the pale corpse floated back to the ground again.

Chen Ke also felt his feet loosen.

The four felt a little curious ~www.readwn.com~ and swam towards the corpse in the water together.

This is the corpse of a man. Apart from the fig leaf on the crotch, there is no other clothing on the whole body. His eyes are wide open, and his long hair is scattered behind him.

This male corpse not only does not rot, but even the fig leaf on his body does not rot, which is too strange.

Is there a problem with the water here?

And the reason why it was chasing Chen Ke just now was also discovered. It was on its feet, and his feet were locked with a chain.

The other end is connected to the pillars in the small courtyard. It was because Chen Ke went to help just now and was accidentally caught by the chains on the ground.

Chen Ke put his palms together towards the corpse, as if saying:

"No offense, no offense."

But this made everyone even more surprised by this place. There is a temple under the water, and there are corpses in the temple, and the corpses are still locked. What happened here?

Ji Han saw that the money for the task of "Helping others for joy" had already arrived, so he motioned everyone to look inside.

The scare just now has exhausted a lot of energy for everyone, so we have to go back and have a rest before we go shopping again.

Song Qian explored the way, took the lead through the cross gate of the small courtyard, and entered the inner courtyard, where there was a long corridor on both sides.

Seeing that everyone didn't catch up in time, Song Qian wanted to come back and help Chen Ke, after all, he was quite frightened just now.

But just when Song Qian turned around and was about to swim towards Ji Han and the others.

But they saw Ji Han and Qiezi shaking their flashlights and waving their arms to point behind Song Qian.

As soon as Song Qian turned her head, she saw another pale corpse floating on her face, her eyes widened, staring at her in a daze.

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