I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 242: 1 swing 1 kill

Seeing the table knife flying towards her, You Qi just turned her head and let the table knife go back the same way.

But the place where the knife flew back seemed to be empty.

While everyone was wondering, a person appeared behind You Qi at some point, holding a dagger across You Qi's neck.


Gemini hurriedly reminded him when he saw it, but it was too late.

When You Qi realized it again, her head had already turned to one side, and a large amount of blood spurted out from her neck.

Seeing this, old Dyson manipulated the black smoke around him to quickly go behind You Qi, but before the black smoke arrived, the figure behind You Qi had disappeared again.

Only You Qi was left lying in a pool of blood, with most of her head cut off, her body was twitching and she was already on the verge of death.

This sudden change surprised everyone present.

Killing You Qi with one blow?

Could it be that there are still masters?

The four of Ji Han fell to the ground unable to move, and they didn't know what was going on.

Could it be that the rescuers came?

This clean and neat beheading method made Gemini think of his disciples who died tragically, and both of them became vigilant.

And the trick just now reminded Old Dyson of someone, but he knew it was absolutely impossible.

Tia didn't seem to have so many scruples, and ran straight to You Qi to check her injuries.

Seeing her lying in a pool of blood, she clutched her neck with difficulty and made a weak voice:

"Save...save me...stop the bleeding."

The sound is so small that you can hardly hear it without looking at the mouth shape.

But when Tia heard it, she smiled excitedly while pretending to cry, reached out and gently pulled Tia's hair to let more blood flow out.

You Qi widened her eyes and wanted to shout, but she couldn't make a sound, and the last faint light of her life was completely extinguished by Tia.

And Tia immediately threw herself on You Qi's chest and cried bitterly:

"You Qi! Don't leave me!"

Hearing that You Qi's heartbeat gradually stopped under her, Tia whispered to You Qi's body with only her lips moving:

"Don't worry, You Qi, I will resurrect you next time, but from now on, you can only be obedient as my corpse, You Qi~ hee hee."

Not knowing and not caring about the specific situation of Youqi and Tia, the old Dyson first released black smoke to surround everyone to prevent the surprise attack just now from happening again.

At this moment, a familiar voice came from behind Ji Han and the others.

"Is the divine pillar on you? Release it quickly."

As soon as they heard it, they knew that they were coming for rescue. The four of them reluctantly turned their heads to look, but they saw a familiar figure.

Standing behind the four of them was Ji Mo who was holding a Taidao.

Although it was Ji Mo who was right, and seemed to be the same as usual, there was no usual innocence and cuteness in his eyes.

Her hair was tied up, and the sword in her hand was still dripping with blood. Song Qian recognized at a glance that it was the weapon she kept in the office.

"Ji Mo? No! Who are you! Where's my sister? What did you do to her?"

Ji Han could tell at a glance that this was not Ji Mo, he gritted his teeth and asked regardless of the pain in his chest.

Liu Dan manipulated Ji Mo's body and said impatiently:

"She's fine, I was entrusted by her to save you, can you move? Is the divine pillar on your body?"

Judging from the behavior just now, Ji Mo in front of him must be in the same camp as everyone else.

Although Ji Han didn't know exactly what happened, he was a little relieved to hear that his sister was fine.

But how did Ji Mo get involved? !

Song Qian and the three were even more shocked: Could it be that Ji Mo is also a master of hiding? Judging from the skill just now, it seems to be even stronger than Brother Han.

Ji Han was still thinking about his younger sister Ji Mo's question in a daze. The situation was urgent, and Eggplant responded first:

"The places where the black needles were pierced have turned black. We may not be able to move for the time being. The divine pillar is at Chen Ke's place."

Chen Ke also didn't get over the shock brought by Ji Mo's transformation from a cute **** to a cold-blooded killer, but when he heard Eggplant's reply, he immediately replied:

"The pillar is in my backpack, inside that metal box."

Liu Dan turned around and took out the box, and after opening it, he saw the Divine Pillar of Li Gua.

"I didn't expect you to find it."

As he spoke, he took out the black jade piece of the sacred pillar, and without any explanation, with both hands together, the divine pillar was snapped off with a "pop".

Ji Han said in surprise:

"What are you going to do?"

"If you don't release it, I won't be able to take you back under its influence."

The abilities of Shenzhu and the Liu family are connected, if not released, Liu Dan's space teleportation ability will be affected.

But if released, Liu Dan's own ability will actually be weakened, but fortunately, she feels that she can bring everyone back.

Just as Liu Dan lowered his head and was about to grab the four of them, a razor came out from under his feet, and Liu Dan blocked it with a horizontal knife.

Immediately N in Gemini came out of the ground.

"It seems that my apprentices died at your hands."

"Ha, they talked a lot less nonsense than you before they died."

The razor in N's hand tangled down, Liu Dan turned around and kicked to distance himself, but N never retreated.

Sensing movement behind him, Liu Dan knew that the killer in front was the bait, and his body instantly disappeared in place, while the sneak attacking Gemini M razor cut through the air behind him.

Almost at the same time, the Taidao pierced directly from the back of Gemini M, and pierced out in front of the body. Before M could let his body pass through the Taidao, blood spurted out of his mouth.

Seeing this scene, N didn't move forward again, but retreated back into the ground again, keeping distance from Liu Dan.

After M's chest was pierced, he immediately let the body on the chest pass through the blade. Without the fetters of the sword, M turned around and made a single blow.

But his movements and attack intentions had already been predicted by Liu Dan, and the razor hit the air again.

At this time, Liu Dan had returned to the previous position, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com made a horizontal cut towards M's neck, a cold light flashed, and another head fell to the ground.

"It should be dead this time."

Ji Han and the others did not expect that Ji Mo, or the person who controlled Ji Mo's body, would be so strong.

With two simple moves, he killed an opponent who was helpless just now, and he seemed to be in a daze just now.

However, it also reminded them of the sudden death of Aunt Pan in the sea during the mission of returning to the ruins under the sea, which seemed to be exactly the same as the situation in front of them.

Could it be that Aunt Pan was also killed by her at that time?

Seeing this familiar space ability and killing method, old Dyson finally confirmed the identity of the person in front of him, and said in disbelief:

"Impossible, why are you still alive? We obviously killed you at that time!"

Liu Dan shook off the blood stained on the sword, turned around and said:

"Nothing is impossible, old guy, I will avenge that revenge sooner or later, remember it!"

As he said that, he lowered his head and grabbed the clothes of Ji Han and the others, trying to teleport them away.

But just after the teleportation was started, a thin transparent needle came out from behind Liu Dan and stuck in the back of her head.

Liu Dan didn't notice any aura at all. Surprised, he looked back and saw M's right hand, who had lost his head, making a catapult.

Will this guy survive if he is cut off with a knife?

With a pain in the back of his head, Liu Dan suddenly felt psychedelic.

Old Dyson saw that Liu Dan was hit, and manipulated all the black smoke around him to press towards the center.

Liu Dan took a deep breath, tightened Ji Han's body and continued to teleport.

With the collision and decay, the original position of the five people was smashed into a big hole by the black smoke.

But when the smoke and dust cleared, Ji Han and the other five disappeared without a trace, only the decapitated Gemini M picked up his own beheaded head from the ground.

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