I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 574: Who is this grandson?

After listening to Song Qian's explanation, everyone was heartbroken.

Ji Mo even bluntly said:

"If I had known earlier, I would have told the captain's grandfather not to remind them."

Cui Feng shook his head and said:

"No, there is nothing wrong with the captain's doing this matter.

If we don't remind them, when they realize that we haven't broken out a large-scale spiritual body invasion, they will definitely find the problem, and they will feel even more guilty about us.

So Song Qian is right. When a large number of spirit bodies appear in other regions to affect the real world, but nothing happens in the land of China, they have already judged us guilty. "

Ji Han asked:

"Then what's next? How does the captain plan to deal with it?"

Since Cui Feng was asked to come to everyone, the captain must know it well, at least he has a way to deal with it.

Chen Ke hesitated and said:

"It's probably difficult for the captain, because even if we tell the truth about the catastrophe at this time, those representatives may not believe it, and maybe they will hold the **** pot that caused the catastrophe on our heads. Shall we avoid it for a while?"

Cui Feng shrugged and said:

"It's not necessary, because the captain just said eight words: Seek truth from facts and convince people with reason."

Ji Hanxin said that it was really in line with the captain's old man's style of doing things.

But convincing people with reason?

Does reasoning really work at a time like this? If those guys who come here are really reasonable, then there is no ghost.

But the captain must know those alien organizations better than himself. Since he said so, he must be prepared.

Eggplant asked:

"Then we don't have to participate?"

"No, I came here to tell you that the captain asked all of you to participate, and go now."

Ji Han smiled and said:

"It seems that the old man must have asked us to 'collude confession' in advance, right?"

After all, there are certain things that are absolutely impossible to tell to other alien organizations.

As Ji Han expected, after everyone arrived, the captain just told them not to tell anyone about a few things.

The first is the Divine Pillar. At the beginning, the International Alien Alliance got involved because they knew about the Divine Pillar and mistakenly thought it was some kind of energy source.

The second is that people related to Shenzhu are directly summarized as supplementary personnel of the alien guards, and there is no need to describe them in detail when necessary.

The last thing is to package the discovery of the catastrophe as an accidental discovery of a supernatural invasion event handled by ancestors thousands of years ago.

After the confession ended in the afternoon, it was not until eight o'clock in the evening that all the representatives of the alien organizations who had arrived around the world were invited to the branch of the alien guard.

It was indeed much later than everyone expected.

Different from receiving foreign guests, representatives of these foreign organizations from all over the world came here to deal with urgent matters in a low-key manner, so they hardly attracted any attention.

But to everyone's surprise, the captain did not leave everyone in the house to wait for the representatives of the alien organizations.

Instead, let everyone wait in the meeting room next door, and then ask everyone to come in when necessary.

I think the captain had to stabilize the situation first, and let those representatives accept this reality, so that Ji Han and others came to explain the truth.

Originally, I thought that I would wait until the captain called to see those representatives, but I didn't expect Chen Ke to open the notebook in advance.

What is shown on the laptop is exactly the scene in the meeting room.

Eggplant mocked:

"Okay, Chen Ke, this candid photography technique is very skillful."

"Hey, a mini camera was placed in advance during the afternoon communication."

Ji Han asked curiously:

"Isn't such an important meeting cleared in advance?"

Chen Ke stuck out his tongue and said with a smile:

"It was a sudden temporary meeting, and besides, Ding An and I were responsible for clearing the venue, so why not have a bit of privilege as the host?"

From the not-so-clear picture, it can already be seen that all the representatives are seated in the temporarily arranged circular conference hall.

There were more than a dozen people sitting on the periphery of the square table in the center, including the captain.

The others were all sitting far behind, and it could be seen that those representatives also had high or low appearances and close camps.

Except for Minister Caggins of the International Alien Alliance, no one else knew him.

It's not like seeing the leaders of the heads of state on TV, all dressed in decent clothes and sitting solemnly.

Looking at the casual appearance of those representatives, it looked like a parent meeting held by the school. Although the atmosphere of the meeting was serious, it didn't make people feel oppressed.

Ji Han said:

"I thought such an important meeting would be more formal."

Chen Ke explained:

"It seems a bit random, but these are all fake ones. They are all representatives of foreign organizations around the world. The quality is naturally..."

Before Chen Ke finished speaking, a representative had already put his leg on the table, and the meeting time was bustling.

Until the captain lightly tapped the ground with his cane, the entire meeting room and the camera shook.

Even Ji Han and everyone in the meeting room next door could feel the strong shock.

In an instant, the whole venue was silent.

Good guy, the commander-in-chief's aura is really well-managed.

Sitting down at the master's seat, the captain said slowly:

"I didn't expect the representatives of the alien organizations to come so quickly. You didn't come. I also plan to invite the International Alien Alliance and you to discuss and deal with the catastrophe that is currently happening around the world. So... .”

Before the captain could finish speaking, a blond middle-aged man who was closest to the captain raised his hand and asked:

"Captain Zhenwu~www.readwn.com~ You may have misunderstood. Before discussing the solution to the catastrophe incident you mentioned, I hope you can explain to everyone how the catastrophe incident caused by the alien guards."

Although what you heard was the words from the translator, of course you can still feel the strange attitude in the language.

As soon as the voice fell, many people behind supported him:

"Don't hide the truth from us."

"You need to explain clearly!"

Ji Han scolded:

"Damn, you put your hat on before people have a chance to explain, who is this grandson?"

Song Qian replied:

"Director of Subvich North America, Kim Moss."

"Are the superhumans in North America made by a company?"

"To be precise, they are of a group nature, and many of them have abilities obtained through experiments."

Good guy, relying on scientific experiments to develop abilities?

I still remember that when I first joined, Song Qian explained that the domestic group of supernatural beings adopts the principle of special affairs and special handling, which can ensure that the lives of ordinary people and supernatural beings will not affect each other to the greatest extent.

Relying on scientific experiments to develop abilities, isn't it afraid that the country will eliminate them as threats? Or is what they do state-sanctioned?

Faced with Moore's pressing questions, the captain did not rush:

"I don't have anything to explain, because our people just discovered the catastrophe and reminded it as soon as possible. If Mr. Moore thinks he knows more than me, then I hope you can point out the solution for everyone."

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