I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 679: opposite destination

Hearing this, everyone looked at Chen Ke.

I saw Chen Ke revealing his watch, which was a hollowed-out mechanical watch, and the second hand was still turning normally.

This time, Ji Han was completely stunned.

"Uh, I don't get it. Is there something wrong with the watch? Isn't it working properly?"

Chen Ke nodded and explained:

"It is precisely because it is operating normally, so the situation is not right. Last time we were in the sea of ​​trees in Aokigahara, after entering the wooden sports village, I paid attention to my watch. At that time, the hands of the watch had almost stopped!"

Hearing Chen Ke's words, Ji Han also immediately recalled that after solving the task of Aokigahara Tree Sea, he returned to the hotel to rest and realized that his watch was indeed inaccurate.

Because I had to deal with Ishikawa Cheng's affairs carefully at that time, I didn't pay much attention to it. I only knew that this situation should have occurred due to entering Muyun Village.

"Chen Ke, what you mean to say is that because Muyun Village stayed for a day, our watches were also affected, so the watches almost stood still, just like the time there almost stood still."

Chen Ke nodded and said:

"That's what it means, because the situation was urgent at the time, I wanted to explain, but I forgot when I was interrupted by the monster that appeared, and you see, the watch in my hand is still running normally.

Then it means that time here has not stopped, and the situation here may be different from what we encountered before. "

Hearing these words, everyone also understood that, as Chen Ke said, it should not be the stillness and slowing down of time.

But what about the hot coffee on the table? Could it be that everyone has really traveled back?

Just when everyone was lost in thought, the door of the cab outside slammed shut.

This sudden sound interrupted everyone's thoughts, and Fielder almost jumped up in shock, subconsciously raised his hand and stepped back:


He accidentally knocked over the coffee pot beside him, and the steaming coffee splashed all over the floor.

Eggplant turned around and said:

"Don't panic, it's probably just the sea breeze blowing the hatch shut."

Seeing that everyone was frowning and seemed to be thinking about this matter, Ji Han reminded:

"Okay, thinking like this is not the way to go. Let's go to the crew room and the cargo warehouse. Maybe there are some clues there. Thinking about it here will definitely not be useful."

Walter and Field are both members of the Consciousness-Only Society. Although they were shocked by the situation in front of them for a while, they quickly reacted.

Walter nodded and said:

"Under the wheelhouse may be the captain's cabin, and there should be some important written materials there."

The six people exited from the cab, this time closing the door of the cab, and then everyone went down the stairs to the captain's cabin directly below.

Sure enough, as Walter said, the captain's cabin below is also tens of square meters, and there are a lot of objects. It looks much better than the humble working environment above.

Although the air is not as fresh as above, there is no musty smell.

There is also a fixed desk with some paper materials on it.

"Everyone check to see if there is anything like the captain's logbook, the captain's notes, or the warehouse directory."

Ji Han couldn't directly say to find the time ring, so he could only ask everyone to search for information first.

Each of the six people had a drawer and a drawer, and checked each file in detail.

Most of the drawers are daily sundries and small change, but they are very neatly arranged. It can be seen that the captain should be a very tidy person.

For such a tidy person, the written materials on the table were not cleaned up, which means that he should have left in a hurry.

Finally, in the most central drawer, I found a large book, and the outer cover was still wrapped in sheepskin.

Song Qian nodded and said:

"That's it, the logbook, but since it's rolled up and put in a drawer, it means that this day has been written before they encountered certain things, and I don't think they will record what they encountered."

While speaking, Song Qian opened the logbook and directly turned to the latest page.

Sure enough, as Song Qian guessed, the information written on it was very simple. Song Qian translated:

"October 15th, the sky was clear.

After going through the waves all the way, the crew is very tired. It is estimated that we will be able to reach New York Harbor safely in about 15 days. "

Song Qian flipped forward again, and the previous ones were also some simple sea situations, without any detailed descriptions.

Eggplant calculated:

"Song Qian, don't turn over the pages. If the last page is their latest diary, then they arrived in New York Harbor in 15 days. From the location, they should have just sailed into the Bermuda Sea area, so what they experienced must have nothing to do with it." write on it."

Chen Ke was puzzled and said:

"There is too little information in the captain's log."

Walter explained:

"This kind of captain's log is only written on the surface. As far as I know, most captains have their own private log, but they usually carry it with them.

With this diary in our hands alone, nothing important will be discovered. "

Song Qian pinched her chin and shook her head, saying:

"That's not necessarily the case. Look, it says it's arriving in New York Harbor, right? But I remember checking the specific information about the ghost ship before I came here. The Marys Leicester we found should have left New York Harbor. ~www.readwn.com~ Hearing this, Ji Han also reacted:

"That's right, I have confirmed this information with Moss before, and he told me that there is no problem with the information.

But this logbook is absolutely infallible, the ship must be bound for New York Harbor.

It seems that Moss lied to us, and it seems that the news released may also be fabricated by them. "

Field puzzled:

"But what's the use of reversing the destination? In my opinion, it's just changing the word."

Eggplant reminded:

"Reversing the destination is just for the convenience of fabricating lies. If this is the real information, then I guess what Moss and the others want to hide may be the cargo information of this ship.

The things shipped from the ports of the country can generally be clearly told what it is, and everyone will basically believe it.

But when it comes in from outside, it is often not so clear, especially in the era of simple control, as long as you bribe the port chief, you can have anything in the cargo. "

Ji Han also nodded and said:

"That's right, the ship is definitely not carrying the normal cargo he told us about. How about it? Have you found the shipping manifest?"

Everyone took out all the documents in the drawer and checked them carefully. There might not be any shipping information inside.

Even though Song Qian turned the logbook back to the day when the fleet set off, it still didn't record any information about the cargo on board.

-----Off Topic-----

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