Remember in a second【】

According to what Song Hui said, no one went crazy at that time, only him and the thief from the Reality Society.

In other words, this kind of power that causes madness may not have any effect on captain-level people.

A group of people walked forward cautiously, passing the corpses of the Consciousness Only Society subordinates on the ground.

Their corpses were different from those around them. Not only were they very complete, but they were also lying flat on the ground.

Ji Han speculated:

"It is estimated that the roar of the white tiger made them completely lose control of their bodies, as if they were imprisoned in their bodies, and they could only watch what happened outside until they died.

When you meet that white tiger, you must be careful of his roar, and don't fall for it. "

Ding An questioned:

"Having said that, but you can see that the other corpses around are not like this. Some are incomplete, and some even have incomplete skulls. It seems that the number of attacks of the white tiger is not the same."

At this time, Liu Bai, who had been silent all this time, reminded:

"Wall, you can see that the wall has begun to change."

I saw that the wall, which was still pitch black just now, slowly began to appear some light blue lines, not only getting brighter and brighter, but also alive, shuttling back and forth through the wall like an electric current.

Song Hui replied:

"Yes, that's it! That's what the walls look like when they're mad."

Eggplant guessed:

"It looks like this should be some kind of fluorescent plant?"

Chen Ke replied:

"I don't understand, but this thing makes people uncomfortable, but I can't tell what's wrong."

Ji Han tried to scan the top of his head, but it didn't produce any information.

Obviously, these blue things above the head are not monsters.

When everyone was puzzled, Ding An shook his head excitedly and said:

"My God, how did they do it? This... this is a nerve! This is a human brain nerve!"

Ji Han didn't understand what it was, so he could only ask:

"Ding An, can you confirm?"

But Ding An didn't reply, but was still admiring everything on the wall by himself, with an extremely excited smile on his face, as if he didn't hear it.

The captain immediately noticed the strangeness and shouted:

"Cui Feng! Wake him up!"

Cui Feng punched Ding An directly on the back with an electric charge in his hand, and with a "stab", the smile on Ding An's face disappeared instantly, and his demeanor returned to normal.

Cui Feng complained:

"Are you okay? Why did you get caught too?"

Although Ding An is in charge of the science and technology department in the Alien Guard, and his own strength is not weak, he will not be recruited so quickly.

Ding An breathed a sigh of relief before replying:

"Huh, it's not a trick, it's an active experience."

Then he raised his head and explained:

"This thing is designed according to the nerves of the human brain. Although I don't know what the blue thing is, after looking at it for a long time, my brain nerve signals will gradually synchronize with their rhythm and be gradually brought into a state of madness.

People who are strong in themselves are less likely to modify the nerve signals in the brain, but I guess it is only a matter of time. After watching this thing for a long time, everyone will be affected, so we still have to find a way to deal with it.

I really didn't expect that there was such a genius design in that era, Ji Han, I regret it, I should have participated in your mission earlier. "

Ji Hanxin said that I don't want to go on any mission with you, a lunatic.

After listening to Ding An's explanation, everyone understood.

Cui Feng stretched out his hand and hit Lei Ting Jiuzi on the wall, and the gravel fell down.

However, the blue object was not affected at all, and it still kept moving at the previous rhythm.

Seeing this, Song Qian made a good guess. She wrote a soul-suppressing talisman with Fu Jie's hand in the air and threw it on the wall. The blue things near the talisman dissipated instantly.

"I see. These blue things are made of spirit bodies. Everyone has to attack them by attacking spirit bodies."

The captains are very experienced with the real monsters in the other world, but this kind of intangible thing really doesn't have many ways to deal with it, and can only be cleaned up little by little.

When Chen Ke heard it, he came to the wall and swung his knife upwards with a hundred ghost pills in his hand.

The blue substance on half of the wall was cut off by him.

But that thing is like chewing gum, although it was cut off, it slowly began to condense together again.

Eggplant raised his hand to make a shot, and smashed the condensed blue substance with a "bang", but the thing hadn't disappeared yet.

Song Qian wanted to continue drawing soul-suppressing talismans, but Ji Han raised his hand to stop her and said:

"Leave it for later, I'll do it."

As he spoke, he took out his Yanmo Fist Blade, and attached the Wraith Bone Fire to it.

As Ji Han punched the wall, the flames quickly spread to the surroundings, burning most of the blue matter.

However, limited by the size of the place and the shape of the wall, Ji Han's punch only wiped out nearly half of his spiritual nerves.

Damn, it's still a little bit close.

Although it didn't solve the problem with one punch, this move was enough to shock everyone. I thought that the mission experience of Ji Han and the others was not just talk.

Seeing the blue flames Ji Han used, the captain also thought of something, so he walked to the front and said softly:

^0^Remember in one second【】

"Since it's dealing with the problem, don't be so stingy."

As he spoke, he raised the crutch high, and then slammed it down in the astonished eyes of everyone.

The moment the crutch landed, golden flames instantly spread from under his feet, quickly spreading to the surroundings and the top of his head.

It's like painting the entire tunnel with gold paint in one move.

Everyone was frightened by the scale of the chief's move.

Not to mention that those blue substances quickly dissipated after touching the golden flames, and even places where no blue substances appeared in the distance were wrapped in golden flames.

The whole cave seemed to be completely lit up.

"Let's go."

Ji Hanxin said that this is the strength of the captain, it is really beyond compare.

"I didn't expect that your flame can also exorcise evil spirits."

"It's not my fire, but the golden flame that you took from your body when you came back from Changbai Mountain. It was only later that I discovered his ability to kill demons and exorcise evil spirits."

It was only then that Ji Han remembered that his exorcism golden flame was still at the captain's Unexpectedly, it would be effective today.

Seeing the golden flames around him, Eggplant put away his sniper rifle and smiled wryly:

"Grass, this row of noodles, Ji Han, I should have known that we would have brought the old man along for our previous missions."

Ji Hanxin said, do you think I don't want to? Wasn't the condition not allowed before?

If there were only Ji Han and four people on this road, everyone would definitely choose to sneak over here.

But at this time, there are so many captains, and the chief captain is in charge.

Judging by this posture, it is obvious that he wants to push in flat.

Thanks to the captain's blessing, the scene in the darkness ahead was also revealed to everyone in advance.

But there was no monster like what Captain Song Hui said, but a stone door that almost lifted the sky.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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