I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 704: fell from the sky

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Ji Han and Krasin didn't know that while they were dealing with Cthulhu inside the cave, Song Qian and the others outside were also attacked.

The moment Ji Han took the time ring off the wall, the whole island seemed to come alive.

The ground shook violently, and the surrounding stone pillars also began to shake wantonly, which was much stronger than before.

Field didn't dare to be careless, and immediately used the suspension technique to take everyone to a high place to avoid being affected.

At this time, the white mist had dissipated, and looking down from a height, one could clearly see that the black rock pillars around the island were broken one by one.

The black rock broke apart like an eggshell, and huge dancing tentacles emerged from it. qs

The sea water around the entire island "boiled", as if something was stirring underneath.

Some of the corpses on the square were swept away by the waves, and some were directly engulfed by the rubble and disappeared.

In this case, it is really thanks to Field's ability, otherwise, with the current state of the island, it may be difficult to guarantee safety below.

Song Qian guessed:

"It seems that Brother Han and the others may have succeeded."

Eggplant pulled out the Destroyer and said:

"Let's do it according to the plan. As long as we can try our best to divert the monster's attention to us, it will be easier for the two of them to escape."

Field nodded and said:

"It doesn't matter, we just need to attack from a distance. Anyway, at this height, the monster must not be able to make an effective counterattack."

Because he had just taken the power-enhancing medicine given by Ji Han, Field was much more confident in his own strength than before.

Unexpectedly, Chen Ke patted him on the shoulder, pointed at his head and said:

"Don't be so optimistic, see clearly before talking."

Everyone looked up, and they didn't know when it started, the clouds above their heads began to roll silently.

The dark clouds, like the dough in the hands of an artist, are changing into more and more concrete forms.

Although it is still not clear, the tentacles and wings exposed in the clouds have already made everyone feel uneasy.

Walter scolded:

"Shit! You really can't treat this monster as a simple octopus monster! Which one is his real body?"

Chen Ke shook his head and said:

"I think we should stop guessing with our own understanding, and pay attention to the two above and below."

Eggplant commanded:

"According to this size, we deliberately have to spare no effort to attack this ghost to attract its attention. Field, you just need to make sure that everyone will not be affected by the upper and lower monsters."

As soon as the words fell, a huge tentacle wrapped in clouds and mist came down from the top of his head.

Field hurriedly led everyone to separate left and right to avoid this thrilling blow.

At the moment when the tentacles passed by, Chen Ke cut off the tentacles with a blow.

The originally figurative tentacles instantly turned into a large puddle of mucus and fell down.

Chen Ke judged:

"This thing should be formed from mucus mixed with cloud gas. It doesn't have much power. We still mainly deal with the things below."

Before Chen Ke could finish speaking, Eggplant raised his hand and shot at a tentacle protruding from the water below.

The broken tentacles landed on the island and instantly turned into a pool of black liquid.

And the place that was interrupted quickly stretched out new tentacles.

In order to attract the monster's attention as much as possible, Song Qian didn't care about the blood at all, and threw the painted Cang Lei Talisman down.

A series of purple thunders slashed down, blowing up the rubble and sea water on the edge of the island.

Seeing this power, Eggplant reminded:

"Hey, Song Qian, take it easy, don't you lose too much blood when Ji Han doesn't come out."

Walter himself is trying to control the water on both sides of the bank.

If I hadn't dared to try this before, but after taking Ji Han's medicine, my control over water has improved to another level.

See through the law of the waves hitting the island, the powerful impact of the waves plus your own control.

Rough seas tear the edge of the island wantonly.

Provide you with the fastest update of "I Don't Dare to Play This Game" by the great **** Xueshou Mutsuki!

Chapter 704 Descended from the Sky Free reading: https://,!

『』, update the latest chapter as soon as possible!

Because the distance is too far, it is too difficult to attack from below, so Chen Ke cooperates with Field to resist the attack in the cloud above his head.

Although it didn't cause any devastating blow to the revived island under its feet, it did attract the attention of that thing very well.

I saw that the entire island began to slowly surface. As Krasin said before leaving, the volume of this monster under the sea surface is even bigger.

But because of Field's suspension technique, everyone didn't care.

But then, at the top of the cave that Ji Han and Kela Xin entered, a huge stone face unexpectedly appeared.

Before everyone could launch an attack, the bewitching voice of Cthulhu sounded again.

Song Qian hastily reminded:

"Calm down and guard God!"

Fortunately, Song Qian had already drawn a pure heart talisman for everyone, and at this moment, everyone's foreheads were shining brightly.

The strange sound that seemed to come from **** was dispelled as soon as it reached the side.

Seeing that the tricks of this ghost thing didn't work, Song Qian and the others felt more relieved. Eggplant shot that big face, and Song Qian made up another Cang Lei Talisman.

With a sound of "Boom", the huge face that was just revealed instantly turned into a black mucus.

Song Qian asked:

"Eggplant, you have the best eyesight, haven't you seen Brother Han?"

"There is no movement at all, and I can't see through the perspective. In the end, the hole they entered has disappeared. We can't let it dive into the sea, otherwise Ji Han may not have a chance to come out."

Field scolded:

"It doesn't matter, this dog thing is only these three axes, now that it's round is over, let's continue to consume it."

Walter reminded:

"Don't be careless, just look!"

I saw the islands protruding from the sea slowly subside, and those black rock tentacles gradually released white foam.

In the blink of an eye, the entire island looked like a giant ball of foam floating on the sea.

The five dare not be careless, afraid that this thing will attack from the bubble at any time.

It turned out that this thing didn't move at all. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Until Chen Ke and Field, who were above the defense, looked up here, and found that most of the monsters hiding in the clouds above their heads had turned black.

And the feeling is not as illusory as before, but a lot more real.

Seeing that the clouds above their heads were almost completely black, Field and Chen Ke, who were the first to react, looked at each other.

Hastily shouted:

"Get out, get out!"

Before the others could realize what had happened, the monster hidden above their heads fell down like a meteorite.

The speed and pressure of the fall also verified the conjectures of Chen Ke and Field.

Although I don't know how this monster did it? But he actually switched places with the things in the clouds above his head in an instant.

Provide you with the fastest update of "I Don't Dare to Play This Game" by the great **** Xueshou Mutsuki!

Chapter 704 Descended from the Sky Free reading: https://,!


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