I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 615: Lin Zhong don't look back

"The bacon... the bacon is alive!"

Chen Ke's shout was particularly prominent in the silent woods, startled Ji Han and the four in front, and everyone hurriedly turned their heads to look.

However, everyone only saw those corpses hanging on the tree, and none of them moved.

"Chen Ke, who survived?"

Chen Ke hastily pointed to a corpse hanging on a tree seven or eight meters away and said:

"It's that one. It wasn't facing this direction before, but it's turned around now."

Hearing this, everyone was also curious, because there were many corpses just now, and it was true that they did not notice the orientation of each corpse.

Eggplant frowned and said:

"These hanging corpses have been around for some time, and there should be no possibility of resurrection."

As he spoke, he walked towards the corpse. Just in case, everyone followed.

When he came close, Eggplant took out a dagger and wanted to touch the corpse, but as soon as the dagger touched it, the whole skeleton broke from the neck, and the lower body fell directly to the ground, breaking into two halves.

Only one head was left hanging from a tree by a rope.

Eggplant turned around and cursed:

"Fuck, Chen Ke, you can just scare people, just this muscle and bone will fall apart when touched, you still expect him to look back at you?"

What Chen Ke said was a little unconfident. Could it be that he was really wrong?

"No way? I clearly saw him turn his head around."

Eggplant joked:

"Yes, yes, in order to turn to look at you, I turned my head away. It's a beautiful love story."

Everyone thought it was Chen Ke's misreading. He turned his head and was about to move on, but was stopped by Liu Dan:

"Wait a minute! Chen Ke is right, those corpses have indeed turned around."

As he spoke, he raised his finger and pointed to the front, only to see three corpses hanging on the big tree directly in front, facing this way.

Song Qian nodded and added:

"That's right, I just remembered that the three corpses were all facing the other side."

Hearing this, everyone realized that Chen Ke hadn't misjudged just now, and they all became vigilant.

Ji Han also looked around, and saw that the corpses in the jungle on both sides were also facing this way. After turning around, Ji Han said in surprise:

"Not only the front and back, but all the corpses that can be seen seem to be facing us."

Song Qian was puzzled and said:

"But their bodies have already rotted like that, so there should be no possibility of resurrection?"

Eggplant suggested:

"It stands to reason so, but since they can really move, we'd better be careful. Everyone pay attention to the three corpses in front, and go around a little bit from the side to see if there is any change?"

The six people walked around from the left side of the big tree in front of them little by little, without taking their eyes off the three corpses.

When everyone came to the tree completely, the three corpses still faced the same position just now without any change.

Ji Hanxin said, could it be that there was a problem with the position just now?

The location just now happened to be the center of those people committing suicide?

While thinking wildly, the three corpses actually started to slowly turn in this direction.

However, unlike what Chen Ke said about twisting their necks, these three corpses turned around directly by driving the rope above their heads.

There was no sound during the whole process, but because of this, it made people feel even more hairy after watching it.

Because the corpses that everyone passed by just now must have slowly turned towards this place after everyone passed by.

This is the first time everyone has encountered such a strange situation. Although it is not dangerous, these corpses must not have turned around for no reason.

Eggplant scolded:

"Grass, I'd rather these corpses jump out of the trees and attack than have them keep watching."

Ji Han comforted him:

"Although I don't know what's going on, fortunately, there is no danger. Everyone should pay attention to these corpses at all times."

The six of them continued walking along the path among the trees, but the number of corpses around them also increased little by little.

That kind of feeling is very weird, like shuttling between ghosts and ghosts, especially when looking back, all the corpses in sight are looking here, giving people a feeling that they will come back to life at any time.

Ji Mo asked curiously:

"Although it is true that many people committed suicide in the sea of ​​trees in Aokigahara, it wouldn't be so dense, right?"

Chen Ke explained:

"The reaction of the other world to the real world is very unique, and they are not completely consistent. These may be all the people who have died in the sea of ​​trees in Aokigahara. If you just look at the clothes, most of the corpses here are very long ago."

Walking around so many corpses, even Liu Dan exhaled and said:

"If I can, I really want to burn this forest with a fire."

Song Qian dissuaded:

"It's better not to make trouble for the captain and the time guardian. Come to Liben and burn Mount Fuji. It's probably hard for them to explain."

Ji Han has been observing the surrounding corpses, and after looking around a few times, he turned around and asked:

"I don't think there is a single corpse with equipment here, that is to say, those who were brought in by the leader of the Different Knife Society to perform the task and disappeared must still be in a deeper place."

Just as he was speaking, two tall trees appeared in front of him, completely blocking the road.

Chen Ke stepped forward and waved the Hundred Ghost Pills to cut off a few small trees next to the big tree, revealing a blocked road.

But as soon as the six people stepped in one by one, they saw a small open space.

Surrounded by a few thicker trees, there are several corpses scattered in the open space in the center.

The six people looked at each other, and Eggplant walked to the nearest corpse, and could vaguely see a small part of the blade protruding from the man's back.

Eggplant carefully turned the face-down corpse over.

I saw the corpse with a ferocious face, with its left hand stretched forward, as if trying to grab something, while the right hand held a Japanese-style short knife, which was deeply inserted into his heart.

Eggplant still pulled out a rusty pistol and an empty dagger scabbard from his waist~www.readwn.com~ Really, Cao Cao will be there soon, although there are not many people, but these should belong to that A group of missing members of the Different Knife Society. "

Song Qian asked:

"Did it commit suicide?"

Eggplant straightened the corpse, and then forcefully pushed the man's arms apart.

Looking at the angle of the dagger inserted into the chest, Eggplant shook his head and said:

"Absolutely not, this knife is inserted into the heart from the bottom up, and his right hand holding the knife can't stab at such an angle anyway, and if he really wants to insert the knife into his heart, the correct way should be Press both hands together on the handle.

Instead, he looks like he wants to pull out the knife after being stabbed. "

Chen Ke speculated:

"So, did they encounter an enemy attack here and wanted to resist, but they were killed?"

Eggplant frowned and didn't speak. What Chen Ke said made sense, but he still felt that something was wrong. After thinking about it, he slowly pulled out the short knife on the chest of the deceased, and then stabbed it lightly with his hand a few times, simulating a short knife stabbing. The angle and strength of entry.

Just when everyone didn't know what Eggplant was going to do, he suddenly turned around and looked for the place where the corpse was lying just now, and he saw a small hole.

"Tsk, isn't it?"

Then Eggplant turned the corpse to face down, aimed the short knife at the small hole below, and let go gently.

The short knife smashed into the small hole, and as the corpse fell downward, the short knife was inserted into the heart perfectly, and protruded from the wound on the back of the corpse.

"Grass, this grandson seems to have hit his own dagger and died."

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