I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 29: Underground Prison - 3rd floor

The three turned the mummy over, but because it had been dead for a long time, the corpse was completely desiccated, and its face could not be seen clearly.

"He still grows hair after he dies."

"Some people's fingernails and hair continue to grow for a long time after death, but it's really incredible to grow so much."

"Is this a prisoner or a prison guard?"

Song Qian shook her head, pointing to the rotten clothes on the mummy.

"The clothes don't look like those of prison guards or prisoners. Besides, if any prisoners or prison guards disappeared here, they would definitely be found and disposed of, and the bodies would not be left behind."

Chen Ke was surprised and said, "Song Qian, do you mean that after the prison guards and prisoners were transferred here, did someone come in again?"

Song Qian rummaged through the corpse, but found nothing on it.

"Judging from the destruction of the side door on the first floor and the corpses here, it should be like this, but the people who came in again may not all get out safely."

Ji Han is not very interested in these game plots.

Instead, he took a flashlight to shine on the mummy's mouth, and found that the mummy's mouth was also stuffed with a large mass of hair. He immediately remembered the state of Song Qian and Chen Ke just now.

"This is the masterpiece of that hair. Look at Sai's hair in its mouth. When I just found you, you were in a coma, and this was stuffed in your mouth."

Chen Ke saw a large mass of black matter in the mummy's mouth, and felt a little nauseous when he thought about it:

"Ugh, does it mean that after you stuff that in your mouth, you can keep growing your hair even if you die?"

"At least judging from the current situation, this is the case, and there should be more than one."

As Ji Han said, he pointed his flashlight at the other thickly wrapped stone pillars.

"Do you think you want to take some back to the 12th squad and let them develop a hair restorer?"

Song Qian glared at Chen Ke and said:

"Don't talk nonsense, if Brother Han hadn't rescued us, we would probably be the same as this guy. Now I suspect that the back-up red alert was opened by that lump of hair."

"No way?"

Ji Han nodded and said: "I agree, the Mixiang that fascinates you should be used to deal with this layer of escaped prisoners in the standby red alert state, and the hair may be immune to this, so after turning on the red alert, by pulling and It attracts others to come here to be stunned, and then tie it to a stone pillar to grow hair."

Looking at the corpses on the surrounding stone pillars, there is indeed only this kind of explanation. These guys who came in should have been recruited in this way.

"So that hair should also be able to turn off the red alert?"

"That's the case in theory, but they just wanted to kill a few of us just now, so it's better to continue to find an exit if we let it be shut down."

"I feel that that thing has a soft spot for me, and the two attacks were on me."

Ji Han smiled and said, "I know the reason. After all, that thing has never seen yellow hair before. It may be rare. It wants to show you long yellow hair."

So Song Qian smiled and nodded and said it made sense.

The three of them searched for a while on the second floor, even the outside of the transparent cell from 0201 to 0209, but they still didn't find any exit, and the hair was gone.

"It seems that there is no exit on this floor, Brother Ji, let's go to the next floor."

Ji Han reminded:

"Be careful. After all, judging from the current situation, each floor of the underground prison has corresponding measures for prisoners. The bombs upstairs and the drugs on this floor, the precautions for the prisoners on the next floor must also be very dangerous."

The two of them didn't want to hold Ji Han back any longer, and they both worked up their spirits.

Ji Han also took out the ashes of two generations of blood, poured them out, and divided them into three parts.

I am afraid that there will be more medicinal drugs below.

"Brother Ji, is this the antidote? It's so spicy."

"Uh, I made it myself, that's all. If you feel like passing out, eat it in time."

I can't say it's the ashes of that pile of bones, or you might feel more sick than eating that big ball of hair.

The three of them came to the elevator shaft, and because the elevator stopped at the third floor, they opened the roof of the elevator directly from the top, and the three of them jumped into the elevator room one by one.

The elevator door on the negative third floor was closed. The three of them looked at each other and opened the door together.

As soon as I opened the elevator door, I felt a chill rushing towards my face. It seemed to be cooler here than upstairs.

"It's so cold, why does this floor feel like a cold storage?"

The three of them stepped into the negative third floor with flashlights.

As soon as he stepped in, there was a "cracking" sound under his feet.

Like stepping on potato chips, looking down cautiously, there are many small bumps like chocolate beans on the ground, which don't seem to be original on the ground.

It breaks when you step on it, making a "cracking" sound.

"What the **** is this?"

Ji Han's military mechanical skills did not pop up a prompt, which means it is not a mechanism.

"Not too sure, it doesn't seem to be some kind of agency trap, but everyone should be careful."

"Is it because my flashlight is running out of power? Why do I feel that the negative third floor seems to be much darker than the upper two floors."

Song Qian pointed the flashlight at the ceiling and said, "It's not that the flashlight is out of power, but that the walls and ceiling on this floor seem to be painted with black paint~www.readwn.com~ Looking up, it is indeed so.

No other anomalies or mechanisms were found, and the three of them walked straight ahead together.

Sure enough, at the same location as the second floor and the first floor, there was the first prison cell, numbered 0301, which was still made of transparent materials, and the furnishings were the same.

Chen Ke asked: "It's still the same cell, all with supernatural powers, can this level of transparent cell control them?"

Song Qian responded: "All the captured supernatural beings will be equipped with special supernatural power blocking collars, so they should be similar to ordinary people here."

"It's really incomprehensible that a prison escape could still happen in such a rigorous way."

Ji Han smiled and said:

"I hope the traces of their escape from the prison are still there, otherwise they can only sacrifice you to that hair, please go and turn off this backup red alert."

"Hey, Brother Ji, don't scare me!"

Having said that, Ji Han also remembered that some game levels do require sacrifice to pass, but I can't afford to sacrifice in this game.

"Hush, look, there seems to be a person standing in front of you."

Song Qian's sudden reminder in a low voice startled Ji Han and Chen Ke.

The two also hurriedly shone their flashlights, and sure enough, they saw a person standing more than ten meters ahead of the road. They vaguely saw a person wearing clothes and a hat, with their backs towards Ji Han and the other three.

The three of them immediately became tense and stopped before rushing over.

Ji Han gasped and said:

"Chen Ke, meeting is fate, why don't you go over and say hello to his elder brother?"

Chen Ke waved his hands and said:

"Brother Han, don't look at me as a person who usually talks badly, but I'm actually very socially afraid of strangers."

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