I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 214: Yang Qi is at its peak

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Ji Han didn't expect that the wall of fire that had just been ignited was quickly extinguished by nearly ten wraith fire bones.

Even moths jumping into a flame don't have this speed.

But after thinking about it, Yin Yan and Yang Yan may be the influence of same-sex attraction, which is why they were destroyed as soon as they were ignited. Fortunately, a few of them were eliminated, but it will be difficult to deal with them later.

Chen Ke's excitement just now had frozen on his face.

"Isn't it? Why are there so many?"

Eggplant scolded:

"This time I'll hit them in the face to see if I can kill them."

Although there are still two burning arrows, these two arrows will definitely not be able to kill so many Wraith Fire Bones.

Ji Han looked around, trying to find out if there were any burning objects, but he found that the place closer to the city center was not lit with blue light.

Could it be that there are no resentful spirit bones there? Or something restrained?

Thinking of Ji Han, he greeted everyone and said:

"Go quickly, run towards the center of the city first, there may be a solution over there."

Everyone began to make a strategic shift towards the center of the city, but the speed of those resentful spirits and bones also increased.

The ones on the ground who climbed over the wall and passed the courtyard were lucky, but the ones flying in the sky were as fast as ghosts. These flying skeletons with blue flames were really terrifying.

The four of them were quickly attacked by the fire bones of the resentful spirit in the sky. Although there was no wound in the place touched, there was only a puff of white smoke, but Ji Han knew that it was the yang energy that had been sucked.

If this continues, the energy and state of the few people will definitely continue to decline, and eventually they will be like charred corpses on the ground.

No, if you put it that way, those are not scorched corpses at all, but people who have been sucked out of their yang energy.

"Cover your body with clothes, don't get caught on your skin by those things."

Chen Ke replied:

"It's already being packed, and my things must be caught in the exposed places every time."

Indeed, as Chen Ke said, those flying ghosts will always touch the exposed skin of the half body, especially the face.

Moreover, the hands and bones of those flame skeletons running on the roof are very sharp, and everyone's clothes have been scratched into several holes.

Seeing that everyone's clothes were tattered again, Ji Han regretted why he didn't prepare some stockings this time.

Whether it is on the legs or the head, it can reduce the damage of these wraith ancient fires very well.

Still too young, no matter what next time, I must bring a few more stockings out.

However, the four of them managed to rush to the center of the gossip city, which added a bit of relief to Ji Han:

At least the city of gossip hasn't turned into a maze.

But everyone was exhausted and out of breath.

Chen Ke took a deep breath and asked:

"Brother Ji, can't you use that trick of flying ghosts all over the sky?"

"No, it has no effect on these things."

Eggplant seemed to think of something, but he was panting the most, patted Ji Han's shoulder and wanted to say something but didn't say it:


It wasn't until he heard the word "exorcism" at the end that Ji Han understood what he wanted to express.

He wanted to say that since these bones were grievances, he could use the Sanskrit to punish evil.

This can be tried, although strictly speaking these things are fire, but as long as it contains resentment, the Sanskrit to punish evil should have an effect.

So Ji Han organized:

"I'm trying to deal with them with the Sanskrit to punish evil. Look around, is there any place to hide? Let's not hang on a tree."

The weird and awkward words were exported again, turning into little Sanskrit sounds in the air, surrounding the surroundings.

Behind Ji Han, a golden statue of Buddha's light lit up, and the range of Buddha's light gradually expanded, including Song Qian, Chen Ke and Eggplant.

And those wraith fire bones did gradually slow down the attack speed, but although the speed slowed down, the direction didn't seem to change, and they were still coming towards the four of them.

Ji Han didn't know if it would work, so he stood still and didn't move around.

Still waiting for the wraith fire bone closest to him to come to his side to see if he will be attacked.

Unexpectedly, the Wraith Fire Bone seems to be a lot of gentleman this time, and the strength of holding Ji Han's arm is not as strong as before, but Ji Han still sees white air wafting from his body.

Ji Han kicked the resentful spirit fire bone away, thinking that the good fellow Zhu Xie Sanskrit could not kill them.

The only change is to let them be gentler when they kill themselves, it's useless!

At this time, Song Qian behind shouted:

"There is a cage over there, go there and avoid it first, and then think of a way."

While continuing to chant sutras to slow down the speed of these things, Ji Han looked back and saw a huge cage-like building standing in the central square of the city.

Looking up, I saw a huge thing sitting on top of the "cage", which seemed to be a stove.

That "cage" should be a huge stove, just when Ji Han didn't know if the stove could go in, Chen Ke had already opened a side door on the stove.

Only then did Ji Han finish the Sanskrit sound of punishing evil, and quickly ran towards the stove behind him.

Under the cover of the three of them, Ji Han also rushed into the stove, and the eggplant quickly closed the door.

Although it can be seen from the inside and outside of the gap, those wraith fire bones can't get in. After all, they have to be attached to the bones, so they are still restricted.

Ji Han inspected it cautiously, and found that there was a lot of dust accumulated here and there was no burning material. After confirming that this place would not really become a big furnace, he sat down with confidence.

Seeing that the resentful spirits outside could not get in, everyone could finally rest in peace.

Because the yang energy has been absorbed, everyone is a little tired internally and externally at this time, so Chen Ke took out beef jerky to replenish everyone.

Chen Ke took a few bites and said:

"I don't know if it's because of the yang energy absorbed by these things. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com feels tired but not hungry, and it doesn't respond to eating."

Eggplant nodded and said:

"This feeling is like the feeling of being exhausted seven or eight times a night, tired and exhausted."

Ji Han also felt the same, but if Eggplant was playing a hooligan, he would remind Ji Han of that.

Since those things **** yang qi, it's just a matter of finding treatments and medicines that provide yang qi.

Yang qi, yang qi, there is really no such medicine, but there seems to be a similar one, will strengthening yang be effective?

I still seem to be carrying the little blue pill that the game gave me a long time ago.

I don't know if it was because he was also sucked into Yang Qi, and Ji Han's mental reaction also became a little slow. He actually took out the small blue pill and asked:

"Eggplant, I seem to have a medicine here that can make yang energy flourish, you can see if it works."

Eggplant turned his head excitedly, thinking it was a great tonic, but when he saw the small blue pill in Ji Han's hand, he froze immediately, frowned and said:

"This thing of yours can make yang energy flourish? Or can it make a certain part flourish? No, Ji Han, yang energy and yang are still different, okay! Besides, why are you carrying this thing with you when you go out to perform missions?"

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