I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 813: send in advance

"Okay, don't force yourself too much, and be careful."

After hanging up the phone, Ji Han was also thinking about whether this matter had something to do with Duke as a player. Based on the principle of knowing yourself and the enemy, it is better to understand clearly.

From the little girl's demeanor, it seemed that his father's disappearance hadn't been resolved, and that old Duke hadn't told her the truth.

That's where it gets interesting.

Duke Dracula, the patriarch of their family, should be the most decisive person in everything.

But he didn't tell the truth about his eldest son's disappearance, so why should he have any scruples?

Afraid of his little granddaughter? This shouldn't be the case, right?

If there is anything that makes him, a game player who has lived for so long, dare not reveal it, it is most likely something related to the game.

According to the rules of the game, once the truth of the game is told to others, they will be unbound. This may be the only thing he is afraid of.

Seeing Ji Han hung up the phone, Chen Ke joked:

"Brother Han is really able to unite all the forces that can be united. Even the members of the Consciousness-only Society can do things for you with peace of mind."

"If you are interested, I will introduce you next time."

"No, no, no, I can't handle it."

Haril's pickup got off the road and headed towards the depths of the snow-capped mountains on the other side along a not-so-standard dirt road.

From this angle, it really looks like what you see in the space-time compass.

The grassland at the foot of the mountain still looks lush, but the snow-capped mountains in the distance are white and crystal clear.

Because I have been to Kunlun Mountain before, this altitude is nothing to Ji Han and his party, but the feeling here is indeed much more harmonious than Kunlun Mountain.

Eggplant's friend Harile also introduced while driving:

"It's not far from the place you're going to. I've only been there once. The area may be unstable because of the geological structure, so the road didn't go there. It's a primitive area with few people. But the scenery there is really nice.”

Eggplant didn't say anything specific to Haril, but just said that there is something to be busy here.

In their mercenary business, even if they are helping, they always insist that the less they know, the safer they are, and they never ask more questions if it is not their own mission.

Ji Hanxin said that the original area can only refer to the present, where the ruins of the ancient city and the ridges that look like the Great Wall don't look like untouched places.

Chen Ke looked at the scenery outside and asked:

"I want to ask, haven't any ruins or tombs been unearthed near us before?"

Because Chen Ke also knows that there is a high probability that he will be teleported back to the past, so it may be useful to ask about the situation here in advance.

Haril recalled it for a while, shook his head and said:

"No burial has ever been found, but it should have been a lively town in the past as the town of Kucha in history. There are many restored towns of Kucha town outside, but in fact this is the last place of Kucha town."

Chen Ke knew this, after all, Qiuci Town was considered an important military town established by Datang here.

Pickup went west along the road beside the river, turned over two small cuts, and finally a familiar hill appeared in front of everyone.

Although there are almost no traces of buildings on the mountain at this moment, the steep ridge is still special like a space-time compass.

Eggplant raised his hand and said:

"That's it!"

Haril comforted:

"Don't worry, there is still a long way to go."

At this time, Song Qian, who was sitting together in the back row, found that Ji Han's backpack started to glow.

"Brother Han, look."

Ji Han, who was also puzzled, opened the backpack only to find that the space-time compass inside was now lit up with white light again.

"Damn, no, this is not the place yet!"

When Eggplant looked back and saw it, he immediately signaled Haril to stop, thinking that he could stop it by parking.

Chen Ke suggested:

"Why don't you reverse the car and try?"

But this time it didn't have any effect. Looking at the increasingly bright space-time compass, Ji Han shook his head and said:

"I can't help it. Although I don't know why, the teleportation may start soon. Everyone take out all the equipment and prepare in advance."

Although the hill can be clearly seen here, there is still a little distance to walk. Although the four of them couldn't figure out why the space-time compass was lit up at this time, they had no choice at the moment.

Afraid of getting Haril involved, Eggplant patted the car door and said:

"Come here, old Ha, thank you, you don't have to wait for us, go back as soon as possible, and go to your house to get together when we are done."

Harile gave an OK gesture and turned the car around.

The four carried their equipment on their backs and continued to move forward. After walking not far, the white light in the space-time compass finally reached its limit.

Some interfaces appeared before Ji Han's eyes again:

【Loading copy of the game】

[Status: Stamina: 9600; Armor: 9320 (immune to fire damage) (immune to a fatal attack)]

[Game Level: Level 80 Evil Section (The next section is the Disaster Section)]

【Points: 558】

[Game cash: 55.62 million]

[The title of the current game can be exchanged for cash after the game is over, and the accumulated superposition: 59 million]

[Weapons column: Death Separation, Flame Demon Fist Blade, Chongyang Respecting the Elderly Stick, Zhenyue Sword, Cold Moon Wolf Bow, Claw Knife (Quenching), Mechanical Crossbow, Dagger, Bow Crossbow Anesthesia Gun]

[props column:

Treatment props: 5 bottles of green nutrient solution~www.readwn.com~2 bottles of blue nutrient solution, 2 packs of blood ashes, 1 bottle of flesh suture solution;

Attack props: 4 bags of hallucinogenic gold powder, 20 meters of shadow thread;

Fusion props: 1 leech blade, fire of death;]

[Backpack column:

Other acquired props: a bouncy protective ball, a vampire expert suit (without a gun), a five-minute hourglass timer, fog-releasing wind beads, a space-time compass (with Dumen, Huomen, Jingmen, and Jingmen time rings), black Jade spirit ring, five jars of mercury, the first Jade Seal of the Kingdom, 1 piece of divine bird fire feather, 1 bottle of blood water from a thousand corpses, 1 piece of replica jade, 5 jars of yellow sand as a souvenir, pieces of meat flowing from a thousand-year-old body, black shadow corpse liquid 2 bottles, 5 bottles of Black Rock Mountain solution, 5 underground mycelia, 2 bottles of sea spirit sand]

[Skill table:

Shaken Faith, Calling the Fallen Finger, Returning to Nothing, Double Jump, Eye of Prophecy (opened), Borrowing Soul Possession, Evil Spirit Possession, Instant Strike, Thousand Corpse Soul Surrounding, Alien Eye, Abyss Gaze, Recognition Mycelium, Invulnerability, Nightmare Whispering, Tentacle Control, Flame Addition, Overlap]

[Game scene: Tianshan Iron Armor, Blood River welcomes the stars]

[This bureau presents a gift: four sets of ancient Taoist uniforms]

Tianshan Iron Armor, Blood River welcomes the stars. There won't be a barracks here, will there? I don't want to have anything to do with the ancients. After all, I only went back for about a day, and when I was arrested in the barracks, no one would believe my explanation.

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