I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 873: Yeci Sunxiao

Latest URL: Lilith finally entered the study room that might be related to her father with her own method.

Everything I saw before, including the way to enter the underground, was exactly the same as what Ji Han said, that guy really didn't lie to himself.

If it was really the blood of the optimized family, there was absolutely no need for grandpa to bring the blood to the secret room. He must have other purposes.

Thinking about it this way, is it true that the accumulation of blood in the clan for so many years is fake, and grandpa has always had other purposes?

Her perspective was fixed on the huge "ribbon" formed by the pooling of blood, and she followed her grandpa all the way down. On the way of circling down, Lilith didn't find any obstacles or obstacles.

If you find that your father is really below, then it is not impossible to be prepared to break in.

As the spiral staircase came underground, Duke flicked his finger, and the flames shot out, completely illuminating the road ahead.

That's right, it's the straight forward tunnel.

It's just visible to the naked eye, there are many things floating in the tunnel, they should be special protective props, very similar to the ones my grandfather gave me and my uncles, but there are so many here.

Although she didn't know the specific purpose, but judging by the density, Lilith knew that it was absolutely impossible to pass at her own level.

That guy Ji Han really has a way, he can pass through all the defense lines here without a sound, it's unbelievable to think about it.

Duke walked over without any scruples. The empty underground space echoed Duke's footsteps, but Lilith felt that every step was on her heart.

On the one hand, he was excited about seeing the clues, and on the other hand, he was really afraid of being discovered by his grandfather.

In addition, her "sense of blood" is also limited by distance, and the things she sees have gradually become blurred. Lilith tried her best to calm herself down and maintain the sharpness of her senses.

Finally, Duke passed the long passage, and there was light in the darkness ahead.

The light seemed to come from a long ladder, but for some reason, the long ladder seemed to be made of magma, and it was lit with fire from top to bottom, leading to an unknown place in the darkness.

And with that light, it can be seen that there should be an open space around, and there is a void outside the open space.

At this time Duke looked back subconsciously, and Lilith's perspective also saw a sacrificial table against the wall in the open space, with two rows of black candles on the left and right, and a stained glass painting enshrined on it.

That's right, it's here! It was exactly the same as what Ji Han told himself!

It's just that although the glass painting just passed by in a flash, I can confirm that it is not my father's, it should be the person of the Messiah that Ji Han asked.

What about my father's glass paintings? Could it be that Grandpa changed positions after Ji Han broke in last time? Or was it placed on the other side?

With everything that met before as a foreshadowing, Lily did not have any doubts about what Ji Han said.

Duke came to the edge of the void and said to himself towards the stone house connected by the [Deadly Ladder]:

"I'm back again. This time [Bloodline Maintenance] is earlier than before. It's been a rough time outside, and I'm afraid it will affect you. I think Ji Han and the others are already searching for the reason why I broke through that." .”

Speaking of this, Duke seems to have some emotions:

"It's all your fault! If you listened to me and gave me everything you owned at the beginning, if you could honestly wait for me to make some preparations and not play childish games of housekeeping, how could you have come here?" Today's situation? I don't need to ask the whole family to collect blood for you every once in a while.

But no matter what, you have to remember to me that you are from the Dracula family! This blood that runs through you is not something you can forget and shake off. "

Lilith can only turn on the "sense of sight", and it is still facing Grandpa's back, so even if it feels like Grandpa is talking, she can't really figure it out.

After Duke finished speaking, he also lightly scratched his right wrist, and the blood flowed out, fused with the huge "ribbon" around his body.


"It seems that I am really old, and dare to play this game by my side."

Just when Lilith was wondering what Grandpa was going to do next, Duke suddenly turned his head with an extremely fast movement, but this time Lilith's perspective did not follow suit.

Lilith was taken aback when she bumped into the murderous grandpa Duke head-on, and immediately wanted to relieve the [Blood Sense], but it was too late. Duke raised his hand and pinched the "Blood Ribbon", Lily Si immediately felt a sense of suffocation.

Feeling that he had pinched the voyeur, Duke didn't rush to ask, but explained:

“[Blood Sense] is indeed a good way to monitor, but don’t use it to monitor other vampires, because you don’t know the other party’s [Blood Sense] level.

In addition, this trick is not necessarily safe. As long as the opponent injects his own blood into it, he can modify the user's [Blood Sense] authority, so I can choke your neck like this, which is your tactile authority. "

Originally, Duke did not notice anything unusual, but when he released his blood, he immediately noticed that someone was using [Blood Sense] to monitor him, and immediately confirmed the source of the unique blood.

"I've finished what I should teach, now it's your turn, so what kind of explanation do you want to give me? Lilith?"

As he said that, Duke's right hand suddenly lit up red, and a large amount of blood gathered in his hand, which quickly condensed into a girl's figure, and then threw it aside.

[Full Blood Sense·Reverse] Temporarily drag all the feelings and even thoughts of the caster into the blood body he created through the connection he established. Used it on myself.

"Cough cough cough~www.readwn.com~Grandpa, I...I didn't mean it, I was just curious, cough cough cough."

Lilith, who knew that she would have no room to resist Grandpa herself after being discovered, tried to explain while coughing violently.

Duke walked towards Lilith slowly, shook his head and said:

"If your uncles say that, maybe I still believe it, but Lilith, you are different from them, don't worry, sleep well, and you will forget all these things when you wake up."

As he said that, a swirling blood ring quickly gathered in Duke's hands.

Knowing that her grandfather would not want her own life, Lilith, who wanted to keep this clue to find her father, hurriedly begged for mercy:

"Grandpa, cough, cough, I won't say anything, please let me go this time! I promise to keep my mouth shut!"

Duke didn't listen to Lilith's excuse, and when he came close to her and was about to make a move, a strong wind suddenly came from behind Duke.

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