It's also a matter of accumulating food and slowly becoming king. It would be nice if the old guy didn't kill himself.

However, there is no problem with Kiryu's thinking. At this stage, it really shouldn't attract too much attention from the Dracula family.

It is rare that someone as arrogant as Kiryu can talk about tactics. It seems that he must have some understanding of the horror of the Dracula family.

As strong as a player like Dracula, I am afraid that only Senior Xiaochunqiu can match.

Thinking of the players, Ji Han recalled another detail:

"Speaking of that family, I think of one thing, you know [next time] this armor, right? I remember that it should be an item that only players can use, but the Dracula family that I met this time Tai actually wears one too?"

Kiryu replied:

"That's what I wanted to tell you about the bugs in the game they mastered. Don't use the strength of ordinary supernatural beings to consider the Dracula family, and don't look at them from the perspective of an ordinary player.

If players like us are monsters to other people, they are monsters among monsters, and many of the restrictions that are imposed on us in the game may not exist for them. "

Damn, that is to say, I am a hacker, and I met a researcher?

"Okay, I see, I will be more careful, so let's do it first."

"Remember to contact me before you leave next time, maybe I have something good to give you."

"Be careful, if you let that family know about our cooperation, you will also become their target."

"Is this considered today's concern?"

"Get out! Hang up!"

Although Kiryu must be a lunatic, I have to admit that I have gained something every time I call him.

What he said was right, he really should act in a low-key manner, when the ability is not as good as the opponent, exposing the strength too much will only attract killing.

By the time he returned to Team Zero, Song Qian and the others had already returned from Team Ten.

It can be seen that the ten team's situation is very good, and Song Qian's mood has improved a lot since they came back.

Ji Han reminded:

"Since everyone is here, let's start looking for the next time ring!"

Eggplant complained:

"Fuck, Ji Han, your efficiency is too high, we just came back, why don't you give everyone a rest?"

Ji Han sighed:

"I want to rest more than any of you, but since we have been targeted by the Dracula family, we can only win quickly, because no one has an absolute chance of winning in the face of those guys."

If this was said by other people, everyone would naturally not believe it.

But Ji Han said that he had no chance of winning, and no one could open his mouth to refute.

Chen Ke smoothed things over and said:

"Ha, Brother Ji, don't worry about it. Brother Qie is still angry about Liben venting his anger. Besides, we just need to confirm the position of the time ring first, and we can't start immediately."

Eggplant also knew that his complaints were a bit serious, because if he said he was tired, Ji Han might be the most tired here, so he immediately raised his hand to Ji Han and made a gesture of surrender as an apology.

Liu Dan asked the four time guardians:

"Now that we know it's the Dracula family, why don't we send people from the International Alien Alliance to start looking? Although that family is very secretive, we must be able to find some clues."

Hearing this, everyone saw the Time Guardian and seemed to be waiting for an answer.

A-Dong scratched his head and said:

"Things are not that simple. If a huge alien organization wants to completely hide it, it needs extremely strong strength and a terrifying family network.

Although I cannot show you, you should know that we as timekeepers have access to far more information than you.

Let me just say that, for hundreds of years, traces of the Dracula family's history can be found in almost all countries and regions around the world.

So what you are facing is not as simple as one person and one family. "

Everyone was also very surprised by what A-Dong said, after all, no family had ever heard of such a thing, but only Eggplant was still relentless:

"Grass, it's a pity that the Dracula family doesn't open McDonald's. They have checked all over the world."

Ji Han asked:

"Then is there any information about their battles?"

Lao Xia replied:

"Because it was the first time you set off last time, and we also felt that the Dracula family would not send anyone, so we didn't say anything about it, for fear of affecting your mentality.

It is not so much combat data as it is an autopsy report.

Because all the places where the Dracula family might commit crimes, there are only tragic dead bodies.

You also know that the people of the Dracula family are not only supernatural beings, but also vampires, so they will also attract attacks from vampire hunters.

The most tragic one I know was when the Vatican Church selected dozens of elite vampire hunters from all over the world to ambush several members of the Dracula family who had been exposed.

As a result, when the support team arrived at the scene, there were only stumps and broken arms left, not a complete body.

You must know that those are all professional vampire hunters, and most of them have powerful abilities, but they all died tragically on the spot, which means that those are not the ordinary vampires above.

Later, many churches turned a blind eye to the crusade against vampires. "

Erqiu also added:

"Although I don't really want to admit, I have to say that the guy I met last time was more restrained by my attributes, so everyone must not take it lightly."

In fact, it can be seen from the last time that the four time guardians at the 22nd branch station are also vigilant against the Dracula family.

Hearing this, Ji Mo asked:

"So, is there any trace of the Dracula family in China? Let's go and see, maybe we can get to know them better?"

Xiaochun smiled and spread his hands and said:

"I'm sorry, although we don't know why, but as far as we know, there is no trace of the Dracula family's presence in the country."

Everyone was even more surprised when they heard this. The time guardians must know more than everyone else. If they all say no, then there is a high probability that there is no.

Chen Ke said with a smile:

"The place blessed by Emperor Xuantian Zhenwu Smash Demon Tianzun is different."

Ji Han shook his head and said:

"It's not the blessing of the Great Emperor Zhenwu and the Great Demon Tianzun, but hundreds of years ago, someone drove out the Dracula family and beat them so that they never dared to step into the Middle Earth again."

Hearing this, not only Chen Ke, Song Qian and the others, but even the four time guardians widened their eyes.

Song Qian was puzzled and said:

"Brother Han, who are you talking about who kicked out the Dekla family?"

"You guys know each other too, just laughing at Senior Chunqiu."

-----Off Topic-----

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