The water moo cow saw the noble beasts in front of him and looked at him with a strange look. He said a little embarrassedly: "Water Moo." (We water moo cows all have this skill, we can read body language. Usually some young masters want to go out of the city, but don't want to talk to me. They wave their hands and I know what they mean.) "Water Moo." (They will also reward some dream copper.) Lu Chuan nodded. He thought he was good at sign language, but it turned out that the water moo cow was good. He reached his hand into his arms, actually taking out a small piece of dream iron from the crystal core space. There is not much Dream Iron left. After making the iron ship and the strength test stone, there are only about 200kg left.

"Shui Moo!" (It's Dream Iron, which is only available in the north.)

"Shui Moo!" (One pound of Dream Iron can be exchanged for two pounds of Dream Copper!)

The Water Moo Bull let Lu Chuan sit on the cart, and the four beasts also sat on the cart. After the engineering bear sat on it, the Water Moo Bull still pulled the wooden cart easily.

"Shui Moo." (The gatekeepers all know me, you can go out without registering.)

Soon they arrived at the city gate. The Chow Chow gatekeeper didn't say much. With the help of the Water Moo Bull, Lu Chuan and the four beasts passed through the city gate smoothly.

The two Chow Chow gatekeeper dogs watched Lu Chuan go away and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Song Shi?" (Isn't that beast a member of the royal family?)

"Song Shi!" (Don't talk nonsense, pretend you know nothing!)

"Song Shi." (Isn't he afraid of being discovered and exposed?)

"Song Shi!" (Can I call you big brother? Please, stop talking!)

On the other side, Lu Chuan and the four beasts sat in the car and listened to the water cow talking.

Dream copper is their hard currency, equivalent to the money in the human world, and they have to pay taxes every month.

Before, it was 40 taels of dream copper, but this month it suddenly rose to 80 taels.

They worked hard to farm and grow fruits, but that's all.

Originally, five baskets of fruits were 90 jin, and the price of 10 jin was 8 taels, so they could sell them for 72 taels. If they borrowed 8 taels from someone, they could still make ends meet.

Now they can only sell them for 40 taels, and they don't know how to make ends meet. Fortunately, they met Lu Chuan who said he wanted to buy them, which gave him hope.

Bubu Beast asked him why he didn't use his ability to read sign language to translate for humans and dream beasts.

He said that the Dream Beast Dynasty would not allow them to do so, and only let them farm the land honestly.

If the taxes could not be paid, his son would have to go to the army to fight against the human resistance army and the other two armies.

It was too dangerous, he would rather work harder than see his son die.

The water mooing cow seemed to have found a life-saving straw, unwilling to let go, and kept talking about his own experience, wanting Lu Chuan and his friends to buy more fruits.


Water Mooing Cow Village.

When Lu Chuan and the four beasts got off the wooden cart, they saw a group of water mooing cows plowing the fields. The sun was shining, and they did not stop.

After seeing this, the sickle mantis was ready to move, as if something was prying the genes in his body.

"Shui Moo!" (We still have some wisteria fruit left, as well as special fruits, dragon fruit and electric fruit!)

"Shui Moo." (Dragon fruit is eaten by the beasts in the palace, but they have special planting, so we can't sell it.)

Lu Chuan gestured.

"Shui Moo!" (Do you want it? We have at least 500 kilograms of dragon fruit and 300 kilograms of electric fruit.)

"Shui Moo!" (Originally, we planted wisteria fruit, but some of the wisteria fruit will become dragon fruit and electric fruit later.)

"Shui Moo." (20 kilograms of dragon fruit or electric fruit, 5 taels of dream copper, 2 taels of dream iron, okay? Sir.)

Lu Chuan nodded, and when Bubu Beast heard about electric fruit, he thought of ice fruit.

He had never seen dragon fruit and electric fruit, so he just wanted these two.

When the sickle mantis heard that there were new fruits, he asked Lu Chuan to call him back to the crystal core space, and he was going to open up two plots of land.

He said that he would come out if there was something, so Lu Chuan agreed to let the sickle mantis enter the crystal core space.

The water moo cow happily called people from house to house, asking them to take out their dragon fruit and electric fruit.

The 15 animal families in the village were suddenly in an uproar, scrambling for them, fearing that if Lu Chuan left, no one would want their fruits.

Soon, exquisite dragon fruit and electric fruit were placed in front of Lu Chuan.

"What a quick hand and foot, I picked out all the good ones so quickly." Lu Chuan thought to himself.

Lu Chuan took out the only 200kg of dream iron he had.

He bought 150 kilograms of dragon fruit and 50 kilograms of electric fruit.

The whole Shuimo Village cheered, 400 taels of dream iron, that is, 800 taels of dream copper, and each family could get 50

More than two.

In this way, they can pay taxes and no longer have to send the beasts in the village to serve in the army! !

They thought the Monkey King would not buy too much, but he did not expect to buy so much at once.

They gave the remaining exquisite dragon fruit and electric fruit to Lu Chuan, not much, just 50 kilograms.

They were reluctant to take out the remaining ones with poor appearance.

Long Qi picked up a dragon fruit, tasted it, and his eyes lit up. This was the fruit he liked!

Bubu Beast stared at the electric fruit and did not dare to eat it.

When the engineer bear saw it, he picked up one and put it in his mouth. A burst of electricity made his hair stand up.


Bubu Beast put down the electric fruit, covered his stomach, and turned his back to the engineer bear.

Seeing that the three beasts did not eat anymore, Lu Chuan waved his hand and put all the things into the crystal core space, which startled a group of water cows.

Seeing that they were just surprised, but not incredible expressions, Lu Chuan was relieved.

He was just testing the water. If the water cows looked incredible and unbelievable, he would flee directly.

Seeing that it was almost time, Lu Chuan wanted to go treasure hunting, so he gestured to leave, but the water cows were not willing to leave.

They said they would treat Lu Chuan and the other four beasts well, and they didn't think much about where the sickle mantis went.

It was hard to refuse the hospitality, so Lu Chuan and the three beasts wandered around the village to see the wisteria fruit here.

"Why can the wisteria fruit here mutate into dragon fruit and electric fruit?"

"I haven't seen wisteria fruit mutate in the crystal core space. Is it because there are not enough?"

He walked along the field, and there was a little water cow following him.

Lu Chuan gestured.

"Water moo." (My father said that the fields here are not good, but other villages are not good, and they don't know why.)

After listening, Lu Chuan thought as he walked.

"Mutation is affected by certain factors. As for the water source, there is only one river. There is no reason why only the purple wisteria fruit in Shuimooniu Village mutated."

"Fields?" Lu Chuan stopped. He walked around and saw that except for the river, the rest were fields.

Lu Chuan gestured to the little Shuimooniu behind him.

"Shuimoo!" (Yes, my family's fields have the most dragon fruits and electric fruits. Other families don't have half of my family's!)

Hearing this, Lu Chuan motioned to the little Shuimooniu to take him there.

Lu Chuan came to the field and squatted on the ground to look at the soil.

The little Shuimooniu next to him had a surprised expression. He didn't expect that the beasts of the big beast family would also go to the fields.

In their eyes, aren't these dirty things?

Otherwise, how could there be inside and outside the city? At such a young age, he couldn't figure it out.

Lu Chuan rubbed the small soil and turned it into powder, but he didn't find anything strange.

He asked the little water cow to get a hoe, but he said he didn't have one, they all used their horns to dig.

Lu Chuan had no choice but to take out the iron hoe from the crystal core space.

He gestured and asked the little water cow if he could dig the ground, but he nodded blankly, his eyes on the iron hoe.

Seeing this, he started to act. The three beasts couldn't help, they didn't have the ability to plow the land.

There must be something wrong with the unusual situation, Lu Chuan thought there might be a treasure.

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