I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 672: Victory in the first battle

Song Qian popped out several immobilization amulets, immobilizing the ponytail flying fish demon who was about to enter the cabin.

Chen Ke took the opportunity to use Hyakkimaru to cut it off. Because he was afraid of damaging the cabin, Chen Ke didn't release any skills, but simply swung his knife to kill.

Walter and Field were a little surprised, after all, they had fought against Ji Han and others near the Mariana Trench.

Ji Han's strength is indeed unfathomable, but this Song Qian and Chen Ke were not so strong when they met before.

The information obtained from the boss before did not say that Song Qian knew any talismans, and if there were any, she must have used them before.

It means that she may have learned it during this period of time, but it's not like stretching out her hand.

What Chen Ke held in his hand was undoubtedly Kamizuna's Hyakkimaru. I still remember that Kamizuna was killed in Yaolin, and his saber was in the hands of this Chen Ke, which shows that this kid is still somewhat capable.

At first, I thought they were recruited to be bodyguards, but I didn't realize that their strength was no longer what it was before.

Field bounced the falling corpses together with the monsters that were about to penetrate into the air.

Ji Han and Walter dealt with the ponytail flying fish demon on the front side of the cab to ensure the safety of Eggplant's driving.

Walter gathered the sea water brought in by the ponytail flying fish demon into a whip and held it in his hand, whipped one with his backhand, and turned back and said:

"Go at full speed! Get out of this sea area quickly, the sargassum should only gather in the place just now!"

While driving, Eggplant kicked away a ponytail flying fish demon that slipped in from the side, and cursed:

"Grass, this is already the fastest!"

Although everyone quickly found the rhythm of cooperation, they quickly cleaned up the ponytail flying fish demon on the deck.

But soon another batch flew out of the sea and landed on the deck, and the flying speed of that thing was much higher than the speed that Ji Han and others could handle.

Soon the outer decks of the yacht were filled with those sargassum monsters.

Field once again bounced the body of a ponytail flying fish demon to the bodies behind, and threw the nearby ones out together through the air, and then cleared an area.

"No, there are too many **** things!"

Even though everyone has cooperated very well, there are more and more ponytail flying fish monsters flying out of the sea.

Seeing that the glass at the stern of the yacht was about to fail, Song Qian threw out the last amulet left in the talisman ring.

Field also clenched his teeth and prepared to push them all down, but the resistance was too great, and he could only force them to separate from the glass window.

Chen Ke saw that there was a gap, and leaned out directly.

With a horizontal wave of the hand pressing the Hyakkimaru, dozens of ponytail flying fish monsters standing on the stern of the boat were cut off in half, and rotten fish heads and bones and sargassum fell to the ground.

Walter and Field didn't expect that this kid not only got Kamizuna's weapon, but also learned his moves.

Thinking of exerting force with his palm, he pushed all the severed corpses back into the sea.

"I didn't expect you kid to have such a hand."

Before Chen Ke turned back, a big wave hit the yacht, making Chen Ke almost unsteady. Fortunately, Song Qian and Field supported him in time.

Chen Ke looked up and shouted:

"Brother eggplant, how did the boat drive?"

Eggplant tried hard to steer the steering wheel of the yacht, turned around and cursed:

"Grass, look for yourself, I can still drive, which is not bad!"

At the bow of the yacht, more ponytail flying fish monsters had already stood on it, and Ji Han and Walter were cleaning up on the left and the right.

But those sargassums still blocked most of the vision ahead, no wonder the eggplant couldn't see the torrential waves clearly.

Seeing that **** of sargassum were about to pour into the cabin, Walter held on to the armrest of the cabin, turned around and kicked the two leading ones out.

Immediately afterwards, he wanted to eject those ponytail flying fish monsters by controlling the water flow, but this time there were too many of them, and it was impossible to succeed only with the sea water attached to them.

Seeing this, Ji Han also went over to help, but the corpses of the monsters he killed were piled outside, and he couldn't drive them out either.

Eggplant reminded:

"The bow is too heavy! If things go on like this, they will overturn the boat."

In a hurry, Walter wanted to go out and push the sargassum.

But who would have thought that just as his arm touched the sargassum, the thing rolled up along his arm as if alive, trying to pull Walter out of the cabin.

Fortunately, Walter caught the handrail with his legs in time.

Walter wanted to shake off the sargassum by controlling the water flow, but the volume of the sargassum on the deck was much larger than the volume of sea water.

Seeing that the water flow that Walter could control was not enough, Ji Han wanted to cut off those sargassums, but suddenly remembered that the eight-foot Qionggou jade he was carrying could change the attributes of things.

Immediately release [Thousand Corpses and Souls Surrounding], the evil ghosts with resentful spirits and bones on their bodies, all rushed towards those Sargasso weeds.

When he was about to touch it, Ji Han benefited from the ability of the eight-foot Qiong Gouyu to change their attribute to water.

Huge human-shaped water blocks slammed into those sargassums one after another, knocking many of them into the water heavily.

A lot of water directly hit Walter's body, and when he touched the water again, Walter regained his strength.

Surprised, he took the opportunity to manipulate the water currents, threw off the sargassum entangled with him, and then gathered the water flow released by Ji Han~www.readwn.com~ and concentrated it on the remaining sargassum on the deck.

There was a "pop", as if being hit by a huge wave, and all the sargassum was thrown into the water by this blow.

Seeing that the sargassum in the front and back of the boat has been basically cleaned up, Walter panted heavily and asked:

"You guys also have water attribute abilities?"

Ji Han didn't want to explain too much, so he pretended to be deep and said:

"Don't worry, I know more."

Song Qian vigilantly checked each window to make sure that there were no ponytail flying fish monsters hiding outside, and then closed the windows one by one.

Eggplant threw the sargassum on the rudder to the ground and encouraged:

"Good job, comrades, the first battle has been won!"

Chen Ke put the knife back into its sheath and said:

"It seems that we should get rid of the Sargasso Sea area. Those things are really difficult."

Walter was still a little worried, and looked along the window again, then stood at the rear window and looked back suspiciously.

Seeing this, Ji Han stepped forward and asked:

"Walter, what's the matter?"

Walter turned around and said:

"It's not quite right. If it sailed out of the Sargasso Sea area, then those monsters should have gradually decreased, but they disappeared in an instant just now, and now none of them jumped out."

Field waved his hand and said:

"Don't worry about him, this guy has something wrong with his caution. You were not satisfied when there were monsters, but you are not satisfied now that the monsters are gone."

Song Qian took the opportunity to take a careful look at the space-time compass in her bag to confirm that the ship was heading in the correct direction.

But at this moment, another big wave suddenly hit the bow of the boat, causing everyone to almost fall to the ground.

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