The weather was very good, but the weather was very good.

Haining City, No. 1 Middle School, the campus was silent, and the guards at the gate were all asleep.

The No. 1 Middle School was a little remote, and it was afternoon, when people were busy working, so there were few passing vehicles.

A figure was walking on the campus corridor, staggering forward.

Lu Chuan went to various offices and found that the teachers were all asleep, so he immediately decided to leave the campus.

"Why am I hungry again, and my consciousness is starting to blur!" Lu Chuan dragged his heavy body and walked towards the school gate.

"As long as I leave the school, maybe I can contact the outside world!" Lu Chuan gritted his teeth and walked slowly with one eye open and one eye closed.

In the end, Lu Chuan fainted halfway and lay on the school road, and the crystal on his arm flashed red.


In the dream, Lu Chuan watched himself slowly solidify from illusion, and looked up and looked around.

"Well, school?"

The scene in front of him was exactly the same as No. 1 Middle School.

At this time, the campus created by the dream was bustling with people, and the students on the playground were jumping and moving.

Lu Chuan carefully observed everyone's behavior. In the dream he encountered in the morning, he imitated the behavior of other people who were infected with the dream source and entered the dream, thus avoiding the attack.

Although the old man in the room was chasing him, at least no one else entered the room, but Meng Baiyuan was chased by a group of people.

After observing for a while, the body had solidified to the knees, and Lu Chuan did not see any similar features, as if everything in front of him was real.

There was nothing in common, and nothing strange, which was different from the dream in Wangjiang Park.

"I hope the dream processing center will find out about this situation soon, but now I still have to rely on myself." Lu Chuan quietly looked at the corner of the campus in front of him, looking at this false 'reality', waiting for the moment when his body was completely solidified.

The class bell rang, and he also completely entered the dream.

"Lu Chuan, you don't want to skip class by not going back to the classroom? I'll go tell Teacher Li now!" Liu Wen found Lu Chuan standing on the edge of the playground, motionless, and said in a bad tone.

"Let go, go back to the classroom." Lu Chuan hooked Liu Wen's shoulder and said with a laugh.

"Let go, who is so familiar with you, if you weren't my deskmate, I wouldn't bother to pay attention to you. I tell you, don't think about copying my answers in the exam later. If you dare to copy, I will report you!" Liu Wen struggled to break free from Lu Chuan's arm.

"Hahaha, it's the same wherever you are." Lu Chuan said with a smile.

"You are laughing and joking, not even serious. Don't try to lead me astray. I found something wrong and told the teacher immediately. If it weren't for Teacher Li's objection to changing seats, I wouldn't want to sit at the same table with you!" Liu Wen pushed his glasses and couldn't get away from Lu Chuan's arm, so he had to give up, but he still warned Lu Chuan.

Lu Chuan glanced at Liu Wen. He was short and thin, wearing a pair of glasses of old style, with a crew cut, and his personality and tone were exactly the same as in the real world.

In order to confirm whether it was as he thought, Lu Chuan asked about trivial matters, such as what was yesterday's homework and where Liu Wen went for internship. The answers he got were no different from reality.

"How do you think I did in the morning?" Lu Chuan said with a smile.

"As for your stinking show-off, go to a good place for internship, do you need to show off on stage in front of the whole class! I am ashamed to sit at the same table with you!" Liu Wen pursed his lips and said unhappily.

"Oh, a great place?"

"Tsk, are you going to show off again?"

"Okay." After Lu Chuan asked this question, he knew that he only needed to follow the usual way.

Liu Wen never mentioned anything about the dream from beginning to end. Who knows what the consequences would be if he said it.

The two also arrived at the door of the classroom. The playground was close to Class 2 and 3 of Senior High School. When they arrived at the door, the teacher had not arrived yet.

"It's inexplicable." Liu Wen pushed his glasses and muttered to Lu Chuan who let go of his hand and walked to his seat.

Li Minghan walked into the classroom with a stack of test papers, talked about the precautions for answering the questions, and reminded that the last test was very important.

Lu Chuan took the test paper and looked at the questions on the test paper. The pen in his hand never moved on the paper.

"If I find a way to solve the dream, can I solve the dream beast that appears?"

"Also, although I really want to have a dream beast! But how to subdue it?"

The dream beast that looked like a Husky was subdued by the crystal in Gao Song's hand. Lu Chuan was far away and did not see the crystal on the back of Gao Song's hand.

"No, we should find a way to get out of it first!" He

Remembering that he entered the state of hunger in the dream, if he didn't get out of it quickly, there might be problems.

Lu Chuan wanted to write the test paper. When dealing with the current situation, the pen tip had not yet touched the paper, but the handwriting of the answer to the question slowly emerged on the test paper. Lu Chuan looked at it with surprise.

He turned his head to look at Liu Wen, but saw that Liu Wen had noticed something and looked up at him, with a warning in his eyes.

Liu Wen's hands kept moving, as if he was controlled.

Lu Chuan's forehead suddenly broke out in cold sweat, and he hurriedly pretended that his hands were also moving. He immediately curled his lips at Liu Wen and looked down at the questions on the test paper being answered one by one.

Seeing this, Liu Wen smiled triumphantly and also buried his head to start "doing the test paper".

Time soon came to three o'clock in the afternoon. Lu Chuan saw that all the questions on the test paper had been answered, and Li Minghan's voice just happened to sound at this time.

"Time is up! No more writing. The score is the result of your hard work. The last person in each group, go forward and collect the test papers."

Li Minghan's eyes were sharp, and he looked at who was still writing. Seeing that no one was moving, his eyes slowed down a little, and then he stared at Lu Chuan.

"Not bad, I didn't look around today, Lu Chuan." Li Minghan said to Lu Chuan.

Lu Chuan's mouth twitched. He wanted to look around, but the test paper wrote the answers by itself. He focused on imitating the trajectory of writing, fearing that he would be exposed. There were so many people in the school, and he would be really finished if he was beaten up.

"Now let's announce the results!" Li Minghan patted the test paper on the podium and took out the first test paper.

"Huh?" Lu Chuan looked at the students around him. They looked accustomed to it, and immediately restrained their emotions, as if I was the same as you.

"Jiang Xiabo, 100 points!"

The whole class looked at Jiang Xiabo who stood up, and the applause was extremely warm.

Lu Chuan clapped his hands while looking at Jiang Xiabo. He had some impression of this classmate. When they went to eat in the real world, the person who was studying hard near the door was him.

"Is he that good?" Lu Chuan moved Liu Wen with his elbow.

"That's right, you think he is like you. That's right, with your usual appearance, the only thing you care about is internship!" Liu Wen glanced at Lu Chuan and said sarcastically.

"Interesting, I am not only concerned about internship, Jiang Xiabo, the second to last in grades." Lu Chuan stopped clapping his hands, looked at the arrogant Jiang Xiabo, and thought to himself.

Dream decoding requires finding the source, which he concluded when he watched Meng Baiyuan and Gao Song decode the dream of Wangjiang Park.

Moreover, the source of the dream is self-aware. The middle-aged man who found the source in that dream glanced at him, while the others were more like puppets, acting according to specific rules.

"15 points!"

"15 points!"

The test papers rose and fell in Li Minghan's hands, and his tone gradually became angry.

"What's going on? All 15 points! This is the result of your study! Where did your brain go!" Li Minghan slammed the table hard, his neck veins bulged, and he roared.

"Except Jiang Xiabo, everyone retake the exam!"

"Teacher, I am also a member of the class after all. I will retake the exam with them. It's a good opportunity to practice." Jiang Xiabo raised his hand and smiled.

Lu Chuan watched this scene quietly. Old Li didn't have the ability to give the results in seconds.

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