I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 821: peach cannibal

Song Qian and the three of them also jumped down. Being in this underground peach forest, although there was a strange feeling of walking outside, the vision of the four of them was also greatly restricted.

As soon as they jumped down, everyone could smell a faint fragrance, although it wasn't peach fragrance, but in this peach forest, they didn't think it would be abrupt.

Chen Ke looked at the surrounding peach trees and said:

"It's still a living real tree. Without sunlight and without trimming, they can feel that they are growing so well."

Eggplant joked:

"Don't jump to conclusions so early, maybe if you continue to walk in, you will see an old man crouching under a tree applying artificial fertilizer."

Continue to walk forward for nearly a hundred meters, and the peach trees on both sides are still endless.

But Song Qian soon found the body of a soldier under the surrounding peach trees. Chen Ke leaned over to check the armor on the man, and confirmed that it was indeed a soldier from the Tang Dynasty.

However, his bones have almost been decomposed, leaving only the armor that once proved his existence.

A rusty and indistinguishable short knife was inserted into the peach tree. From the state of death, it seemed that the soldier was cutting down the peach tree.

Eggplant puzzled and said:

"What's the matter? Do you still want to take away a peach tree before you die?"

Chen Ke carefully checked the man's bones, but found no signs of poisoning, but the soldier's armor was seriously damaged. It can be seen that they had experienced **** battles at that time. something encountered here.

Until Chen Ke picked up the remaining skull of the soldier, he found that the surface of the bone was covered with densely packed small eyes, and some of the small holes even went through the skull.

"Hiss, what's this? It looks like it was stabbed with a needle. Was there a shotgun at that time?"

Ji Han replied:

"Maybe it's just a small hole in the bone that was broken down by other microbes or bugs."

Song Qian asked curiously:

"Since the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty have been guarding it, why don't they have time to take this man's bones out?"

Eggplant analyzed:

"Did they have such good lighting equipment as ours at that time, it was still very troublesome to find the bones in such a large place, but they should have time, so it is more likely that there is something here that makes them feel like coming in to get the bones The risk is too great."

Taking advantage of Chen Ke's inspection, Ji Han who came down below also scanned the peach tree next to him:

【Number of yin peach roots】

【Health volume: 1000】

[Explanation: A rare wood species that grows underground. The shape of the tree is similar to peach wood, but it is different from the peach wood that wards off evil spirits. This kind of tree is extremely cloudy, so it often attracts evil spirits. The special fruit juice of this tree can revive other plants that are dead, but not completely decayed themselves. 】

Looking at the game description, Ji Han nodded and said:

"Chen Ke, it seems that you guessed it right. These are just special wood species that grow underground and look like peach trees. However, the fruit that this plant grows underground has the effect of saving other plants. You can collect them when you leave. Some."

Eggplant heard it and said curiously:

"Wait a minute, you said their fruit grows in the ground, so what are these peach trees full of peaches?"

"I'm not too sure about this, I have to take a closer look before..."

Before Ji Han could scan the peach handle that was close at hand, the huge peach growing on the Yin Tao root tree where the four of them were located actually started to shake by itself.

Seeing this, the four of Ji Han immediately backed away from under the tree, keeping a certain distance.

It wasn't just the tree that stayed there just now, as the peaches on this tree shook, the trees next to it also began to shake slowly.

In a blink of an eye, the entire peach grove was filled with disturbing rustling sounds, and Ji Han and the others approached the center of the aisle as far as possible to keep a distance from these peach trees.

The strange thing is, I don't know if it's because of the strange shaking, but Ji Han didn't scan the peaches.

But we have come here, and we can only continue to move forward when we encounter any problems.

"Let's go, everyone, be wary of these peach forests and run forward together."

Chen Ke threw out the drone again to scout the road ahead for lighting, and the four of them speeded up a lot, but the surrounding peach trees were still shaking.

The frequency is neither too fast nor too slow, and it doesn't seem like something is about to break out of the ground.

Just after everyone ran forward for nearly a hundred meters, Song Qian and Ji Han in front noticed at the same time: peaches fell from a peach tree next to them.

Because they didn't know what they were about to face, the four of them unanimously slowed down their pace.

I saw the peach that fell on the ground rolled, and then suddenly dense white needles popped out from the surface, pushing the whole "peach" up, looking like a huge white hedgehog.

And as soon as the spikes of the "hedgehog" leaked out, it immediately turned around and rolled towards Ji Han and the others.

Song Qian, who had prepared the talisman a long time ago, popped out a immobilization talisman with folded fingers, and stopped the "hedgehog". Ji Han took the opportunity to complete the scan this time:

【Blood Spike Ball (Class C)】

【Health volume: 500】

[Explanation: A small monster that is accustomed to parasitizing on underground plants. It mainly feeds on the juice of underground plants. It can disguise itself as a part of the plant through changes in appearance~www.readwn.com~I usually don’t like to move, but once I find it Living creatures that are not of the same kind will release the spikes on their bodies, use the spikes on their bodies to quickly absorb the opponent's blood, and spread the plant seeds on the victim's body to help the plants continue to spread. 】

"Damn, there are really all kinds of things. Unfortunately, I thought these were peaches just now. It's so **** disgusting."

As Ji Han spoke, he told the crowd about the blood thorn balls. While the three were amazed, Chen Ke also pulled out the Hundred Ghost Pills at the moment when the body-fixing talisman failed, and swung his knife to cut the blood thorn **** in two.

However, there was no fresh blood flowing out of the broken Blood Spike Ball corpse, but only a stream of thick white juice flowing out from the incision.

At this time, the trembling sound of the peach trees on both sides became more intense, and the sound of blood thorn **** falling could be heard in the place where "pop", "pop" and "pop" just passed.

Ji Han also knew that the lethality and defensive power of this thing were mediocre, but it couldn't stand too many, not to mention how many were ahead, the peaches he saw along the way just now probably had 1000 if not 800.

"Hurry up, hurry up! Don't fight back, you can't finish killing, hurry up and run!"

Chen Ke's reaction was no slower than Ji Han's. Before Ji Han could finish speaking, Qiezi and Chen Ke ran to the front.

"Damn it, a bunch of heartless people can run faster than a **** rabbit."

As the four of them ran forward, the blood thorn **** on the surrounding peach trees also fell and rolled, and it seemed that the entire peach forest came alive in the blink of an eye.

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