I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 576: tense situation

Ji Han said in disgust:

"This guy looks the same as the one just released, is it also a representative?"

"That should be the representative of the Australian Foreign World Association, Wilfred."

Although these words are harsh, there is nothing wrong with the appeal.

Minister Caggins couldn't refute it either, so he had to look back at the captain.

The captain slightly raised his eyelids to look at the bald head, frowned and said:

"If I need to know details, I can ask my players to add clarifications.

But I also ask this representative to clarify that my team members are here to explain the situation, not to be judged. They have the freedom to ignore some people's problems. "

Speaking of which, the captain first turned his head and blinked at the small camera on the wall lamp, then turned his head and whispered to Cui Feng behind him:

"Let Ji Han and the others come over."

Eggplant Road:

"It seems that the captain always knew that we were peeping."

Ji Han stood up and said:

"The last few words just now were for us to listen to. I think the captain also knows that those guys who came today are not friendly. Although many people there are quite annoying, everyone should try to ignore them as much as possible. Don't give them any trouble. Tell the truth."

Liu Dan snorted lightly and said:

"Let's say this to yourself, I feel that you are the most ruthless person here."


Cui Feng came to the next door and brought Ji Han and the others into the hall. Although there were only a dozen or so main representatives, there were still quite a few people who came together who were not qualified to sit on the representative seats.

The eyes of the people around will also focus on Ji Han and his party.

"Is it just a few of them?"

"Aren't you too young?"

"Where did Captain Zhenwu find the scapegoat?"

People around were chattering, although most of the words were not translated, but Ji Han and his party could clearly feel a feeling of distrust.

In front of the captains of the most central group, the bald man named Wilfred questioned:

"Go after the members of the Consciousness Only Society, just them? Captain Zhenwu, you are probably joking with us."

Ji Han glanced at the bald head lightly, and said helplessly:

"Representative of the regional alien organization, just this kind of thing? Chief, are you kidding us?"

The bald man was about to get angry, but fortunately Minister Caggins maintained order in time and said:

"I know the strength of Ji Han's team, there is no need to question that.

I would trouble you to tell everyone what happened in detail to dispel everyone's doubts. "

After all, I have known Minister Caggins and others before.

Moreover, he obviously knew about Shenzhu's affairs, so he pretended to be confused here at this time, the captain must have greeted him in advance.

They are obviously trying to maintain the stability of the region, so that everyone can focus the main conflict on the Heavenly Tribulation event, so as not to fight again for the so-called divine pillar that is no longer important.

Therefore, Ji Han also gave Minister Caggins a lot of face, instead of caring about that annoying bald head, he told everyone what he had confirmed before.

Ji Han really added some content, which sounds more detailed and real than what the captain said.

Judging from the expressions of the other people present, it was obvious that some of them believed their own words.

After speaking, Caggins concluded:

"Actually, the situation is the same as Captain Zhenwu said, in short, the spirit of the deceased will come to the real world.

In the land of China thousands of years ago, the ancients here discovered the catastrophe in advance, and created a method to prevent this place from being harmed by the catastrophe in the future.

But unfortunately, this method can not be generalized, so we have to think of a new way. "

I don't know which position the representative shouted:

"Isn't it stopped now?"

Caggins didn't look at who asked, but looked up and replied:

"At present, it is only temporarily stopped by the contingency plans and modern weapons of the alien organizations in various regions, but this is like repairing a broken dam with more and more water.

We only temporarily stopped the leak of the dam, and the water volume in the dam is increasing, if a solution cannot be found quickly.

Once the spirit body in a place cannot successfully stop it, the entire area will immediately be paralyzed, and then it will be out of control. "

After speaking, Caggins nodded to his assistant, and the latter projected several groups of photos on the wall.

In the picture, a large number of spirits climb out from unknown tunnels.

A large number of uniformed and heavily armed supernatural beings are responding.

It can be seen that the killed spirit bodies dissipate on the spot like blue fireworks, but looking at the blood on the ground and the fallen supernatural beings, it can be seen that those spirit bodies are not easy to deal with.

"According to our detection, there may be only a small number of them, and almost all other world organizations have tried their best to deal with them. Once a large number of spirit bodies erupt in the future, I am afraid that none of the other world organizations here will waver." Can stop it."

Hearing this, not only the representatives, but even Ji Han and the others became nervous.

From waking up at noon to hearing the representatives coming to the meeting, Ji Han and the others did not actually see the scene of the spirit body invading.

Seeing these representatives before coming here, I was still feeling infighting~www.readwn.com~ Ji Han thought that the Heavenly Tribulation might just be because there were relatively few supernatural beings in ancient times, so it was called the Heavenly Tribulation when encountering that kind of disaster.

Now that there are so many supernatural beings and the blessing of modern weapons, the invasion of spirit bodies should not be a problem.

It wasn't until he saw the fierce battle on the wall that Ji Han realized that his thinking was too simple. There was a reason why his ancestors called it a catastrophe.

Seeing that everyone paid attention to it, Minister Caggins continued:

"In terms of finding a solution, I suggest that the cooperation be divided into multiple groups: not only must the supernatural beings continue to arrange protective measures, but also deal with possible spiritual invasions at any time..."

Before Minister Caggins finished speaking, the bald Wilfred asked:

"So the alien guard "coincidentally" is in an area where there is no spirit body invasion, so they just watch us busy?"

Minister Caggins ignored Wilfred's eccentricity and said bluntly:

"Because the alien guards were not invaded by spirit bodies, their task is even more difficult. They need to find clues that the ancients may have left, and try to decipher the solution to the catastrophe."

Speaking of which, Caggins turned his head and nodded to the captain, who agreed:

"Once we find any clues, we will definitely communicate with the International Alien Alliance in time. Of course, if we need any help during this process, please give us your help."

Hearing this, Wilfred stood up with a smile and said:

"The truth is already obvious. You are the ones who let everyone fall into this situation. How dare you say anything here to help?"

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