I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 131: Abyss Undead Corpse

If this is really the eyes of something, then Godzilla is probably too small.

Subterranean prehistoric creatures? Ji Han recalled that he had watched some movies, such as discovering extinct dinosaurs deep in the ground, but what the **** is under this crack?

Samuel also exclaimed:

"Titan! It must be a Titan! It's an ancient **** Titan!"

Chen Ke said:

"Stop talking nonsense, I'm still Tiga, it's not Nordic, where did the Titan come from?"

Ethan stared intently at the glowing area and said:

"Where does this underground crack lead to?"

Ji Han and the others shook their heads, thinking of the endless glowing mycelium trees they saw in the tombs of ancient tribes, everyone could only judge that they were extremely deep underground.

As the glowing area in the crack kept changing, Eggplant let out a "hmm" and said:

"No, it's not the eyes that glow, it's a monster like a twisting train."

Everyone doesn't have the eyesight of an eggplant, so they can't make detailed judgments, but even if the thing is not an eye, but a monster, its size must not be too small.

Will nodded and said:

"That's right, and that lump seems to be climbing up."

Ji Han greeted:

"Then don't be dumb, wait for it to come up and sign? Run outside."

After being reminded by Ji Han, everyone ignored their curiosity and ran along the wide road towards the city gate where they came in.

While running, the nine could feel the light in the cracks growing stronger, and there were slight vibrations from their feet.

Eggplant and Will were right, the things in the ground really came up.

While running, Ji Han turned his head and looked down a few times.

The light is not far from here, it seems to be only a hundred meters away, and it can be seen that it is a long glowing train-like thing.

To his surprise, the train seemed to be full of people.

Disney's lantern car?

This was the first thought that popped up in Ji Han's mind, but after thinking about it, he laughed. If this was Disney's lantern car, the children would probably be scared to death.

The nine people quickly finished the wide road and returned to the square, but the vibration here was even stronger, as if it came from under their feet.

Before everyone ran out, the city wall made of chaotic stones and the dome above it collapsed together.

Everyone hurriedly dodged and retreated, so as not to be buried by the rocks.

But after the smoke and dust passed, everyone found that the way out when they came had also been blocked by rocks.

Although the vibration did not stop, it was not as violent as before. It was more of a sound coming from under the crack.

At this time, the light emitted from the crack almost illuminated more than half of the square.

At this time, the eggplant did not forget to tease:

"Grass, did this monster come with lights, sound and a stage?"

Everyone was not in the mood to reply to him, but tried to stay away from the edge of the square platform near the crack.

Chen Ke recalled Ji Han's translation of the words on the wall before, and reminded:

"I remember that there are passages on both sides of the city gate. It should be enough to dig out some of the rocks."

Ji Han stared at the glowing crack and said:

"It's too late, this thing is coming up, everyone get ready!"

It seems that this wicked game will not let me make some money and leave, the big boss must be fought.

When everyone heard this, they also took out their weapons and waited in full force, wanting to see what kind of monster is below.

As the green and white light in the crack grew brighter, the thing finally climbed up from the crack.

The first to land on the square was a man, completely naked, with strips of glowing mycelium on his body.

The man was lying on the ground near the crack in the square in an extremely strange posture, like a zombie with a broken spine.

Almost at the same time, a similar person also fell on the other side of the edge of the square.

This is? Little brothers of the monster under the crack? Could it be that they came up with an army of zombies?

Just when everyone was wondering, there was a "thump" collision.

From the center of the edge of the chasm, a glowing giant climbed up, like two trucks side by side.

As the thing's body climbed onto the platform, its true colors were finally revealed.

It was an extremely huge sand bug king parasitized by fungi, several times larger than the one everyone encountered in the sand.

And this one is obviously different, its whole body is almost covered with glowing thick hyphae, its whole body is colorful, and some places are already rotten, dripping with disgusting green juice.

The most unacceptable thing for everyone is that this sand bug king is almost covered with people.

Those people were obviously also parasitized, and they also fused with this sand bug king, becoming a part of its body, and those corpses were still able to move.

The two people who landed on the platform just now are connected with several people behind them. These people are like human centipedes, connected to the Sand Worm King's body, and serve as its tentacles, assisting its movement.

Ji Hanxin said that it must be those people from the ancient tribe, many of them jumped into the crack and were parasitized by the hyphae below.

Unexpectedly, even such a large sand bug king was parasitized by fungi and fused together.

Looking at this thing, Ji Han suddenly understood those two Hun soldiers who died of despair in the cave dwelling.

At this time, everyone was a little flustered. They almost missed an ordinary sand bug king, but this one was still mutated.

Before the thing attacked, Ethan asked in a low voice:

"Do you have a way to deal with it?"

They had seen Ji Han save Ellie from the sand corpse king's mouth so neatly before, so they naturally felt that Ji Han had experience with this thing.

Ji Hanxin said that this thing has been parasitized, and the weakness of hating green plants must be gone~www.readwn.com~ Besides, there is no parsley for it now.

While thinking that Ji Han has also completed the scan of this insect king, the information appeared in front of his eyes:

[Boss of this game: Abyss Undead Corpse]

【Health Volume: 399999】

[Explanation: After the fungi that have grown for thousands of years in the depths of the ground parasitize all corpses and living bodies, a huge fungus colony is formed. Relying on mycelium, it has almost perfect regeneration ability, and general physical attacks are ineffective. Each part of the fungal corpse has its own initiative, and it can parasitize the objects it encounters by using a special method. 】

Fuck, you can just write 400,000 HP, it's still a mess.

Equivalent to four hundred blood red worm Zhao Wang.

Ji Han turned around and shouted:

"Quick! Dig out, this thing can't handle it!"

As soon as the words fell, the Zombie King opened his mouth wide, and threw a string of corpses connected together on one side of his body.

Everyone backed away in a hurry, Ethan didn't believe in evil, stood still and activated the metal ability, metalizing his body.

Then, with a "dang", it caught the string of corpses thrown by the fungus corpse, and supported the two corpses in front.

Samuel rushed over excitedly when he saw how fierce the captain was.

"Captain, here I come!"

While the captain was restraining the string of corpses, he stretched out his thick black arm, and chopped off the connected corpses with a huge force.

The three and a half corpses in front fell directly to the ground.

Ji Han saw it and hurriedly shouted:

"Be careful! Those corpses can attack!"

But it was too late, the three and a half corpses on the ground rushed towards Ethan and Samuel after they hit the ground. The giant mouth pressed over.

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