However, Song Qian's duplicate body did not give Song Qian a chance to stop her. She waved her blood-stained hand quickly in the water, and immediately completed the paperless talisman.

Immediately afterwards, the clone pushed forward with its hand, and the blood talisman in the river hit the monster's body.

I don't know if it's the gratification of the success of the talisman or the peace of mind that Song Qian has grasped the divine pillar.

Seeing that his talisman had hit the monster, the clone turned around and forgot to take a look at Song Qian. The corner of his mouth raised and he nodded slightly, then let go of his hand holding the heart lock chain, and let the river wash him away.

Song Qian hurriedly stretched out her hand to grab it, but the duplicate body deliberately avoided Song Qian's arm, and Song Qian could only watch the duplicate body being washed down into the deep pit.

At the same time, the monster hit by the talisman suddenly had three penetrating holes, which was different from having no reaction after being hit by Eggplant's gun.

This time, the monster's entire body shrank into a ball, looking very painful.

Even the monster's black tentacles holding onto the heart chain were completely broken, looking both badly wounded and drowned and unable to breathe.

Others would definitely not be able to understand it, but Song Qian already understood the reason.

Before leaving, Song Qian called the Xiangxi Provincial Museum and asked them what was engraved on the fourth side of the bronze statue with animal patterns and animal heads.

After getting the photo, Song Qian studied some talisman patterns and characters on it.

Although I didn't have Brother Han to help me translate, the talismans engraved on the three sides of the bronze statue have a lot in common with the text content, so I can understand some of it.

Each side of the bronze statue records a type of talisman, and the word written in the center of the fourth side is: Jue.

Song Qian didn't understand at first, but after she translated the meaning of a few talismans, she understood the meaning of that word.

The talismans recorded on this side have to pay some price when they are used, either life span or body parts or side effects.

The meaning of the word "absolutely" is estimated to be that unless it is in a very urgent situation, it must not be used lightly.

Song Qian saw that what her copy had just drawn in the water was the talisman on it. To be precise, what she had just drawn was a life-linking talisman.

At the cost of several years of life, connect your life with the other party, so that both parties can share the damage and connect the life span.

That's why the three penetrating injuries instantly appeared on the monster, precisely because it shared the damage with its own copy, and the drowning appearance should be because its own copy was washed down the deep pit.

Why does the copy of oneself save itself even if it gives up its own life?

Although I feel sad for my clone who sacrificed his life to save me, but now is really not the time to be sad.

The rushing river upstream is coming soon.

Song Qian couldn't bear to think about it any longer, and shook the heart lock chain in her hand vigorously. Ethan felt it and pulled it again, and found that the weight was much lighter this time, so she began to pull Song Qian back.

Eggplant, who almost saw all this in his eyes, said:

"Although I don't know exactly what happened, it seems to be resolved. I mean, there should be still time for Song Qian's clone and that monster."

Hearing the sound of the turbulent water in the darkness upstream getting louder, Chen Ke shook his head and said:

"Brother Qie, I feel like it's too late. Ethan, Song Qian! Hurry up, the water from the upstream is about to rush over."

Ethan and Song Qian in the river were already trying their best to walk to the shore, but Eggplant used the clairvoyance to look upstream, only to find that the rushing river was about to come down along the river.

So he hurriedly turned around and said to Chen Ke:

"Damn it, it's really too late, so the two of them have to be washed down, and the two of us have to find a way to destroy the embankment."

Chen Ke also instantly understood the meaning of Eggplant:

"No problem, I'll cut the eggplant and you fry it!"

Speaking of which, Chen Ke didn't care about the pain in his hands, he pulled out the Hundred Ghost Pills and directly held the blade with his hands.

Taking advantage of the blood slipping down the blade, Chen Ke stuck the knife on the embankment, and then swung it upwards, the blue light of the sword extended vertically along the embankment to the distance.

However, this was not enough. Chen Ke shook his right hand vigorously, spilled the blood on the bank, and finally stabbed the Hyakkiwan forward.


It is different from the evil spirits on the first two hundred ghost pills that can only be summoned.

This time, more than a dozen blue evil spirits floated out of the Hyakki pill at the same time, holding a sharp knife and making dozens of knives across the embankment. Seen from above, the entire embankment surface on this side was scratched to pieces.

But the embankment still hasn't collapsed.

At this time, the eggplant behind him had already pulled out the Destroyer. Seeing Chen Ke retracting the knife, he raised his hand towards the center of the place Chen Ke had passed by and shot.

With a loud "bang", the gravel exploded, and even though Chen Ke's previous scratches only opened a big gap in the embankment.

But the rushing river immediately tore the embankment apart along the gap, and a large amount of river water rushed out. The temporary relief of the water level finally gave Ethan and Song Qian a chance to escape for a while.

The two swam towards the shore as fast as they could, and Chen Ke and Qiezi also put away their weapons and came to the embankment to meet them.

Just when the eggplant and Chen Ke dragged Song Qian and Ethan up from the river, the river rushing through the wall was already within sight.

Not to mention that there is no complete embankment for this amount of water, even if there is an embankment, it can be easily crossed and Song Qian and the others will be washed away.

Chen Ke hastily echoed and shouted:

"Quick, quick, the jetpack's maximum gear!"

Speaking of which, Chen Ke also demonstratively opened the jetpack and jumped up.

With the help of the burst of gas, they barely blew themselves off the Song Qian and the three of them also jumped up after seeing this.

Although the jetpack alone cannot take everyone to a place that is too high, but because the distance from the weightless space above the head is not too long, it only needs to be raised a few meters to reach the weightless space, and everyone will be safe.

Chen Ke, who jumped up first, and Song Qian, who was lighter, quickly reached the weightless space above. Ethan and Eggplant were a little overweight, and they barely got off the ground by bending their legs.

Fortunately, Chen Ke and Song Qian, who had already gone up, threw off the heart lock chain and stepped on the bridge above to help them return to the previous weightless space.

The four of them had almost reached the top, when the rushing water under their feet completely engulfed the place where they had just stood.

When everyone returned to the bridge again, the four of them had no strength to communicate with each other about the specific situation just now, and each of them supported the bridge body and panted heavily.

Ethan stood in the surging river and was washed away for a long time. At this time, he managed to catch his breath and raised his head to ask Song Qian:

"Phew, my God, it feels like every time I come out with you, I'm close to death. Song Qian, have you succeeded?"

Before Song Qian could reply, Eggplant suddenly raised his gun and asked:

"You'd better prove that you are Song Qian first."

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