I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 138: Pre-Qin Underwater City

After everyone settled down, everyone finally set foot on the return journey.

In order to prevent the Weishi Society from attacking Yi Sen's team again, the two captains, Gu Shui and Ding An, escorted them back.

The four returned to Song Qian's car, and only then did Ji Han take out the divine pillar black jade and the new mirror corner.

"In case the bronze mirror is robbed, let's record the next location reminder first."

Eggplant scolded:

"Grass, I hope it's a better place. I really don't want to be in the desert grassland anymore. Why can't this sacred pillar be hidden in the clubhouse?"

Chen Ke also echoed:

"Don't ask for a club, just hope it's a safe place, I really can't stand it."

Ji Han also hoped so, this game dungeon is always in such a remote place, like an exploration operation, and it is not easy to earn such a little money.

Song Qian took out the Pre-Qin Nine-Star Mirror from her bag, and Ji Han carefully compared the copper horn with the broken marks on the bronze mirror.

This time, when the position of "Lu Cun Xing" was encountered, the fracture of the mirror angle could coincide with the position of the bronze mirror.

After the mirror corners were installed, the mirror surface of the Pre-Qin Nine-Star Mirror lit up again.

As the haze dissipated, the first thing that came into view was a river with a lot of blue light.

Eggplant frowned:

"This is **** going to heaven, is Yinhe okay?"

Not to mention that it does look a bit like it, but it is obviously just a river. The river bends forward in an S shape. There are buildings on both sides of the river, brightly lit. It seems that this is a village built along the river.

The angle of view follows the river forward, and you can also see other rivers and lakes around you.

Ji Han murmured:

"Looks like a rainy place in the south."

At this time, the angle of view turned back, and I saw that the place where the river came out was a lake on a small mountain. The water in the lake poured down along the river, and there was a small city surrounded by statues beside the lake.

Chen Ke said with a smile:

"The environment of this place looks good, and it has the inner flavor of "Lord of the Rings."

Before everyone can see clearly, the angle of view is turned back, and they continue to move forward along the river. This time, after the river passes through a magnificent arch bridge, the land in front of it also ends, which seems to be a waterfall.

The river rushes down, and the perspective follows downward.

Song Qian nodded and said:

"It seems that there is a big gap, maybe the Southwest."

After the angle of view falls, only darkness can be seen, and I don't know where the river flows.

Just when everyone thought it was about to end, several glowing active areas popped up suddenly. After zooming in, they saw that those glowing areas were several small volcanoes.

Chen Ke said with a "hmm":

"Eh? Is there such a low volcano in our country?"

In the end, the angle of view was raised to the top of the head, but everyone was even more confused.

Because it seemed to be night, and the top of the head was pitch black, but there was no cloud or star in the sky at this time, only a very vague white spot.

Eggplant scolded:

"Grass, what is this? Don't tell me that there were such impressionist works in the pre-Qin period?"

Everyone didn't understand, but Chen Ke pointed to the blurred white spots in the sky in the bronze mirror and said:

"I think this white spot might be..."

Before he finished speaking, everyone saw a whale swimming slowly past the white spot above its head.

Then the image in the bronze mirror ended, and the corners of the mirror fell off again.

Looking at the restored bronze mirror, the four of them were stunned for a moment, and Eggplant said:

"Isn't this thing broken? Why are there fish in the sky?"

Ji Hanxin said that there are fish in the sand, isn't it normal to have fish in the sky? But looking at the appearance of the fish just now, it doesn't look like it is in the air.

Ji Han hesitated and said:

"That might not be in the air, but in the water."

Song Qian also couldn't believe it:

"No way, could it be that the next divine pillar is...in the bottom of the sea?"

Both Eggplant and Chen Ke understood, but they still couldn't accept it.

Chen Ke asked curiously:

"The volcanoes and whales on the bottom of the sea can still understand. Where did the villages and rivers on the bottom of the sea come from? Have you seen too much "SpongeBob SquarePants"? Beechburg?"

Song Qian guessed:

"Maybe they used the pillars to create a water-tight space on the bottom of the ocean."

Ji Hanxin said that creating a world under the sea has indeed happened in many games, and there are a lot of them in Lost Atlantis alone.

But it was the first time for Ji Han to actually encounter the underwater game world that he could experience.

Eggplant scratched his head and said:

"I have a little question. If it is the bottom of the sea, the light must be at least 100 meters away. If the space is maintained by the divine pillar, if the power of the divine pillar is released, the surrounding seawater will flood in. This is not suicidal." task?"

Chen Ke continued:

"That is to say, this time you can't release the pillar directly, but bring it out."

Song Qian nodded and said:

"It seems that we need to plan well in advance for the next mission of Shenzhu. Let's go back first, Chen Ke, please confirm the location first."

Chen Ke sighed:

"This is much more difficult than Crescent Lake. It seems that there is no iconic landscape at all. Give me some time. Maybe Xiao Jimo can give me some inspiration."

Speaking of his younger sister Ji Mo, Ji Han turned around and said:

"That's not necessarily the case. I will go through the discharge procedures for Ji Mo when I go back this time."

Chen Ke became anxious when he heard this:

"Ah? Brother Ji, can you be discharged from the hospital now? No more observation?"

"I think you want to observe and observe?"

When Song Qian heard that Ji Mo was going to be discharged from the hospital, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com suggested:

"Brother Han, if it's convenient, let Ji Mo live with me, and I can take care of it too. There is also a school nearby. Don't you have university work to do?"

Ji Han hesitated for a moment, but thought it was good, after all, the place where he and Ji Mo lived was not that good, and he was really worried about Ji Mo's daily care after going back to university.

"I'll go back and ask Ji Mo what he means. If he agrees, it will be troublesome. I will pay the rent."

"Brother Han, why are you still so out of touch? It doesn't matter."

Chen Ke hurriedly raised his hand and said:

"I want to apply to live with you too!"

"Then you have to pay the rent."


Back in Handong Province, the first thing Ji Han did was to visit Ji Mo.

Seeing his brother come back, Ji Mo's joy was beyond Ji Han's expectation.

He threw himself into his brother's arms and hugged Ji Han tightly.

"Why is this? I've only been away for a few days, right? What's wrong? Who bullied us, Ji Mo?"

Ji Mo shook her head with red eyes and said:

"No, that's right, I just miss you."

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Putting Ji Mo down, explaining to her that she will go through the discharge procedures tomorrow, and asking her opinion on where Song Qian lives, Ji Mo readily agreed.

"Of course, as long as it doesn't affect Sister Song Qian."

"It's a pleasure for you to agree."

"Of course, it feels closer to my brother's workplace."

Ji Mo also hopes that her brother's work has nothing to do with the world Liu Dan told her.

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