The answer was so varied that the two of them had to face each other.

Lu Chuan looked at the answers given by a certain woman, which were varied, and then glanced at a few people and tiptoed away from his seat.

While these people were fighting with each other, if he didn't slip away now, when would he!

He was going to study the strength test stone, and he could also go fishing for water-type dream beasts. What was the point of accompanying these people?

He looked at Lu Chuan from the corner of his eye and found that he had slipped to the door at this time, and slightly turned sideways to cover him.

Others also found it, but no one said anything, and the atmosphere was not good for backing down now.

"Hey, Lu Chuan, you knew that Brother Qiang was coming to see you, so you greeted me at the door?" Zhu Qiang said loudly.


Gu Wang saw that there were many people in the logistics department, and saw Lu Chuan sneaking around, so he said inappropriately, "Team 10?"

Li Tunci took a look, and he wanted to remind the two that it was inappropriate to say this now, but he didn't dare.

"Is your injury healed?" Lu Chuan looked at the three people, and his breath was still unstable.

"It's almost done, and I can walk normally now." Gu Wang looked at Lu Chuan and said.

"Let's eat buns together when you have time. I'm leaving first. You can discuss with them, and they also want to find me. I'm just a logistics person, and the whole department depends on me!"

After Lu Chuan finished speaking, he was about to leave when an alarm sounded.

"There is an infected area, please go there quickly!"

"Team 12, go to Qingsong Town!"

"Team 11, go to Luotang Town!"

"Team 10, go to Pingchang Town!"


The announcer quickly said eleven locations!

The red rose instantly turned into petals and disappeared.

Gu Wang and the other two also left.

For a moment, the scene that was originally about to be debated switched to the state of emergency mission.

"So many infected areas?" Lu Chuan frowned and thought.

"Let's go!" Meng Baiyuan led everyone to set off, and Lu Chuan was pushed by Meng Baiyuan and forced to go with him.

When they came to the open space behind the dream place, the participants, including the blockade team, the detection team, and the medical team.

They were all lined up neatly.

Meng Baiyuan stepped on the car first, and after everyone got on the car, "Let's go!"

"Liu Xin, tell me about Qingsong Town." Meng Baiyuan said.

Lu Chuan took Gao Song's ice cream, and the two of them ate it together tacitly.

It was the first time for the three people in the range to go on a mission, and they were not familiar with the 12th team, so they were very restrained.

Seeing Lu Chuan's calm appearance, I couldn't help but envy him.

"Qingsong Town is famous for its green pines. Our Haining City is located in the south, but this town has a large area of ​​green pines."

"This strange phenomenon also makes this town famous."

Liu Xin paused and turned to the second page of the information.

"Later, this green pine began to become strange, and people often saw blood flowing from the trunk."

"At first everyone thought it was an illusion. According to them, they saw these scenes when it was foggy."

"Could it be a mirage?" Gao Song asked.

"Do you know what a mirage is?" Lu Chuan glanced at Gao Song.

"I don't know. I heard someone say something about a competition today, saying that there was no mirage. It sounded domineering!" Gao Song raised his eyebrows and said.

Liu Xin punched Gao Song, and he was quiet.

"When did it happen?" Lu Chuan asked.

Meng Baiyuan nodded, "I want to ask too."

Yang Wuyu sat in the corner, silent. When he heard Lu Chuan's question, he turned his head slightly and listened.

"Let me see, about a week ago." Liu Xin flipped through the information for a long time and found the time.

"Why are you asking this?" Gao Song bit his ice cream, looking confused.

"Don't you know the time node first?" Lu Chuan looked at the puzzled expressions of several people, and his heart skipped a beat.

"I haven't known it."

"Then how did you deal with it before entering the dream?"

"First find out where it is, how many people there are, and judge the degree of the dream, and finally let Qing Weng come out to detect."

"Who taught you?"

"No one, it was all me and them who explored it, amazing!"

"What about other teams?"

"They were established earlier and have someone to lead them."

Gao Song answered Lu Chuan enthusiastically.

Lu Chuan did not ask any more questions. There might be some secrets here. He was afraid that asking more questions would cause unnecessary trouble.

"How about I take a look at the information?" Lu Chuan asked.

"Okay, I'll give it to you." Liu Xin said with a smile.

Lu Chuan flipped through the information. Fan Zi and Chang Yulong changed seats and sat next to Lu Chuan.

He started to look at the information with him.

Lu Chuan finished reading it quickly and gave it to Fan Zhi. He flipped through it a little too fast, knowing that Fan Zhi didn't keep up.

"It's called Qingsong Town, but in fact the specific infected area is Qingsong Village, with a permanent population of 120. In terms of scale, it's higher than 100 and lower than 1,000, which is a medium-sized dream."

"A month ago, a large breeder wanted to buy this forest, intending to build a breeding farm and cut down all the Qingsong."

"Seven days ago, a strange phenomenon occurred in the Qingsong Forest in Qingsong Village."

"Due to the strange incident, the breeder did not appear in Qingsong Village for the next seven days, but someone saw him appear in Qingsong Forest."

"During these seven days, half of the villagers Sometimes you can hear intermittent roars at night. "

"The village chief was carried by the villagers to report the case, but the police investigated several times and returned empty-handed."

"The villagers were dissatisfied. The village chief threatened that he would protect the Qingsong Forest, but he did not take any actual action."

"There is also a very interesting point. There are three young people in the village who used to work under a large breeder."

"The three of them are very good friends. After hearing about the behavior of the large breeder, they all resigned and protected the Qingsong Forest."

After Lu Chuan extracted the useful information, he roughly explained it.

"I think the strange incidents mentioned by the villagers are most likely to scare away the large breeder." Gao Song began to say.

Lu Chuan smiled, "Now it's all inferences, you can't have preconceived ideas, otherwise it's easy to make wrong judgments."

"Now, what we need to do is to remember this information, and after entering the dream, we can find the source based on this information."

"Key figures, large breeders, village chiefs, and three young people!"

"You can pay attention to these people mentioned, but don't insist that it's them!"

"The information of other villagers is also important. You can quickly go through it and remember the main information."

"For example, a large breeder, a doctor, a literature major, likes calligraphy, but writes badly."

Lu Chuan said his own opinion.

Fang Que also closed the information at this time, looking at Lu Chuan's profile, and couldn't help but admire him.

In such a short time, he remembered so much information from a 5-centimeter thick document, and he forgot the front after reading the back.

Fang Que thought to himself, so Lu Chuan has an extraordinary memory.

"Such a thick document, everyone has background records and photos, you read it so quickly??" Liu Xin covered her mouth and said in disbelief.

"Brother Ji is awesome!" Yang Wuyu said the same thing.

Gao Song brought another ice cream to Lu Chuan and massaged his shoulders.

Meng Baiyuan nodded, "I'll remember!", and then added, "You guys will go in with us this time."

Lu Chuan pointed at himself, "I want one too???"

Meng Baiyuan nodded, "In the campus dream, you can wake up, although it's very late. Although you don't have a crystal core space, you can wake up more. But it doesn't matter, I wake up faster and can wake you up!"

"How fast?"

"Medium, I can wake up in an hour!!!"

"As expected of Captain Meng, I can only wake up in 3 hours for medium." Fanqi muttered.

Lu Chuan's mouth twitched. No wonder in the desert dream, the group of people participating in the competition didn't wake up for a long time.

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