I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 150: drop! Undersea ancient city

"I dare not play this game anymore (!

The wreckage of ships piled up in the giant pit in the sea collapsed together with the breaking of the bottom ship and sank towards the sea water at the bottom of the pit.

This huge movement startled the four people who were fighting above.

Ou Kun chuckled, took a step back from the battle circle and said:

"Captain Cui Feng, there's such a big commotion down there, why don't you go and take a look?"

Cui Feng replied without looking back:

"Our task is to kill you here, let's worry about yourself first."

Speaking of attacking Ou Kun again, this kid didn't know what ability he had, even if his own thunderbolt hit him, he just let out a disgusting gasp and didn't suffer any harm.

I and Wang Caihui will block these two people here first, and the rest can only be left to Ji Han and Song Qian.

Avoiding the collapsed wreckage and falling debris beside them, the four of them observed the surrounding environment again.

However, as Ji Han imagined, there was no passage leading to the bottom of the water along with the wreckage of the collapsed ship.

Apart from the disappearance of the wreckage, nothing seemed to change around.

Chen Ke looked around and asked:

"Brother Ji, did we make a mistake? There is no tunnel."

Ji Han scratched his head and said:

"I also don't understand it, it shouldn't be reasonable."

Just when Ji Han detailed the huge crater in the deep sea again, Eggplant suddenly cursed:

"Grass, don't look at how it's going down, it seems that something is wrong, look at the top of your head!"

As he spoke, he raised his hand and pointed to the top, and saw that the sea water above everyone's heads was like a cover, gradually sealing the top of the huge pit in the sea.

Seeing this posture, the four hurriedly climbed back, but they couldn't catch up with the speed of the sea water seal.

Before climbing up a few meters, the seawater had completely covered the top of the huge pit.

Chen Ke panicked:

"What do you mean? Brother Egg, according to what you said, is the toilet open? Sea God closed the toilet lid?"

Eggplant scolded:

"Grass, but we haven't been washed away. If the sea water comes up, won't we drown?"

Song Qian asked:

"Could it be that this is the way to go down to the bottom of the sea?"

Ji Han directly took out the diving supplies he had stored before and said:

"Whether it is or not, just in case, everyone should bring all diving equipment. As long as you have diving equipment at this depth, you can go up if you are submerged."

The four of them had just put on their gear when Ji Han saw the color of the sea water above his head change.

The color seemed to be getting darker. Looking down again, the depth of the giant pit at the bottom also began to deepen, and the water at the bottom of the giant pit gradually moved away from everyone.

Looking at the seawater above his head that was becoming cloudy, Chen Ke asked:

"Did the sea water pour in?"

Ji Han pointed to the sinking sea channel at the bottom of the pit:

"No, it's not that the sea water is filling up, but this huge space in the sea is sinking like an elevator."

Eggplant exclaimed:

"Fuck, that is to say, this is an underwater elevator. As long as you stay in this space like a big bubble, you can descend toward the depths of the sea."

Song Qian said worriedly:

"There will be no other problems, right? After going down, the water pressure will gradually increase, which will gradually compress the gas space. When we reach a certain depth, we may even have difficulty breathing."

Ji Han hesitated for a moment and said:

"Those island residents should also rely on this method to go down. They must not have any precautions. Since they are all right, we will definitely be able to arrive safely. Eggplant, your eyes are better, please take a look, this seabed space Has the size changed?"

Eggplant stretched out his thumb and glanced up and down:

"No problem, although I don't know what those ancient people relied on to create such an underwater space, and they can also guarantee that the size of the space will remain unchanged even if the water pressure changes. Anyway, from the current point of view, we are safe."

Ji Han wanted to walk up to see if the distance from the sea surface had changed, but just as his feet stepped on the reef, he found that his body was floating lightly.

Seeing Ji Han floated up, the other three also let go of the reef and tried.

Sure enough, the four found that everyone's position in this water space was almost relatively static at this time.

As the light overhead gradually dimmed, the four of them were sliding towards the deep sea on the world's largest bubble "elevator".

Wang Caijian on the coast saw that the place where the big vortex had just appeared, seemed to have bulged up a huge bubble and then sank.

Cui Feng tugged at the side and whispered:

"They seem to have found a way to get down."

"Well, the next step is to solve the two of them."

But Ou Kun and Aunt Pan, who also saw the huge change in the sea, retreated at the same time, looked at each other, then turned and ran towards the dense forest on the island.

Seeing that the two of them ran away, Wang Cai didn't understand, so he turned around and asked:

"Do you want to pursue?"

Cui Feng shook his head and went back to the beach, looking at the rough sea that had returned to normal, he replied:

"No need, although I don't know if those two guys want to divert the tiger away from the mountain, or lure the enemy to go deeper, we'd better stay by the seaside, and hope that the four of them can successfully complete the remaining tasks."

At the same time, in the dense forest of Rota Island, Ou Kun and Aunt Pan stopped after confirming that no one was chasing them.

Aunt Pan asked:

"I don't know what's going on with those guys now."

Ou Kun waved his hand and said:

"I didn't see their signal, which means that I have successfully followed. After all, with the abilities of those guys, it is still very easy to sneak in. Our mission is completed, and we will wait to pick the fruit."

Aunt Pan didn't seem to have forgotten Ji Han's insults to her, she hummed and said:

"When they get back the divine pillar, I will pick the head of that man named Ji Han and plant flowers."

The four people wearing diving gear gradually descended to the area where the light was scarce with the "elevator" of large bubbles in the water.

Only a white spot on the top of the head can be vaguely seen here, which is similar to what appeared in the Nine Star Mirror in the pre-Qin period. It is estimated that it has reached a depth of one or two hundred meters.

Eggplant scolded:

"Fuck, it's not over yet, don't send us directly to that horse trench."

Although everyone knew that according to the description on the temple murals, they should be safe to the end, but looking at the endless darkness around them, they still felt a little scared, so no one answered Eggplant.

Gradually, some light began to appear at the bottom of the bubble "elevator", and the light gradually became clear~www.readwn.com~ Finally, a huge stone platform was inserted from the water at the bottom of the "elevator".

As the "elevator" descended, the stone platform rose slowly, and everyone landed on the stone platform safely.

The sea water above the head stopped after falling to a position of two or three meters away from everyone.

Then the sea water around and under the feet burst instantly like blowing bubbles, and the four of them suddenly appeared in a new space.

Everyone ran to the edge of the stone platform with flashlights and looked down, and saw a slender river winding forward with a faint blue light below.

In the darkness on the left and right sides of the river, under the reflection of the light, many houses and buildings can be vaguely seen, just like a small underwater town.

Ji Han heaved a sigh of relief, turned around and said to Song Qian and the others:

"Passengers, the ancient underwater city has finally arrived."

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