At this time, all the blue flames on the Shenmu soul spirit's body had been blown away, leaving only the body composed of wood and roots.

And the flower stalk on his head has also fallen off, I don't know if it is fully mature, or was forced to fall off by the eggplant shot.

Because he has participated in so many reincarnations, his understanding of the human body makes this wooden man look like a human body that has peeled off its skin.

The wooden man didn't attack him, but turned his head towards Song Qian and the three of them.

This was unexpected for Ji Han, and he was slightly relieved when he was puzzled.

Unexpectedly, just as he exhaled, the wooden man turned around and looked at him again, making Ji Han hold his breath again in fright.

Just like before, the wooden man looked back at Ji Han and then turned his head left and right as if he had lost his target.

Only then did Ji Han understand.

It turns out that this guy judges the position by breath!

It's no wonder that when he first appeared, he found everyone's location through his sense of smell, which is just like the zombies in Hong Kong movies!

After figuring it out, Ji Han hurriedly covered his mouth and nose, and the wooden man searched around for a while, then turned his head to look at where Song Qian and the other three were.

From behind, Ji Han noticed that the wooden man's blood volume was less than 200,000, and the two shots of Eggplant just now should have caused a lot of damage to it.

Song Qian and the three of them sweated seeing the wooden man and Ji Han face to face, but they didn't expect that guy to just lower his head and turn around before changing direction.

Ji Han seized this gap, held his breath, held his Zhenyue sword tightly and flew forward, aiming at the wooden man's neck.

A cold light flashed by, the head fell off, and the wooden man's body fell to the ground with a "plop".

However, Ji Han didn't see any reduction in blood volume or cash rewards, so he kept his eyes open and didn't approach him. strong reading

Sure enough, a large number of roots immediately drilled out under the fallen head and the fallen corpse.

Ji Han was afraid that he would be separated from Song Qian and the other three, so he quickly returned to the three of them while the roots had not spread.

Chen Ke asked:

"Brother Ji, what happened just now?"

"This thing judges its position by breath. I just held my breath so he didn't notice me."

Chen Ke suddenly realized:

"Relying on breath? That's the way it is. I said that it is too exaggerated for a plant to transform into the five senses of human beings in just a few thousand years. If I had known it earlier, I would have brought a ventilator."

The roots drilled out from under the wooden man's corpse became more and more dense, and gradually condensed into a new wooden man two meters high, covered with sharp wooden thorns, which seemed to be an evolutionary defense against Ji Han's attack just now.

Eggplant scolded:

"It seems to be more perverted than before, so it seems that the physical attack has no effect, right?"

Song Qian asked while writing the talisman:

"Or hold your breath and climb up from both sides?"

Eggplant stopped and said:

"The time is too short, and it's very strenuous to go up and down at this height. It's impossible to get out without breathing. If it knocks down the tree roots on the wall under its control, it will be fucked."

Without the shackles of Hua Di, the wooden giant ran over with great strides.

Seeing this, Ji Han pulled out the mechanical crossbow and shot a flaming arrow, and a small piece of flame suddenly appeared separated the wooden giants and humans in an instant.

As if feeling the burning of the flames, the wooden giant stopped and began to manipulate the roots on both sides to press on the flames.

Eggplant raised his gun and shot off the bulging roots, and Song Qian also prepared a talisman to stop that guy's footsteps.

Seeing the wooden giant hesitate behind the flames, Ji Han remembered what Chen Ke said just now, and immediately asked:

"Chen Ke, did you just say that this tree has evolved a human sense of touch?"

"Of course Brother Ji, otherwise how would he judge our position by breath, it must be a very keen sense of touch and induction, Brother Ji, did you think of something?"

Seeing that Ji Han was still thinking, Song Qian reached out to take the mechanical crossbow from Ji Han's hand, and fired another flaming arrow towards the flame that was about to be extinguished.

Looking up and seeing the wood giant's blood volume gradually decreasing in the flames, Ji Han remembered the information Zhenyuejian gave at the beginning.

This thing is not human, it is incomplete, and it may mean that he only learned part of the functions of the human body.

That is, the sense of touch and induction evolved through the human neural memory stored in the body and the unique ability of the sacred tree.

Chen Ke gently shook Ji Han:

"Hello, Brother Ji?"

"Ah? I seem to understand, let's focus on destroying this guy's sense of touch now."

Seeing that the wooden man was still extinguishing the flames under his feet, Ji Han arranged:

"Now that he doesn't have the protection of the blue flame, ordinary flames can hurt him. Next, we will destroy his sense of touch from the inside out."

Eggplant took out an illuminating ballistic:

"Then I will deploy the sea of ​​fire tactics?"

Ji Han raised his hand to stop it, and took out three Carolina Reaper peppers from his bag.

"From the inside to the outside, I'll go up first, you just use the sea of ​​fire tactics without worrying about me, but try to concentrate as much as possible, if you set everything around on fire, it won't be easy for us to go up."

Seeing Ji Han take out three Reaper peppers, Chen Ke instantly understood what he just meant.

Different from sweet and Spicy is not a sense of taste, but a sense of pain. Capsaicin can stimulate the pain and temperature sensation of peripheral nerves and bring a strong burning sensation.

If that guy has really evolved a keen sense of touch that surpasses that of humans, then this chili pepper is simply gut-piercing poison to him.

After the eggplants were arranged briefly, Song Qian shot another flaming arrow.

Ji Han handed the Zhenyue Sword to the devil's tentacles, and quickly rushed into a small patch of flames in front of him.

Relying on the top-quality fire rat fur on his body, ordinary Lie Yan can't cause any harm to him.

At this time, the wooden giant hadn't recovered from the scorching flames around it, and was still controlling the surrounding tree roots to beat continuously.

Ji Han didn't drag himself into the sea of ​​flames, relying on the devil's tentacles to quickly climb onto the wood giant.

But as soon as his body touched the wooden giant, Ji Han felt the terrifying pain that Chen Ke and Eggplant had mentioned.

It was as if the body was torn apart by four or five forces. What happened suddenly, Ji Han was in so much pain that he almost couldn't grasp the wooden giant's body.

And the wood giant also took the opportunity to push Ji Han back on the ground, and with the other hand he threw out a sharp tree root and was about to stab it down, when he felt something strange, he raised his hand and shot him. Zhang Si

It was hitting the wooden giant's arm, but because it was not a Destroyer but an ordinary sniper rifle, it didn't break that arm.

Brother Chen also took the opportunity to fire several mini electromagnetic cannons to hit the wood giant Ji Han to gain time. control big owls

Awakened by Eggplant's gunshot, Ji Han saw that the wood giant's head was not far away from him, and immediately struggled to strangle the opponent's neck with devil tentacles, and pressed the three Carolina Reaper peppers in his hand into its mouth.

Seeing that the poisoning was successful, Ji Han was thrown out by the wooden man before he had time to jump away.

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