I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 856: Adong's identity

After tidying up his study, Duke went out to see Doma, Da Tai and Lilith who had first followed Ji Han and returned later.

"I'm sorry, father, we were deceived by that guy."

"It's okay, I came back in time."

Duke didn't expect the three of them to surround Ji Han with people, but he just hoped that they could put pressure on Ji Han so that he could reveal his true purpose as soon as possible.

Seeing Duke coming out of the study, Lilith, who usually doesn't have so many scruples, asked:

"Grandpa, someone has broken into your study?"

Duke has never been so strict with this little granddaughter:

"I have already checked, everything is normal, and nothing has been taken away. During this period of time, the guards have been strengthened. Not only the manor, but also the surrounding areas have to be checked for me."


Compared with other people, the fact that someone broke into the manor had the biggest impact on Lilith. Since she was born, she has never heard of anyone who has the ability to sneak in, let alone the study that even the uncles are not allowed to enter.

Combined with Ji Han's affairs, it was obviously a premeditated infiltration, ordinary thieves don't have this kind of ability.

And the people who come in don't take anything, which is not normal.

Either the infiltration time was too short and they didn't find what they were looking for, or the people who came in didn't intend to take anything away at all.

Being able to make such detailed preparations, the possibility of the former is not high. In other words, the other party must have gained something.

But grandpa still kept it from everyone, which made Lilith feel that the distrust of grandpa in her heart began to grow rapidly again unintentionally.

Seeing that Lilith's eyes seemed to be distracted, Duke reminded softly:

"Lilith? Is there anything else?"

"Huh? No, Grandpa, I was just wondering who would be the one who sneaked in."

"It's the same for everyone. Next time you come in, he will definitely be dead. Alright, you have worked hard this time, go back and rest."


On the other side, Ji Han and the others finally returned to the headquarters of the Alien Guard.

Fortunately, the captain and the time guardian were in charge, and Kiryu went to steal the house, otherwise, I, who had already used the Meteor Finger this time, would have been left outside.

Fortunately, Duke didn't find out the truth of the matter, otherwise, even if he knew that Kiryu had stolen the house, he would have to kill himself completely.

Ji Mo, who knew by phone that the group had returned safely, was still very worried when he saw Ji Han's weak appearance.

"Brother, why did you do this this time?"

"Ha, if you can live, you will burn incense when you come back. How dare you ask for so much."

A Dong suggested:

"Mr. Ji Han, is there anything we need to cooperate with?"

Ji Han waved his hand and said:

"Sorry, I'm afraid I have to take a good rest, the next mission to go out will have to wait for a while."

Eggplant reminded:

"Let's stay at home and rest honestly. If I were a member of the Consciousness Only Society, I would definitely take advantage of your illness and kill you."

A Dong glanced back and said:

"It's okay, we can also help with the escort."

Although there was no life-and-death duel, the captain, who had seen the strength of the Germana family, still carefully arranged for the members of the alien guard to take turns to guard the safety of the zero team building. The opponent's ability is indeed a bit unreasonable.

When the group returned to No. 0 team building, Ji Han immediately started arranging work again, although he needed to recuperate for a while.

But the key investigation work must not be ignored. Now everyone is not completely capable of comparing themselves. The more information they have in their hands, the more they will have the initiative, and even reverse the changes in the battle situation.

It was precisely because Duke didn't know that what he met before was the post-travel self that made him so afraid of him.

The key to killing Duke now is the game bug he possesses.

From Kiryu's information

To get some news: Bunker Prison, Duke and Messiah.

The difficulty of the bunker prison is too high for those present to explore. Thinking of this, Ji Han first confirmed with the time guardian, and after learning that the other party did not understand, he asked Chen Ke, eggplant, and Song Qian to search for everything related to this person.

Antiques, old paintings, even old vampire legends.

Anyway, Chen Ke and the others also saw what that guy looked like.

Chen Ke asked curiously:

"Brother Ji, can both of them survive that kind of attack?"

"Judging from the current results and my information, the two of them must have survived, but the Messiah disappeared for unknown reasons, and that person may have clues to defeat Duke, so you have to investigate. "

Ji Han knew that A Dong and the others knew a little about the Dekla family, so he had another request to them:

"Several time guardians, Duke Dracula has an eldest son named Simon Peter, can I trouble you to help me find information about him?"

"Okay, no problem. Lao Xia knows more about the history of the vampire family. Let's see if we can find out the information about this person. Mr. Ji Han has a good rest."

Talking about A-Dong and the others, they wanted to go out, but Ji Han shouted again:

"Wait a minute, A-Dong, is it convenient for me to have a private chat with you?"

Everyone present was also taken aback by this sudden request, only Er Qiu, Lao Xia and Xiao Chun seemed worried, but they didn't show it.

A-Dong did not show any surprise, but turned around with a smile on his face and said:

"Ha, of course, then please go out and eat something first, and I'll chat with Mr. Ji Han."

Although everyone didn't figure out what kind of medicine was sold in Ji Han's gourd, they all followed Song Qian and retreated.

It wasn't until Ji Mo also saw his brother nodding in peace that he left with peace of mind, finally only Ji Han and A Dong were left in the room.

A Dong sat on the other side of the sofa:

"What's wrong with Mr. Ji Han today? Why are you suddenly interested in chatting with me alone?"

"I originally wanted to find a chance for you to be alone~www.readwn.com~ But the four of you are almost inseparable, so I have to be straightforward. We know each other so well, so I won't exchange pleasantries."

After finishing speaking, Ji Han straightened his body, turned around and said:

"A-Dong, who are you?"

"Mr. Ji Han said that, of course I am the guardian of time."

"I mean your other identity."

"Another identity? I don't quite understand what you mean."

Seeing that A-Dong was still pretending to be stupid, Ji Han raised his hand and said:

"Then let me make it clearer. Where did you get that wooden box you're carrying? Where did you get the weapon you took out of it?"

After hearing this, A-Dong smiled slightly, put the wooden box on the table, and opened it in front of Ji Han.

But at this time, the inside of the wooden box was empty.

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