I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 797: Path to God

Having been undercover with Steve Rockefeller for so long, Bourne certainly knew everything about the estate.

Moreover, this guy didn't have any family members after he became independent. There were only some necessary security personnel and servants in the manor.

Because when Bourne was captured, he knew that he would definitely be interrogated, so Steven sent mercenaries to take him away while Bourne was outside, so the people in the manor didn't know.

Bourne drove the car into the manor swaggeringly like this, and no one raised any objections.

As for the children in the car, Bourne just explained that they were all invited by Mr. Steven to visit his home.

After all, in order to maintain a good public image outside, Steven held a lot of similar activities, so everyone didn't pay much attention.

Steven, who was drugged, was pushed out of the car by Bourne himself, and accidentally suffered a stroke while traveling, and the right to explain was in the hands of the housekeeper, Bourne.

However, in order to ensure that the things here would not be leaked, Bourne dismissed the bodyguards and servants in the manor the next day, and doubled the compensation so that they had no unnecessary doubts.

Byrne interrogated Steven to obtain all of his property and verified who was involved in the construction of the building.

But Kiryu is not interested in this.

He kept asking, did Steven see that "god" that day?

Steven didn't know what Kiryu was talking about, he just thought he was talking nonsense.

Kiryu didn't care about this, he kept torturing Steven just like the mercenaries he saw in the dungeon tortured his targets.

Steven has never been so eager to have a heart attack to give himself a good time.

But that moment did not finally come until after he had been tortured for three days.

With the help of agents Bourne and Qian, the two easily forged the scene of the helicopter crash and concealed the identification.

As Steven's biological son, Kiryu easily inherited the family property.

Although he hated him very much, under Bourne's strong request, he was given an official life named Albert to cover up people's eyes and ears.

It was equally unbelievable for those wealthy people to hear the news of Steven's death, and they were even more worried that the death valley building would affect them.

Because at that time, apart from the people in that building, the only ones who knew Bourne's identity were the top management who betrayed him.

And after Bourne personally killed the former leader, no one knew his identity as an undercover agent.

So Bourne also used his identity as a housekeeper to contact all relevant rich people and high-level officials. He did not threaten or intimidate these people, but just told them calmly:

"Steven Rockefeller is dead, and his son Albert Rockefeller has taken over from him.

The young master did not agree with this **** deal, so he shut down and blocked everything related to this matter.

From then on, this matter should be treated as never happened, and everyone should stop mentioning it, investigate it, or investigate it further.

The Rockefeller family does not want to have anything to do with this matter.

If someone refuses to listen to the persuasion and wants to continue the investigation, we have enough evidence and backup data in our hands, and we can ruin his reputation at any time and leave him with a bad reputation for thousands of years. "

Hearing this passage, the rich and high-level people involved had to pretend that nothing happened and they didn't know anything.

Steven never told anyone that he also raised a son in the building, so they naturally didn't know the details of Albert.

But even if there is some doubt about Albert's life experience, there is no evidence.

Besides, what they care most about at the moment is not Albert's identity, but that this matter will not be publicized.

The organ container is gone and it just returns to the original state, but once this matter spreads, these rich and high-level people will immediately become the focus of global public opinion.

So no one was willing to take the risk to continue to investigate this matter, and they didn't even send anyone to the Death Valley building.

On the one hand, they thought that Albert must have transferred all the materials and evidence in the building, and when they got there, they saw only an empty building, and there were various protective measures outside.

On the other hand, they really believed that Albert did this to properly inherit billions of dollars of property. After all, the child was still young and did not need any organ containers as preparations.

Tied to such a big thunder that is of no use to him for decades with these old, weak or seriously ill rich people, he naturally wants to get out as soon as possible.

And they didn't believe that this Albert would announce this matter to ruin everyone including himself.

Therefore, after hearing Bourne's notice, all the people involved in this incident very tacitly eliminated all traces of themselves related to this incident, as if this incident had never happened.

For those who still hold on, like the governor of California who is looking for his daughter, they naturally have a way to silence a few people for good.

Except for the materials stored in the other world of the Death Valley building, the remains all over the floor, and the dust accumulated in the crematorium, there is almost no information related to this matter in the real world.

Bourne did this to ensure the safety of everyone who escaped to the greatest extent.

Although the grievances of those children who died tragically were not avenged, only in this way can we ensure that those people will not hold on to them.

To be alive is to be qualified to pursue other things.

But just to be on the safe side~www.readwn.com~ Bourne still spent a lot of money to hire two groups of mercenaries, one group was stationed near Death Valley to make sure no one approached that place, and the other group was to ensure the safety of the manor.

After arranging all these, Bourne remodeled the entire manor to ensure that the rescued children could live here.

These children have nothing to rely on, but they know so many truths, and it is not safe to let them out to support themselves, so they can only be arranged to do some simple work in the manor, and educators are invited to train them again from outside.

Fortunately, the property left by Steven is quite rich, and it is not a problem at all to support all the children.

And Albert, that is, Kiryu, didn't care about these.

All he could think of was the one who rescued them from the nightmare and gave them the life they have now.

But after searching all over California, Albert couldn't find any clues, until he finally recalled what the man said when he threw himself out that day.

After comparing the scene in multiple ways and restoring the sound, Albert finally confirmed that the word was called "Roll", which came from that big eastern country.

So after handing over the affairs here to Bourne, Albert set off on the road of seeking God.

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