I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 458: dead space

Remember in a second【】

Although the body and sleeves are beautiful, but the face is so hideous and terrifying, making Song Qian and the others feel very awkward.

Eggplant grinned and said:

"Tsk, it's a pity, I can barely charge if I cover my face."

"Brother eggplant, when is this? Are you still in the mood to joke?"

Ethan guessed:

"It should be the aborigines living here, right? Just looking at the state, it shouldn't be a normal death."

Song Qian agreed:

"Since this place is closed from the outside, there must be some reason for it. Let's be careful."

Taking advantage of the large number of people at this time, Chen Ke became more courageous, and manipulated the jetpack to pull in the distance from the corpse again.

He originally wanted to check the corpse briefly, at least find out how he died, and remind everyone of the danger they will encounter next.

However, in this weightless environment, it was impossible to completely fix the corpse. Chen Ke pulled it lightly, and the female corpse slowly fell into Chen Ke's arms.

Seeing the eggplant behind him, he grinned and cursed:

"Grass, you brat is more shameless than me."

Although Chen Ke was much bolder than before, this kind of close-up embrace of the strange corpse still made him feel very uncomfortable.

"Don't be kidding, brother egg, hurry up and help."

Although he spoke mercilessly, before Chen Ke could call, the eggplant had already pulled the female corpse away.

But seeing the arm of the corpse, Eggplant was also surprised:

"Why is this guy's blood vessels so thick?"

Chen Ke took a breath and explained:

"It seems that they must have lived in this weightless environment for a long time, and their body functions are quite different from ours. In addition to the thicker blood vessels, I guess her heart is also bigger than ours."

Speaking of which, Chen Ke found that there seemed to be something wrapped around the waist of the female corpse, behind the gauze.

Looking closer, it turned out that there was a very long rope wrapped around the waist of the female corpse, and a small piece of white stone in the shape of "ji" was tied to the other end of the rope.

Eggplant also found it and asked:

"Were their belts so long back then? This hook doesn't look like a button."

Chen Ke shook his head and explained:

"Don't talk nonsense, brother, they didn't have jetpacks at that time. I guess this is a tool they used to move in this space. As long as they use this to hook the target, they can use it to move."

"Emmm, it's similar to a set of men."

Eggplant was not afraid of the corpse, he gently pushed the female corpse's neck and said:

"Don't even mention it, the necks of frontier women are flexible."

Chen Ke couldn't see this kind of behavior that damaged the corpse, so he hurriedly stopped it:

"Stop making trouble, Brother Qie, hurry up and help confirm the cause of her death."

Unexpectedly, while the eggplant continued to gently twist the neck of the female corpse with his hands, he said seriously:

"I'm talking about the cause of death. Something broke the girl's neck."

After Chen Ke confirmed, he took a flashlight to shine around, and said vigilantly:

"Brother Egg, it's better to fire a flare first, and look around, it's definitely not clean here."

Eggplant comforted while installing the flares:

"It's acceptable to die by breaking your neck. After all, it means that the opponent you face will fight you hand-to-hand. We just need to be more cautious with weapons."…

At this time, Song Qian who was searching on the other side suddenly retorted:

"Eggplant, not exactly, look at this."

As she spoke, she shone the flashlight on an object floating not far in front of her.

Chen Ke, Qiezi and Ethan turned their heads to look, and found that it turned out to be a broken arm.

Song Qian stepped forward and picked up the arm carefully, checked the broken place and continued:

"It's a laceration, and what might have killed them wasn't that simple."

Eggplant didn't refute, but fired a flare directly at the bright spot of the earliest lighting stick.

The flare exploded after traveling a distance of tens of meters, and the dazzling white light illuminated the space where the four of them were.

However, what first appeared in front of the four of them was not the surrounding environment, but a large number of remains and severed limbs floating in the air.

A broken arm, a broken leg bone, a torso that was unknown whether it was the upper chest or the lower abdomen, and Chen Ke even found a torn-off human face. These human tissues were floating not far in front of the four of them.

The beautiful weightless environment that had just been established in the minds of the four of them, and the fantasies of fairies flying to the sky, disappeared in an instant.

Ethan was shocked and involuntarily used his mother tongue:

"Oh, my god."

Even Eggplant frowned and said:

"Okay, I take back what I just said, this is a **** human slaughterhouse."

Song Qian nodded and said:

"It seems that we guessed right just now. There must have been some sudden and terrifying changes here, so they will completely block this place."

With the brilliance of the flares, everyone turned around and found another female corpse floating on the other side of the cave where they came down.

Under the illumination of the white light, the four of them vaguely saw many houses on the wall on the right, built on the wall like an upgraded version of the Hanging Temple.

The difference is that those houses don't seem to have any support, as if they grow out of the wall.

Behold the light of the flare

^0^Remember in one second【】

Hui is about to disappear, Eggplant suggested:

"It is estimated that there will be no clues from these corpses. I suggest that we look down from those houses."

Song Qian agreed:

"Okay, let's go there together, but equip your weapons and deal with them in time if there is a situation."

After all, everyone is relying on jetpacks to exercise at this time, and they must not react quickly in the case of gravity.

The four of them adjusted their distance and flew towards the houses on the wall together.

Looking at the neatly arranged houses in the air, Chen Ke couldn't help but exclaim:

"These houses are like ships docked on a mothership in space."

Eggplant replied:

"This is not the time to use your imagination and be wary of your surroundings."

Chen Ke explained:

"I'm not speculating for no reason, but I just thought of a movie called "The Surface of a Black Hole", which tells the story of a spaceship coming to another spaceship, and it turns out that all the remains of the crew members are floating inside."

Ethan thought it would be useful for reference~www.readwn.com~ and asked:

"What is the truth about the death of the crew in the movie?"

Chen Ke took a deep breath before replying:

"It seems that they were powered by a special black hole-making instrument to travel outside the universe, but they arrived in hell, lost their minds one by one, either killed or committed suicide, and finally wiped out."

Ethan couldn't help but look around again when he heard it, and replied:

"It's very good, don't talk about it next time."

Eggplant threw the lighting stick forward and replied:

"If it weren't for the fact that you had eaten two taels of sand before you got here, you would really be fooled into thinking that this is the universe."

But Chen Ke said:

"It's no problem that the plot of the movie is definitely fake, but this space may not be the space of the universe."

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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