I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 621: Village of Fortune

Chen Ke said in surprise:

"Hey guy, is there a gold mountain hidden in this village or something? The secrecy regulations are almost catching up with military bases."

Liu Dan was keen to discover the key:

"Shrine, only the article about the shrine has nothing to do with secrecy, but it is placed in such a high position, there must be something wrong with their shrine."

Song Qian asked:

"It doesn't seem right. They didn't talk about the time ring, nor did they say that their time is different from that of outsiders. For example, everyone lives on that day."

Chen Ke explained:

"Song Qian, you may have misunderstood this point. What we are seeing now is indeed the day when these people died, and we have indeed entered this day. That's why these corpses are so fresh and the surrounding scenery is so beautiful. reality.

But this does not mean that they have been living in this day before.

In other words, it is very likely that the time ring was activated on the day they died, causing everything to stay on that day. "

"Oh, indeed, I thought they lived in a day in this village all the time."

Ji Han looked at one of them and muttered to himself:

"Luck? They seem to care about the fortune of this village."

Eggplant smiled and said:

"They used to care so much about luck, but their village turned out to be so unlucky. It's ironic when you think about it."

"So they must have experienced something, or the fortune they said is different from what we said, come and see if there is anything on the other side."

The six people came to the other side of the wall, this time Ji Han just translated the first sentence and his eyes widened:

"Precautions for using Haoyun when going out?"

No one else heard:

"Luck? What luck?"

Ji Han didn't reply, but began to translate the following rules sentence by sentence:

"It is forbidden to go to a casino to gamble three times in a row.

It is forbidden to bet more than two times with an acquaintance.

It is forbidden to use Haoyun on people in Wooden Village.

It is forbidden to use good luck to enter an official career.

It is forbidden to use the big luck to attract too much attention.

Great luck can be used freely for fishing and hunting, but don't go with outsiders.


The following are similar precautions, all of which are for them to pay attention to when using this 'good luck'. "

If it is written on the wall in an ordinary village, don't gamble with others, don't bet with others.

I can still understand that the villagers educate the folks to be simple, but what is written here obviously does not mean that, but seems to teach the villagers to try to be as low-key as possible when using "Luck".

Chen Ke was a little unresponsive, and said doubtfully:

"Wait a minute, Brother Ji, what does this mean?

Could it be that they take advantage of their 'great luck' to be sure to win every bet? "

Although I didn't fully understand what this "great luck" meant, but judging from the meaning, if there was no prohibition on the wall, the people in Muyun Village seemed to be able to use this "great luck" to act recklessly.

Song Qian guessed:

"It's very possible. No wonder they are able to live so comfortably even though they are in the depths of the woods. If they can really easily do what the wall says, then no one really wants to leave."

Ji Han reorganized his thoughts:

"So, the people in this village must all have extraordinary good luck, that's why they live so well.

And this kind of good luck definitely didn't come from themselves, otherwise they wouldn't be so cautious to cover up for fear of outsiders knowing.

I guess there is a high probability that it has something to do with the shrine mentioned earlier. I still remember that they said that the number of worships to the shrine should not exceed three times a day.

It is very likely that their 'good luck' came from the shrine, otherwise, if anyone can always have such good luck, they will definitely not end their lives in this wilderness.

Something must have happened later, that's why their village of great luck turned into this strange place where they would be killed by bad luck once they stepped into it. "

Ji Mo speculated:

"It must be so. Those members of the Different Knife Club may be looking for the source of this good luck, so they are so indifferent to the danger they encounter."

Eggplant agrees:

"It makes sense to say that. If you can always have unreasonable luck, then even if you are an emperor, you can't do it. That's why they are so desperate. This is indeed more valuable than Jinshan gone."

Liu Dan snorted coldly and said:

"Greedy is not enough to swallow elephants. Although I don't know what happened to make them reverse their polarities here, but in the face of such a big temptation, it is inevitable that someone will do crazy things."

Ji Hanxin is right, if he can win every bet or scratch the prize, it will be the first prize.

So ask yourself, I guess it will be difficult for me to restrain the excitement in my heart, to do something crazy, let alone those villagers.

"This is really unexpected, let's go, let's go out first, maybe when we get to that shrine, many problems will naturally be solved."

Just as the six people were about to walk out of the courtyard, there was another crisp sound of "click" from the four-story wooden building behind them.

Everyone looked back and saw that the wooden building that was still stable in the distance just now began to shake, and large pieces of sawdust kept falling from both sides.

Eggplant scolded:

"Grass, isn't it? Still coming?"

"Stop talking nonsense~www.readwn.com~ Everyone backs up together, slow down, don't worry."

In this place where bad luck may end at any time, Ji Han and the others have some experience.

While watching his feet for any obstacles, he slowly exited the courtyard without panic, for fear that any moment of panic would lead to any accident.

However, the four-storey wooden building did not stop shaking with Ji Han's six people pushing out, on the contrary, it shook even more violently.

Just as Ji Han's six retreated outside the courtyard, the four-story wooden building finally collapsed.

The first thing hit was the rockery pond in front of the wooden building. I don't know whether it was the huge impact or which rockery it hit. It had already become a leverage effect. The corpse of the old man who was pierced by the rockery was bounced high.

It slammed heavily in front of Ji Han's six people, breaking into a big puddle of meat.

Ji Hanxin said what kind of evil this guy did, even if he died, the bad luck in the village would not let his body go.

As the collapsed wooden building hit the ground heavily, the sawdust and gravel behind it also flew over.

Song Qian still threw out a talisman, but after the talisman touched the flesh and blood of the old man on the ground, it burned up instantly.

"No, there's too much blood here, and the talismans won't work!"

Seeing the gravel and broken wood sweeping towards him, Chen Ke carefully took out the Hyakki Pill, checked the position, held the blade of the sword and inserted the Hyakki Pill directly into the ground.

Immediately afterwards, a vertical wall of blue blades blocked the six people.

-----Off Topic-----

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