I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 636: silent killing

But even though the little boy told everyone the truth about his family, no one took the initiative to ask anything. It seemed that no one cared about the life and death of his family who dug out the well, let alone uphold justice.

You can even hear someone whispering below:

"What, I thought we were going to distribute the holy relics of good luck."

"Yeah, it made us come here in such a hurry."

"Didn't the child's family members die long ago?"

"When you die, you die. There are so many things."

The little boy looked at the villagers outside the shrine in disbelief, and shouted loudly begging them to catch the village chief down the well, but no one paid attention.

Until the village chief and his men climbed up from the bottom of the well and caught the little boy.

Even though the village head beat him severely in the shrine in front of the villagers, he still prayed that the villagers could catch the village head.

But still no one helped the little boy, even if it was just for him or his parents.

Seeing that the villagers hadn't dispersed yet, the village chief naturally knew what they wanted, so he comforted him:

"Don't worry, everyone. Tomorrow I will continue to distribute the holy objects of good luck at the bottom of the well. God's grace will never be broken."

Hearing this, the villagers dispersed on the spot contentedly, and no one cared about the little boy who was beaten half to death, because all they cared about was the good luck they had enjoyed in the past two years.

Even if the little boy had already told everyone that the bottom of the well was full of bad luck and misfortune, and that the misfortune had affected the entire village, no one paid any attention to it.

In order not to leave traces, the village chief asked his subordinates to throw the little boy into the ominous black fluid at the bottom of the well, because the thing would die if touched, so that no one could find the body, and there would be no hidden dangers.

The grandfather, parents and neighbors dug a well for the village, stopped the village head from abusing miracles for the village, and died for the village.

However, no villagers cared, and no one even said a word for them.

Where there is good and evil karma, where there is retribution of life and death.

The little boy was ashamed without saying a word, and was taken to the bottom of the well by two subordinates of the village chief. He no longer resisted, thinking that he would be reunited with his parents soon.

But when he was thrown into the "Black River", he miraculously did not die, and found that he could actually manipulate the black sand in the river.

Maybe because he has no sense of life and death, good and evil, he is no different from the surrounding stones, the only difference is that he now has a heart of revenge and killing.

The two subordinates of the village chief wanted to escape, but they were instantly killed by the falling rocks from the top of the cave.

Manipulating this ominous force, the little boy first dug up all the corpses of his parents, grandfather and old man buried at the bottom of the well.

Looking at the bones of his relatives, he finally ran away, letting this ominous force control the sand of doom to flow completely.

Even the ground shook accordingly, and the huge ability even directly affected the time ring behind the stone wall, making time stagnate in one day.

And those black sands rushed out from the cracks in the ground, like a black storm, bringing everyone in the village into doom.

He was crushed to death by his newly built house, he was stabbed to death by a sharp log at the entrance of the village when he tried to escape, he was hacked to death by his own blade when he tried to resist, even those who wanted to hang themselves were stabbed to death by falling branches... .

When the village chief returned home, seeing his family members died tragically and the way out was blocked, he wanted to jump off the stairs to give himself a good time.

However, bad luck still didn't let him go, and he slipped and jumped off the roof of the building and landed on the rock.

The body was pierced but he didn't die immediately, but he couldn't move, he could only watch himself bleed little by little with the heart-piercing pain.

Regardless of the injuries on his body, the little boy watched all this with cold eyes, just like they watched everything happen before.

He didn't return to the bottom of the well until the whole village was quiet, blood and bad luck flooded the whole village, and he stood there for a long time.

Three simple graves were dug for parents, grandpa and neighbors, and they were buried underneath.

After finishing all this, he hugged his parents' graves and fell into a deep sleep, just like hugging them, waiting for death to come.

The misfortune entanglement in the sea of ​​trees in Aokigahara really had nothing to do with the little boy. It was caused by the villagers using up the sand of good luck, which caused the sand of misfortune to flood and pollute the entire forest.

The little boy didn't know that the time ring behind the wall fixed the time within a day, so he didn't sleep for long when another group of people came from the village.

It was Yamada Fifty-Seven and his guards who were lured by Ishikawa Cheng.

Although many subordinates of the Different Swords Society were sacrificed on the way, it was worthwhile for Yamada to successfully arrive here.

But he didn't expect that when he arrived, there were already dead bodies everywhere. He thought it was someone who came first and ransacked the village.

As they continued to go deeper, members of their guards also died of bad luck one after another.

Seeing the writing on the wall of the village shrine, Yamada and his team immediately discovered that the problem was in the well of the shrine.

After absorbing the souls of the last two subordinates, Yamada reached the gate of the shrine with great strength and jumped into the well.

I thought I would see some treasure after going down~www.readwn.com~ but I didn't expect that there was only a "black river" and three grave mounds to greet him, and a child was lying on top of the grave mounds.

Hearing that he was here to find Haoyun, the little boy told him that there is nothing here except dead people.

However, Yamada, who had sacrificed so many subordinates, naturally couldn't accept such a result, and stepped forward to forcefully threaten and question the little boy.

In the end, the little boy who was still angry was cornered, and he manipulated the black sand of bad luck to give Yamada a good beating.

Seeing that the little boy can control those ominous forces, Yamada is even more convinced that the thing of good luck is also here.

Coupled with the heavy losses in this operation, if there is no result, I am afraid that I will have to cut myself open, so Yamada is also doing his best, even at the cost of consuming his own soul.

In the end, it really allowed him to break through the defense of the little boy Heisha, and directly absorbed the little boy's soul body.

Under the severe pain in the brain, the little boy gritted his teeth and bounced Yamada away.

The powerful impact finally shattered the wall surrounding the time ring behind them, but the two did not know the existence of the time ring.

Maybe it was because he was afraid of Yamada's ability to absorb souls, so the little boy used his last strength to control the bad luck black sandstorm and threw Yamada out of the tunnel.

It was because of that moment that Yamada, who lost the protection of his soul body, was stabbed to death by his own dagger due to bad luck, and became a soul eater.

And because the soul body was severely damaged, the memory of the little boy's brain was also greatly affected.

In the end, relying on the instinct to walk towards his parents, he crawled back to his parents' graves.

Until the arrival of Ji Han and others.

-----Off Topic-----

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