I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 78: 1 living tomb

When Ji Han said about mowing the grass, all three of them would agree.

Take out the knife and clean up a large number of nerve vessels in the place.

Then the four of them moved as close as possible, and moved forward slowly while cutting off the nerves and blood vessels in front of them.

Since the body has been blackened, the defense power has been greatly enhanced, so this time the body will not be easily manipulated by those nerves, and everyone is on guard at this time.

Feeling a little safer, Chen Ke couldn't help asking again as he touched the dark and hard skin:

"Brother Ji, what kind of medicine are you giving us? Why does it feel like you've been painted with black paint?"

Ji Han turned around and replied:

"Body inking powder, do you still remember the inkers you encountered last time? After using this, to a certain extent, you can resist beating like them, but it can only last for 20 minutes. It should also have an effect on the invasion of these nerves. .”

Eggplant scolded:

"Fuck, where did you get all these weird things? It's so good, I haven't seen it on the black market."

Ji Hanxin said that of course you can't buy it, and changed the subject:

"Uh, I made it myself, but it looks awkward when they are all black. By the way, it has a certain invisibility effect in the dark."

But clothes can't be invisible in the dark, this function is really tasteless.

The four of them looked at each other, and it was true that only the four teeth could be seen moving in the body, and they all thought it was quite funny.

Song Qian knew that Ji Han could gain part of the opponent's abilities after fighting or killing other abilities, but he didn't expect that he could develop similar medicine even for the monsters he encountered. It was unbelievable.

After walking a long distance, the four of them noticed a breeze blowing from the left side of the wall, so they headed there.

Sure enough, a new channel was found on the wall wrapped by neurovascular.

It was pitch black inside, and Chen Ke walked in with a flashlight and stepped on the ground in an instant. Fortunately, the eggplant had quick eyesight and grasped his backpack so that it would not fall.

After recovering and looking down, I realized that it was actually a big hole.

Unable to see the specific situation, Chen Ke, who had lingering fears, simply threw down another lighting stick.

Under the illumination of the lighting stick, it can be clearly seen that there is a circular deep pit below, which is seven or eight meters deep.

The diameter is less than twenty meters, the pit is empty, and the lighting stick is right in the center.

Eggplant looked at the hole and cursed:

"Damn it, why are you still going down?"

Ji Han reminded:

"Don't forget that we came in from the middle of the mountain, and there is still a long distance below."

A lot of nerves and blood vessels have been cut just now, and everyone is a little tired at this time.

Seeing that there are no longer those nerves under the pit, and the effect of the body ink powder on everyone has disappeared.

The four of them cleaned up the surrounding nerves and blood vessels, and sat down together to rest for a while.

Looking at the countless nerves and blood vessels floating not far away.

Chen Ke was still a little hairy and said:

"Why do you say that the roots under this tree have turned into human nerve vessels?"

Eggplant replied:

"Could it be that the souls of the martyrs are endless after death, so the trees that grow become spirits?"

Even though Eggplant is an ace sniper, he still cares about ghosts.

Song Qian shook her head and said:

"It's not like the growth of trees. Looking at the scale and uniform shape, it's more like batch processing"

Ji Han nodded in agreement:

"I have seen how to make neurovascular specimens. The production process is relatively complicated. It is really incredible to make neurovascular specimens of this scale, and these things exposed to the air are still alive."

It is estimated that those medical students will be very excited to see this. How many abundant specimens are there to use?

Eggplant suggested:

"It's not just these nerves and blood vessels. The bone forest we went to just now, those bones are also alive. If we add the blood that was flowing, then it's like we have entered a living grave."

The more Chen Ke listened, the more frightened he became. He swallowed and said:

"Fuck, this general of Daliao built a cemetery in a living mountain?"

Ji Han corrected:

"Strictly speaking, it should be that so many people killed outside made this tomb come alive. If so, then these nerve vessels should be those captives who were killed and left outside."

The three of them also understood what Ji Han meant.

The three people who died in the Bone Forest entered the tomb after killing hundreds of captives outside.

The result was devoured by the living grave.

Song Qian guessed:

"Is it some kind of ritual or ability? I have heard people say that some people seek to be buried with them in the hope that they will accompany them after death, and some people seek to be buried with them in order to achieve the purpose of sacrifice and obtain eternal life."

Ji Han shook his head and said:

"I've heard of what you said, but I haven't seen people killed for sacrifices separated by bones, nerve vessels, and blood. It's just like a slaughterhouse."

Eggplant raised his gun and said:

"Okay, okay, chat with you, I feel like my blood is cold, let's go down quickly."

The four of them came to the entrance of the passage again, but this time they all froze there.

I saw the big crater that had just been illuminated by the lighting stick just now, and now it was plunged into darkness again.

Eggplant scolded:

"I said Chen Ke, you **** bought fake and shoddy products, right? The battery is dead."

Everyone didn't care about the eggplant's cold joke, because it was obvious that something happened under the deep pit, and there seemed to be nothing unusual under the flashlight.

Chen Ke turned on another lighting stick and threw it down.

With a "click", the flashlight fell, but the situation in the pit has changed a little this time.

In the middle of the big pit that was over two stories high, where the flashlight was dropped for the first time, a box protruded from UU Reading www.uukanshu.com at this time.

Judging from the shape of one end, it was a light red coffin standing on the ground.

Chen Ke said in surprise:

"This... Where did this coffin come from?"

The three of them looked at each other in blank dismay, and raised their heads together to illuminate the top of the pit, but they didn't see anything unusual. The top of their heads was a normal blue brick, and they didn't hear any movement just now, so it couldn't have fallen from above.

Did it come out of the ground?

Eggplant also said seriously at this time:

"Have you ever heard of a coffin that moves in the tomb? It is a coffin that is not fixed in position and has been moving in the tomb?"

When he said this, Chen Ke also remembered that he had seen such legends about tomb robbers before.

He replied: "You mean the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang?"


Song Qian continued:

"It is said that the mausoleum of the first emperor of Qin used mercury as rivers, lakes and seas, with a star map made of night pearls above his head, and an ever-burning lamp made of shark fat in the underground palace. Then the coffin of the first emperor floated on the mercury, and its position is uncertain."

Ji Han shook his head and retorted:

"I know what you said, but let's not say that those are mostly legends. Even if this happened, it has nothing to do with the situation below. The ground here is solid, and it is not mercury. If it were, we would have been poisoned to death. "

The four of them didn't understand the situation below, and the sudden appearance of the coffin really couldn't be explained, they had to go down and have a look to find out.

Just in case, the firearms were also loaded.

Everyone used flying claws to fix at the entrance of the passage, and fell into the pit one by one.

When Ji Han was falling, he subconsciously looked back at the coffin standing in the center of the pit.

But just in time to see the coffin shake.

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