The old lane is the third street.

Lu Chuan stood under the street light and looked up to think.

"Pray, red smoke, we can only start from these two directions." Lu Chuan made up his mind and set out to find a crowded place.

Lu Chuan returned to the fourth street and found Uncle Zhao who was taking a walk.

"Uncle Zhao, are you full?" Lu Chuan said with a smile.

"Oh, A Tai, come and see if my waist has become thicker after eating so much." Uncle Zhao turned around like a swan dance.

"Your waist is like a water snake waist. If you wear a floral skirt, you will be fascinated by the aunties!" Lu Chuan praised.

"You are old, how can you be so charming?" Uncle Zhao held his hands together with a twisted expression.

"You still need to pray with a waist like this? We young people are really ashamed." Lu Chuan sighed, depressed and regretful.

"Yes, others can't pray even if they want to." Uncle Zhao was very happy, as if he was showing off his own way to pray.

"It's so magical, can I see it?" Lu Chuan said curiously.

"Yes, yes, A Tai, you have to talk more, I am happy to listen to you, I can't remember you, it must be because you talk too little."

"You look like this, I tell you as an experienced person, you are simply a person sent from heaven, when you go to the temple fair, you will definitely be selected." Uncle Zhao smiled happily.

"Let's go, I will take you to see the wish paper." Uncle Zhao twisted his waist and led the way happily in front.

Lu Chuan followed him and whispered: "Temple fair, wish paper."

New information appeared again.

Soon, the two of them came to the 5th building on the 4th street, which happened to be 501.

Uncle Zhao took Lu Chuan in and said he would try on the skirt and let Lu Chuan take a look later.

Lu Chuan looked at the uncle's house, which was small and warm, and full of age. There was no thin-screen LCD TV, nor a sweeping robot, which seemed to be out of touch with the era of intelligence.

Lu Chuan did not feel uncomfortable, but remembered it carefully, which was the memory of a generation.

"Is this, a small piece of paper?" Lu Chuan saw a piece of paper on a small table.

Lu Chuan looked closer and it was indeed paper, to be precise, a torn square paper.

"June 25, Saturday, heavy rain."

"Diary?" Lu Chuan looked at the content on the square paper and murmured.

"That's a wish paper, not a diary." Uncle Zhao's face flushed, and he seemed to be holding his breath.

"Atai, come and help me zip up my zipper." Uncle Zhao turned around and said.

Lu Chuan walked forward and pulled up the zipper of Uncle Zhao's skirt on the back.

"It seems that my waist is still too thick. I really want to wear it to show my wife." Uncle Zhao turned around and said in a low mood.

Lu Chuan saw him start to mutter, "Thin waist, yes, I want a thin waist."

Uncle Zhao suddenly became obsessed. Lu Chuan glanced at the octopus on his head and it began to turn red again.

Then Uncle Zhao prayed to the "wish paper" and said, "I want a thin waist."

At this time, the "wish paper" lit up, and the octopus on his head struggled violently, and the red color on his body faded and returned to normal.

Uncle Zhao's waist also gradually became thinner.

"I think the aunt has a good vision, the skirt is very beautiful, but the manufacturer is unreasonable. Look, the waist of this skirt is so thin, who can wear it." Lu Chuan spoke hurriedly, he was worried that something would go wrong.

This is the first time I have seen an octopus being restrained, as if the "wish paper" is against the octopus.

When Uncle Zhao heard what Lu Chuan said, he stopped praying and looked at Lu Chuan in confusion: "What should I do then?"

"You can go to a clothing alteration shop and loosen the waist of the skirt."

"Look, this skirt has so many wrinkles around the waist. It will be much looser if you pick it up." Lu Chuan said with a smile, and Uncle Zhao's madness disappeared at this time.

"Let's go to Lao Zhang. He is on the first floor of Building 6 at the entrance of Sanjie Lane. He also has wish paper at home."

Uncle Zhao hurried into the room to change clothes and took Lu Chuan to Uncle Zhang's house.

The two came to Uncle Zhang's side.

"Lao Zhang, Lao Zhang." Uncle Zhao shouted loudly.

"Here you are. Ouch, why are you shouting? Can't you be quieter? My wife is sleeping." Uncle Zhang opened the door and complained.

"Alter the waist of my skirt." Uncle Zhao gave the skirt to Uncle Zhang.

"Atai is here too, come sit down." Uncle Zhang was also wearing a rectangular black stone, but it was on the octopus's head.

"Atai wants to see the 'wish paper', I'll take him to see it, you help me change my skirt first." Uncle Zhao said.

, took Lu Chuan to a table with ease.

Uncle Zhang's home was a little messy, with some clothes and needles and thread piled up.

"It's not easy for Lao Zhang either, he makes money by helping people repair clothes." Uncle Zhao sighed and said.

"Uncle Zhang's craftsmanship is very good, and these clothes are also neatly arranged." Lu Chuan said.

The two came to the table of 'wish paper', which was another incomplete square diary.

"Mom takes me to the playground when she is free, that's"

The diary ends here.

"Uncle Zhao, are there many young mothers and her children here?" Lu Chuan turned around and asked.

"Let me count, there are quite a lot." Uncle Zhao counted.

"Then do you know whose children often go to the playground?" Lu Chuan asked with a trial mentality.

"Oh, I have heard of it. The kid was bragging. I heard it while walking. His name is Liu Lanshang."

"It seems that he lives on the first street. He often comes here to play, but his family." Uncle Zhao's face was not very good, and there were signs of an explosion.

Uncle Zhang outside the house seemed to have heard the kid's name and started to get angry.

When the octopus on their heads began to turn red again, a burst of light from the "wish paper" calmed them down.

After Lu Chuan said goodbye to the two uncles, he came to the first street, which seemed much darker.

The street lights were broken, and there was no third or fourth street on the first floor to turn on the door lights.

He saw several people lying in one place, not knowing what they were doing.

Lu Chuan walked in and saw that they were eating.

"Uncles, who knows where Liu Lanshang lives?" Lu Chuan asked straight to the point.

He couldn't stay in the first street for a long time now, so as not to run into Meng Baiyuan and the others. Although he had acting skills, he was still careful.

"Who are you? What do you want from my grandson?" An old lady looked up, her eyes gloomy.

"It's about the temple fair." Lu Chuan said indifferently.

"Didn't you say my grandson was not qualified? Why are you here again?" The old lady stood up, her tone extremely unfriendly.

The octopus on her head was twice as big as the people on the third and fourth streets, and it was red and black at this time.

"Well, find him to find out, we suspect that the process is wrong!" Lu Chuan said.

But the old lady had lost her mind, and pounced on him with her teeth and claws, while the others looked like they were watching a show, yelling, with hysterical expressions.

Then the residents of the entire street all leaned out of the window and screamed loudly.

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