In fact, when they saw that it was an octopus, everyone was slightly relieved.

Because the fear of the dark is far better than this tangible thing.

Chen Ke was puzzled and said:

"It shouldn't be, if we encountered such a big thing after dark just now, our radar will respond."

Eggplant explained:

"It should be that the yacht climbed up when it fell from the water wall. At that time, we were beaten by the sea water and didn't pay attention to the situation here."

Field interrupted:

"I'm not interested in how this thing came up, how do we fix it?"

Although the octopus was not completely exposed to everyone, the tentacles protruding in from the window estimated that the octopus on the top of the boat was several meters long.

At this time, the two tentacles were flinging towards the cabin. Although they hadn't caused any damage, but with such a "mascot" on board, it was estimated that there was no way forward.

Chen Ke pulled out the Hundred Ghost Pills and said:

"Today I'll bring you a dish of Japanese octopus."

But Chen Ke was restrained by Walter before he swung his knife:

"Don't, don't, this live octopus is not the same as the sargassum just now. If you kill such a big octopus, the blood will probably stay on the boat for a long time, and I'm afraid it will attract other things. "

Hearing that, Eggplant put away his gun and asked:

"Then what do you think? Is it possible to go out and have a chat with it?

Hey, that's right, Ji Han, don't you also have tentacles on your body? Maybe you were a family five hundred years ago, go out and talk to him. "

"You **** belonged to it five hundred years ago. If it doesn't work, you can only use the ability of the water system to wash it down, but this thing is full of suction cups, and it may be a bit troublesome to do it."

Song Qian had recovered from Ji Han's arms just now, and raised her hand to draw two golden talismans in the air.

"Then use the Thunder Talisman. This thing is not as powerful as the Lightning Talisman, but it should be enough to scare it away."

As he said that, he threw the two lightning talismans to the octopus tentacles on both sides. With a "click", the two blue-purple lightning bolts flashed, and a puff of white smoke rose from the octopus tentacles extending into the cabin. .

The octopus felt the pain from its tentacles, and immediately shrank out. Immediately afterwards, everyone heard the sound of "boom" falling into the water.

The yacht also lifted a little bit, as if something heavy fell from the boat.

Eggplant turned on the perspective and looked up to confirm that the octopus was really gone, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Grass, why is there everything in this ghost place?"

To avoid another accident, everyone closed all the windows in the cabin.

Eggplant also turned on a small light on the inner edge of the cab, and then covered it with his clothes.

The remaining light is theoretically not enough to illuminate, but because it is too dark outside the cabin, this light is just enough to illuminate the situation in the cab without letting the light leak out to attract any monsters.

However, because Song Qian had just scorched the tentacles of the big octopus with the Thunder Talisman, the cab was filled with the faint aroma of grilled octopus.

"Phew, I'm really hungry. Does any of you want beef jerky?"

While talking, Chen Ke rummaged through his space backpack.

Eggplant suddenly remembered something, stopped Field and said:

"By the way, go to the cab and have a look. There should be some wine. Bring me a bottle."

Ji Han and Song Qian also sat back on their chairs and began to feast.

Seeing the four sitting in the cab eating supplies without any scruples, Field grinned and said:

"You guys are really good. You don't even look at the environment, but you actually have the mood to eat and drink here."

Chen Ke swallowed a big mouthful and said:

"It's fine if you get used to it. We've eaten in weirder environments than this."

Walter smiled wryly:

"It's really a group of monsters. I didn't expect that I would be enemies with you guys before. Thinking about it is really scary."

Because Ji Han and the others had just experienced a life-and-death catastrophe, they also got along with Walter and Field at this time, and didn't care so much.

Eggplant raised his hand and said:

"There's so much nonsense, let's bring the red wine first."

Walter and Field looked at each other, took a few bottles of red wine from the cabin, and sat between Ji Han and the others.

The red wine in the cabin of the yacht is placed in a special wine cabinet, so there is no fragmentation or collapse.

But the wine glasses have been broken, so everyone can only blow on the bottle,

Eggplant took a sip and said happily:

"Huh, you two guys are not bad. To be honest, I really looked down on you before I came here. I was afraid that the two of you would take the opportunity to pick up the pole. I didn't expect the critical moment to be so interesting."

Walter didn't hesitate, took the bottle and said:

"The world is only consciousness, do whatever you want, we are just doing what we want to do, I didn't expect to be so happy with you."

Ji Han took the wine bottle and took a sip:

"Although the camps are different, at least we are in the same position at the moment. Cheers to this short!"

Everyone also felt that Ji Han was a bit unique. Under such circumstances, he could toast everyone as if he were his own.

According to Walter's memory, there are only two possibilities, or Ji Han has no fear of everything outside with his own strength.

Otherwise, he really wants to treat the people around him with sincerity, and hopes that everyone can cooperate without caring.

Judging from the current strength revealed by Ji Han, the probability of the former possibility is relatively high, but Ji Han gave the two people the feeling that they really want to make friends with everyone.

Although the style seems to be completely different from Chengfu, Walter and Field still saw the shadow of the boss of the Consciousness Only Society from Ji Han.

On the Bermuda Sea, everyone was wary of the darkness around them, eating and drinking, until the sky turned white in the early morning, and then fell asleep slowly with a little peace of mind.

Walter and Field were back to back, and Field was breathing heavily. It could be seen that he was very tired before, but now he has fallen into a deep sleep.

Walter was still holding the empty wine bottle in one hand and the dagger at his waist in the other, but he had obviously fallen asleep.

Chen Ke was lying on three chairs, facing the window and fell asleep holding Baiguiwan.

Ji Han was sleeping on the other side with Song Qian in his arms. The only person in the audience who didn't show any vigilance and nervous expression was Song Qian.

Because of being held in Ji Han's arms, Song Qian's sleeping face was very stable at the moment, without any nervous expression, and her previously pale face was much rosier now.

Only Eggplant held the wine bottle and held the rudder. He never fell asleep, nor disturbed the resting people. He quietly controlled the direction of the yacht and sailed in the Bermuda waters in the early morning.

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