The tiger was beaten to death.

"Tiger Fist!"

Gu Wang used the bond skill of Cloud Pattern Tiger Treasure, and one fist had the shadow of a roaring tiger head, and it collided with Wen Jieming's palm knife.

With a muffled sound, Wen Jieming retreated three steps, while Gu Wang only retreated two steps.

At this time, Cloud Pattern Tiger Treasure screamed, and Gu Wang looked back at Cloud Pattern Tiger Treasure.

Seeing Cloud Pattern Tiger Treasure fall to the ground and twitch, he ran over to check on Cloud Pattern Tiger Treasure's situation.

Just now, Gu Wang was concentrating on fighting with Wen Jieming, and did not notice that after Cloud Pattern Tiger Treasure was attacked by Scythe Mantis, he cooperated with the brute force calf to knock Cloud Pattern Tiger Treasure down.

Wen Jieming looked at Gu Wang, who had his back to him, with his mouth curled up, and he smiled evilly and silently said, "Bull Charge!"

Li Tunci saw that Gu Wang did not notice Wen Jieming's attack, and hurriedly ran to block it with his body.

Seeing that he was blocked, Wen Jieming did not stop attacking, but used the cross sickle on Gu Wang's back before he could react!

"Hehe, Mr. Gu, you are too weak, or too young, and you don't know what the law of the jungle is." Wen Jieming's voice sounded behind Gu Wang.

Gu Wang heard a bang, and a figure flew over his head. Before he could react, he groaned and fell to the ground, with blood flowing from the knife wound on his back!

"Too weak, too hypocritical, I was actually framed by such a little kid before." Wen Jieming shook his head, but his face was a sinister smile.

Zhu Qiang's side.

Originally, the folding fan bird and the bamboo leaf stork pressed the two vultures to the ground and rubbed them.

But for some reason, the other two dream beasts suddenly seemed to be full of energy, and they pressed his two dream beasts to the ground and rubbed them.

Zhu Qiang was so angry that he ran towards Zhang Xiaohe.

He opened his arms and put them backwards, and a Z-shaped afterimage appeared.

Zhang Xiaohe saw Zhu Qiang rushing over, and his eyes turned into eagle eyes.

Zhu Qiang's figure suddenly slowed down, and he kept retreating and stopped at a rock.

When Zhu Qiang was about to hit Zhang Xiaohe's body with his head, Zhang Xiaohe moved, and Zhu Qiang hit his head directly against the rock.


The dust cleared, revealing Zhu Qiang's bleeding head.

"I didn't expect you to have a clone!" Zhu Qiang saw that Zhang Xiaohe in front of him had turned into three.

Then Zhu Qiang staggered twice and fell to the ground.

"..." Zhang Xiaohe's eyes returned to normal, and he looked at Zhu Qiang speechlessly, "Isn't this guy a fool?"

When the fan bird and the bamboo stork saw Zhu Qiang fall, they were distracted, and this negligence caused the two beasts to fall together.

The scene changed too quickly, and Chang Yulong didn't know who to help for a while.

Li Qianqian kept yawning, "It's too boring."

"Rabbits, focus on it and finish it early!"

Hearing this, the condensed water rabbit and the ponytail rabbit increased their strength.

They didn't even need to use their skills. Just a punch and a kick, plus a collision, the opponent couldn't stop it.

Now the two rabbit-shaped dream beasts began to use their skills.

Range glanced at Li Qianqian and took out the sickle, "You don't need to move, concentrate on commanding the flower bud elves." After speaking to Wu Shuya, he rushed towards Li Qianqian.

"Bound skill-condensed energy!"

This is the bond skill of the golden ant soldier, which can concentrate his anger and increase his attack power in an instant.

According to Chang Yulong, the quality of this sickle is not low.

He directly concentrated all his strength and anger on the sickle.

"Fall down!" The moment he rushed over, he took off his glasses and roared.

He was too frustrated and ignorant. This dream made him suffer. He was too incomplete.

If he had a worse view of people's hearts, Zhongli Li would definitely not let them suffer.

They have not been guided by the Dream Breakers. They have been exploring on their own and making slow progress.

Gu Wang fell down, Zhu Qiang fell down, and their dream beasts could not hold on.

This game is more like trampling on them.

A mockery of them, a group of fledglings!

There are so many teams, but only three came here, and one of them is a traitor.

At least, he can't fall down. He has to earn back some face. Otherwise, why would Team 12 look at the three of them!

Li Qianqian saw the aggressive Fanwei and was stunned for a moment when she saw him take off his glasses, "So handsome!"

Then she screamed, and Fanwei hit her head with the back of his sickle.

Fanwei didn't notice what she said, only that she was in a trance and didn't resist.

The Condensed Water Rabbit and the Ponytail Rabbit saw Li Qianqian screaming and turned around to guard her. The Bud Elf and the Golden Ant Soldier fell to the ground and gasped when they saw their opponent leave.

Fanwei was also shaky

, that blow made him weak, and he just relied on his willpower to hold on and not fall down.

Chang Yulong ran to him and supported him. Wu Shuya saw that Gu Wang was injured and hurried to see his injuries.

"You guys quit, I won't fight you anymore." Zhang Xiaohe came to Li Qianqian's side, looked at Fanwei and Chang Yulong, and said sarcastically, and then added, "The top three, our Dream Association has taken them, and your dream beast eggs."

Wen Jieming also came over at this time, and the two kept approaching Fanwei and Chang Yulong.

In the dream processing center in reality, the audience looked ugly. Their interns' performance was too simple, just like a rookie!

But when I thought that this group of interns had not started their mission yet, I began to hate the mysterious man. The last game was originally selected by the Dream Breaker Team for a try, but it was destroyed by the mysterious man!

The people of the Dream Association jumped out in the barrage.

"I didn't say anything just now because I thought it was unnecessary. Now you see, they are still the first, but they are still crushed!"

"To be honest, the interns of the Dream Breaking Team are so disappointing. Although our Dream Association is a private organization, the interns we hired for the security team are not bad."

"The first place, but there is only one dream beast. This is fake. I heard that they rely on no cheating."

"They can't even keep the top three. How pitiful."

The audience of the Dream Department watched the barrage one after another, and they felt even more humiliated!

"Hehe, you have too many despicable means."


"Why are the people in the Dream Department so funny? This is called despicable? Don't you know what a trick is?"


Time goes back to when Zhong Lili came.

Lu Chuan arrived not long after Zhong Lili came. He also found Wen Jieming and a group of people he didn't know hiding behind the sand dunes in front of him.

"Strange, why is this guy here, Dream Association?" He saw the two big words on Wen Jieming's clothes.

"It seems that something happened after I arrived at the logistics." Lu Chuan took a sip of water and continued to watch what the purpose of this group of people was.

"Uh, this Zhongli Li is obviously not right, why don't they guard against it?"

"It seems that he has joined forces with the Dream Association, which is in line with Zhongli Li's temperament." Lu Chuan remembered the unpleasant scene when the two met at the beginning.

"The range is a little defensive, but not much. This is not okay. Teammates are temporarily selected by themselves, and they can't be trusted too much, let alone other teams?"

Lu Chuan commented while staring at the nine people of the Dream Association.

After watching the end, Lu Chuan couldn't help shaking his head. Even if they were not consumed, they would not be the opponent of the Dream Association.

Except for Wen Jieming who took a ruthless action, the others were obviously going for the Dream Beast Egg.

"It's true that they know to be cautious and know that it's not the time for the Meow Warrior to play!"

Lu Chuan played with the device in his hand. He just took Zhongli Li's device. After all, if it was thrown so far away from them, it was still out of sight. It would be a waste not to take it.

"Old Gu, this guy, was so badly injured, but he still had to stand up."

"Uh, aren't you going to let the Meow Warrior out?"

"It's really a headache. Wouldn't it be exposed at this point that you are from 101?"

Lu Chuan shook his head and stood up.

He was ready to go on stage!

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