The dream was over, and the dream was over.

Dream Processing Center, training ground on the second underground floor.

Zhong Lili's mockery was loud. He had a grudge against Lu Chuan. Seeing Lu Chuan coming out of the training room of Team 12, he felt even more upset.

Although the dream of the competition could not continue normally because of the mysterious man, he was still the third place in the Dream Breaking Team.

No, Wen Jieming had already left the Dream Processing Center, and he was the second place.

But he had not been noticed by any Dream Breaking Team.

The performance of Team 12 in the dream of the old alley was the first time that the interns saw the Dream Breaking Team take action.

This also attracted many interns, who wanted to hang out in front of Team 12 to show their faces.

"Zhongli Li, don't you think you are mean?" Fan Yu said with narrowed eyes.

Chang Yulong stood beside Fan Yu, looking at Zhongli Li.

Zhongli Li didn't expect that the two would stand for Lu Chuan, and their rankings also rose one place with the departure of Wen Jieming.

He sneered at the three people. He was the second place, and even the two in the top five were not in his eyes.

"Want to practice?"

Gu Wang's voice came, and the whole training ground was silent.

Zhu Qiang beside him still remembered that Lu Chuan said that his feet smelled in the car, but it was not suitable to argue with Lu Chuan at this time, so he could only glare at Lu Chuan.

Then he said lightly: "Boss, let me do it."

Zhongli Li looked at the four people in front of Lu Chuan, and his face became more and more ugly.

And the people around him, watching the excitement, were shouting: "Fight!"

Fan Yu and Chang Yulong were thoughtful. They didn't expect that Gu Wang and Lu Chuan knew each other.

Although he was furious, Zhong Lili was still a little scared when facing the four people, so he sneered: "You want this person to help you? Funny, he is a person in the logistics department, and there is only one person in the department. You are just borrowing flowers to pay tribute to Buddha. Aren't you afraid of being embarrassed in the end?"

The people present found it a little boring to see that there was no fight, but they also agreed with Zhong Lili's words.

"Hahaha, you are right, some people are destined to be extraordinary, and some people can only be in the logistics department."

"At this time, you are fawning on someone who doesn't even have the qualifications to intern in the Dream Breaker Team. It's a joke!"

Some people joined in the laughter, and some people chose to watch in silence.

Gu Wang and others looked even colder.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Lu Chuan looked calm.

"Hey, Lu Chuan, what are you doing here." A voice sounded, and everyone turned to look. It was Deputy Captain Liu!

Lu Chuan looked at his acquaintances appearing one after another and said, "Nothing, let's go eat first, we haven't eaten yet."

Liu Xin scratched her cheek with her index finger. She forgot about this matter and was so engrossed in training.

"Then wait for me, I'll be back soon!" Liu Xin said and hurried into the training room. As for the others, she really didn't notice them. She just wanted to catch up with the training.

"What are you doing here? You are not doing your job all day long!" Liu Xin went out and saw so many people gathered on the field, and shouted coldly.

Then she smiled and said to Lu Chuan, "Let's go and eat!"

Before everyone could react, Lu Chuan was pulled away by Liu Xin, in a hurry.

Everyone stared at this scene in amazement, Zhu Qiang clenched his fist and clapped his other hand: "I know!"

Everyone looked at Zhu Qiang.

"She must be his sister!"

"Tsk." Everyone said at the same time and dispersed.

"I should have gone to meet him just now. It's all your fault!"

"Oh, that's really interesting. It was you who didn't want to go, but you dragged me along!"

The two interns from the Dream Breaking Team started arguing, and the same thing happened to other people.

Zhongli Li's face flushed, not because of shame, but because of anger!

Zhu Qiang was confused: "Boss, isn't this the same situation as yours? Isn't your sister the same? Why don't you believe me?"

Gu Wang glanced at Zhu Qiang. Not to mention that the last names were different, if she was really Lu Chuan's sister, wouldn't everyone know about it? In a workplace, any little secret can spread.

Fanyue and Chang Yulong looked at each other and understood each other.

In front of the training room of Team 11, a girl with a flower on her head appeared. She watched the whole process.

"Who is it?" She smiled slightly and then disappeared. No one noticed, and no one noticed. Even Liu Xin who went in and out of the training room of Team 12 didn't notice!

After the two of them had their meal and returned to the training room, Lu Chuan asked, "How does the Dream Breaker team select those interns outside?"

"The selection will start after the game in seven days. Each team will have three interns.

, which should have been chosen not long ago, but it was stopped because of the mysterious man's incident. "Liu Xin explained.

"As for the team ranking, there are actually several lists here."

Seeing that Lu Chuan was very interested, Liu Xin patiently explained it as a leisure activity after dinner.

The Dream Processing Center's Dream Breaking Team has individual strength rankings, dream beast rankings, and dream breaking points rankings.

The competition held seven days later is the dream beast ranking. She and Meng Baiyuan are at the bottom of the fighting department.

This is also the reason why they urgently need Lu Chuan to be a coach.

After seeing Lu Chuan's full-strength Bajiquan, Team 12 valued him even more!

Lu Chuan also got a new contract, which includes 200,000 a day and 200kg of dream iron.

"Fangwei and Chang Yulong, good character. "Lu Chuan took the contract and said.

After listening, Liu Xin nodded and remembered the names of the two people in her heart.

The two did not talk nonsense and quickly finished their meal.

Time was tight and the task was heavy. He returned to the training room and continued to train the two dream beasts.



Iron Fist Duck and Whirlwind Boy saw that Lu Chuan was going to adjust the difficulty of the waterfall, and hurriedly stopped him, patting his chest.

"Okay, then stop talking nonsense, go!" After Lu Chuan finished speaking, he took off his shirt first and stood on the stone.

He slowly controlled the dragon power to reduce, allowing his body to slowly adapt to the impact of the waterfall.

In the dream of Laoxiang, after being regarded as the target of attack by Long Qi, he also understood that even if he was the owner of the crystal core space, he could not ignore his own strength training!

Team Twelve did not admit defeat and joined the ranks.

And this time, Whirlwind Boy was able to stand up with difficulty.

Iron Fist Duck also propped up half of his body.

"Stand up, don't fall here! "Lu Chuan's dull roar reached their ears.

"Practice is to conquer one mountain after another that cannot be climbed!" Lu Chuan's neck veins bulged, his face flushed, and he roared hard. He had weakened his dragon power by half.

"Too crazy, too crazy, my fat can't cover my heartbeat!" Gao Song said in his heart, but his face was fierce, he wanted to stand up!

"Why! Such a person can't have a crystal core space!" Liu Xin's eyes were red, and she gritted her teeth. She could already support herself.

"I stood up!" Meng Baiyuan had already straightened his body and took a horse stance, but after saying this, he was washed into the pool and floated quietly.

Yang Wuyu didn't have so many psychological activities, he just wanted to stand up!

Lu Chuan saw the whirlwind boy who smiled at him beside him, and he couldn't hold on for five seconds before he was washed down.

The whirlwind boy climbed up the shore, picked up the recovery agent, swallowed it, and stepped on the stone again!

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