The emperor's storehouse.

A passage appeared out of nowhere, and Coal Ball and Giant Claw Chicken jumped out.

Coal Ball said cautiously: "Coal Ball." (Be quiet, there are beasts guarding outside, don't be discovered.)

The three beasts nodded and dared not speak.

After the four beasts came to this dream, they went to the Stone Forest first, which was poor.

Then they went to the mine and found the treasures there, but they were heavily guarded, so they could not start, and could only sneak attack.

Then they went to the Li Beast Forest, which confused them all, and finally let them find a strange place.

The last place was the Dream Beast Dynasty. In order to get in, Coal Ball thought of many ways.

After asking around, they heard that the two princes liked to sneak out of the palace to play.

So they began to wait and wait for the two princes to appear.

And they also took advantage of this waiting time to draw a map, and the beasts were noisy, attracting many beasts.

They found that some dream beasts were still leading humans.

Seeing that it was getting more and more lively, Coal Ball had to put away the map and change positions with the giant claw chicken to wait.

The hard wait was not in vain, they waited for the two princes.

Coal Ball performed short-distance teleportation for them, and the two golden monkey princes' eyes lit up.

Sneak them into the palace, and Coal Ball took the opportunity to remember the route.

So under the pretext of taking them to play, he used short-distance teleportation to find out all the locations in the palace.

After knowing the location of the imperial treasury, Coal Ball was also ready to leave the palace, but was restricted by the two princes and was not allowed to leave.

After a dispute, Coal Ball and the others were locked in the dungeon.

After that, every day, the Golden Monkey Prince came to ask Meiqiu to take them out to play.

After Meiqiu got the information she wanted, she didn't want to serve these two.

She was also in the dungeon, using the lights she tricked into completing the map, and then returned to the crystal core space to leave the map to Lu Chuan.

Immediately, she continued to return to the dungeon.

In the following time, she went to the royal treasury several times, but the security there was strict, and she returned empty-handed several times.

But she was still determined to wait for the opportunity.

Before she was subdued by Lu Chuan, it was this temperament that made her wait outside the gray fog for a long time.

As a result, she fell into a trap and was caught.

But for her, being subdued was a benefit, she didn't have to wander around, and she had a comfortable home.

She liked Lu Chuan's crystal core space very much.

There was food, companions, mountains, water, trees, and Lu Chuan.

But she felt that she was useless, which was simply unacceptable to her.

The sickle mantises all played to their strengths, and she couldn't fall behind.

This also made her more enthusiastic about the imperial treasury.

Coal Ball saw the giant claw chicken in a daze.

"Coal Ball." (Don't be in a daze, hurry up.)

She opened a passage and connected to Lu Chuan's crystal core space.

"Coal Ball." (Be a beast and leave a way.)

So, she began to command the three dream beasts to move the treasures.

"Coal Ball!" (Those ores are heavier, move them later, move the light ones first!)

"Coal Ball!" (That stone stick is good, you move it.)

Coal Ball saw a stone stick and knew that Lu Chuan could use a wooden stick, so she took a fancy to the stone stick at first sight.

Watching the three beasts carrying stone sticks into the passage, she began to look around.

There are mostly dream copper here, dream iron second, and mimic liquid.

She decided to move the mimic liquid second.

In addition, there are armors, which she doesn't like.


She stopped in front of a stone tablet with a transparent crystal on it.

She looked at it for a while, then turned to look at the others.

After a while, the three beasts returned.

Meiqiu asked them to bring the porcelain jar with the mimic liquid over.

She saw three different dream cores on a wooden shelf.

After putting it away, she opened the bag next to it, which contained about thirty crystal fragments.

So, she took the dream core and crystal fragments back to the crystal core space.

The water dragon in the lake heard the noise, woke up, and emerged from the water.

Seeing that Bubu Beast and the others were not in the crystal core space.

Only Meiqiu and the three beasts in the distance were seen going back and forth in the passage.

He flew over curiously.

When passing by the food area, he smelled a scent that attracted beasts.

The dragon looked over, staring at the dragon fruit, and he swallowed unconsciously.

Then he landed in the food area and swallowed basket after basket of dragon fruit.


Shui Long burped, intoxicated to the extreme. When he saw Long Qi's little hand appear out of thin air, he enthusiastically handed over the last

A dragon fruit was handed over.

Coal Ball heard the loud burp of Water Dragon and his eyes lit up.

He waved to Water Dragon excitedly, "Coal Ball!"

Water Dragon nodded and walked over slowly. He couldn't fly anymore because he was too full.

"Water Dragon?"

"Coal Ball!" (I'm sitting on your arm and directing you to grab it. There are also dragon fruits in it!)

"Water Dragon!!!"

Purple wisteria fruit can make him full, but dragon fruit can not only make him full, but also taste good. He must be happy.

And he also knew that the dragon fruit was gone, and Long Qi also wanted to eat it. Now Coal Ball found the dragon fruit, which was even better.

So, Water Dragon joined the team.

Coal Ball sat on one of Water Dragon's dragon claws.

Water Dragon's dragon claw reached into the passage, and when Coal Ball slapped his dragon claw, he stopped.

Coal Ball in the imperial treasury directed Water Dragon's dragon ball to the location where the dragon fruit was placed.

Soon, thirty baskets of dragon fruit were easily moved out by Water Dragon.

The water dragon and Coal Ball clapped their hands in tacit understanding.

The three beasts stood aside in a daze, they were out of work.

"Giant Claw." (We are useless.)

"Golden Mee." (Out of work.)

"Moo." (So hungry.)

The three beasts sighed at the same time, and then heard Coal Ball's angry voice.

"Coal Ball!" (Why don't you three organize your things and put them in the corresponding areas!)

The three beasts' eyes lit up, and they came back to life. Work makes beasts happy, and they love to work.

With the help of the water dragon, the dream copper was emptied, the dream iron was emptied, and some things that were not noticed were also emptied.

There was only a pile of armor and a stone tablet left in the royal treasury.

Coal Ball thought about it again and again, and she was still reluctant to part with the crystal stone on the stone tablet.

So she reached out and took it off.


Coal Ball heard a sound like glass breaking in the royal treasury.

In the Dream Beast Dynasty, the entire southern area emitted a huge snapping sound.

The terrifying gray fog spread out from the broken part, and the dream beasts of the Dream Beast Dynasty fell into fear.

For a time, there was chaos, and they all fled in panic. The dream beasts entangled in the gray fog disappeared in an instant.

The Dream Beast Dynasty was completely in chaos!

At this time, a figure appeared in the air.

She pulled out a sword, a plastic sword!

With a strong swing, the gray fog of the entire Dream Beast Dynasty paused.

Then, she took out a transparent crystal from her pocket and threw it to the ground.

It merged into the ground in a short while.

The broken cracks slowly disappeared, and the gray fog also retreated.

The dream beasts of the Dream Beast Dynasty saw the glowing woman in the sky.

They all knelt down.

"Golden Monkey!"


"Zhu Xiaoer!"

They all said in unison: "Thank you, Jiangning Envoy!"

The woman ignored it and turned and disappeared.

Coal Ball in the Imperial Treasury was startled by the noise. She panicked and tried to run back to the passage, but found that the passage was impassable.

After a while, Coal Ball saw that the broken part was repaired, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

When she returned to the crystal core space, she found that the dragon claw of the water dragon was injured and blood was flowing non-stop!

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