I cast eternal life with the seeds of Tao

Chapter 60: One wave is over, another wave rises

"Boom boom boom...!"

Under the night, roaring sounds echoed inside and outside the mountain temple.

At this time, in the corner of the temple hall, two figures huddled under a bloody light mask with dim light and cracks.

Two pairs of horrified eyes looked through the light shield at the black-clothed figure holding a six-ring blood knife and slashing wildly. They couldn't help but tremble.

At this time, Zhao Heng, with the blessing of the Four Symbols Blood Refining Formation, was burning blood crazily, swinging his knife to slash the blood-colored light shield condensed on the talisman, his expression indifferent, like an emotionless butcher, and he kept mumbling.

"One hundred and one swords, one hundred and two swords...!"

Seeing the blood-colored light shield, under the opponent's blade, cracks spread and gradually withered... The middle-aged man in blood robe and Zhuo Chengfeng, the inner panic reached the extreme.

The middle-aged man in the blood robe quickly spoke: "Fellow Daoist Ren, we had no grudges in the past and we have no grudges today. Why should we get into a life-and-death situation? Don't you want money? We'll give it to you!"

"Too late!"

Zhao Heng responded indifferently and continued to swing the knife without any intention of letting the two of them go.

"One hundred and six knives, one hundred and seven knives..."

Seeing how weak he was, the man in the blood-robed man's face showed a fierce look again.

"Let me do it. You kill Brother Duan Wuyou. The masters of our sect have been chasing you everywhere for a long time. Now they are nearby. I have sent a message for them to come.

If you are wise, leave immediately, otherwise your life will be at risk! "

Hearing this, Zhao Heng's eyes changed and his movements hesitated slightly.

When the man in blood robe saw this, he just said it was to the point and continued to threaten.

Opposite Zhao Heng, his eyes suddenly narrowed, and he held the sword with both hands instead of one hand. The blade of the sword was full of blood and glowed with a bright blood light!

"One hundred and eight swords! Break it for me!"


The blade sliced ​​across at extremely high speed, like a bloody meteor.

In the blood-robed man's rapidly shrinking pupils, the blade slashed through the blood-colored light barrier and passed quickly in front of his eyes.

Immediately, the man in blood robe felt that the world was spinning before his eyes, and his body seemed to be flying into the air.

Where he stood before, there was only a headless corpse standing there.

After all, the blood-colored light shield could not withstand Zhao Heng's chops and was shattered on the spot. The head of the man in blood-robed clothes was also chopped off with one knife.

Zhuo Chengfeng on the side was already stunned with shock. Seeing the cruel man in black approaching him with a knife, Zhuo Chengfeng couldn't help but retreat and begged.

"Fellow Taoist, please don't kill me. I can be your subordinate and help you make money. You can have as much money as you want. Please let me live!"

Hearing this, he held a bloody knife in his hand and said "Let me do it" with a cold expression, but he let out a helpless sigh.

"I don't want to kill anyone either. Who makes you refuse to let me go, Captain!"

When he said these words, Ren Woxing's originally rough voice had turned into a young voice.

Suddenly I heard this familiar voice and title.

Zhuo Chengfeng's eyes suddenly widened.

"You are Zhao..."


Before he finished speaking, a streak of blood flashed across Zhuo Chengfeng's neck, and a line of blood suddenly appeared on Zhuo Chengfeng's neck, and blood splattered immediately.

Zhuo Chengfeng covered his throat with one hand and pointed at Zhao Heng with the other. He tried his best to open his mouth, but nothing came out.

In the end, he fell down, his eyes still full of disbelief.

"Finally dead!"

Zhao Heng felt very happy after killing Zhuo Chengfeng with one knife.

I just feel like a big stone pressing on my chest has finally been removed.

He glanced at the mountain temple. Except for himself, the entire temple was full of dead people.

And all of this was carefully designed by Zhao Heng.

He pretended to be forced to come all the way, induced the two groups of people to fight, secretly poisoned them, and finally harvested them himself.

Even this Four-Elephant Blood Refining Formation was set up in advance by him the night before.

The purpose is to completely kill Zhuo Chengfeng and others here and avoid future troubles forever.

Zhao Heng didn't express much emotion and hurriedly collected the trophies.

The first thing he did was to dig out the thirty middle-grade Xuan Crystals, a Xuan Wen Dao, and the bottle of Blood Fiend Bone Refining Pill from the blood-robed man.

Then he took out the jade box containing the "Blood Spirit Jade" from Zhuo Chengfeng's arms.

This was the most valuable thing used for transactions between the two parties, and it was immediately put into the storage bag by Zhao Heng.

Immediately, he prepared to launch the "body search method" to sweep away all the belongings of everyone.

However, just when Zhao Heng leaned forward to take action.

He had been secretly performing the Qi Watching Technique, and suddenly sensed a dangerous aura coming from behind him.


Zhao Heng almost subconsciously slashed out behind him with a knife.

"Clang clang clang...!"

The blade swept across and knocked down the three darts shot from the void.

Even so, the astonishing power contained in the darts still made Zhao Heng's arms numb.

This surprised Zhao Heng. You must know that at this moment, he was still in the state of using the blood-burning sword technique, but the opponent's power was still stronger than his.

Zhao Heng instantly calmed himself down, used his Qi-gazing technique with all his strength, and scanned the dark space around him.

Suddenly, his eyes narrowed and he suddenly focused on a broken window coffin on the side of the mountain temple.

"Tear it apart...!"

Almost at the same time, a flash of silver light tore apart the wooden window, and a lightning-fast sword blade struck Zhao Heng between the eyebrows!

Fortunately, Zhao Heng sensed the crisis in an instant, used all his energy and blood, slashed out with his sword, and collided with the cold light.


There was a clang and sparks flew everywhere!

Zhao Heng only felt a strong force, through the blade, rushing into his arm, the short knife almost flew out of his hand.

His knuckles were torn, and his body was shaken back several feet away. His back hit a stone wall, and then he stopped, and a stream of blood flowed down the corner of his mouth.

But Zhao Heng ignored it, and when he stabilized his body, he tightened the blade again.

His eyes suddenly locked on a handsome young man in red clothes opposite him.

"Huh... The reaction is really good, and he can actually block my sneak attacks twice in a row."

Zhao Heng's face was solemn. After just a head-on collision, he had roughly sensed the opponent's strength, at least in the late stage of the Refining Organ Realm.

Even if he used his full strength to perform the Nine Lives Burning Blood Sword Technique, he would never be his opponent.

"Who are you and why did you attack me secretly?"

The young man laughed, "Fellow Daoist Ren, you killed Senior Brother Duan in Qiuyue City, and now you are already famous in my Blood Refining Sect.

My uncle with a bad temper dotes on this senior brother the most. Now my uncle asked us to come and take your life!"

Hearing this, Zhao Heng's heart trembled. The other party was actually a fellow disciple of Duan Wuyou.

Recalling that when he killed the middle-aged man in the blood robe just now, the other party had said that the masters of the Blood Refining Sect were tracking him. It turned out to be true.

But when he killed Duan Wuyou, it was in Qiuyue City, and there was no trace left. How did the other party know his whereabouts and search here?

Although he was full of doubts, Zhao Heng knew that the most urgent thing was how to deal with this person.

"Fellow Daoist Ren, you are only in the Bone Refining Realm. Even if you use the Burning Blood Sword Technique, you are definitely not my opponent. Do you want to end it yourself, or let me do it myself?"

Faced with the strong threat of the red-clothed young man, Zhao Heng laughed wildly.

"Hahaha... Kill me? How does your strength compare to Duan Wuyou?"

The red-clothed youth was stunned, and then replied: "Brother Duan is only one step away from the innate realm. He is the third person in the outer sect. Naturally, I am not as good as him."

Zhao Heng said in a grim tone: "Since I can kill him, do you think I don't have some killer moves to deal with you?"

The red-clothed youth snorted coldly: "Hmph, you just took advantage of someone's misfortune and attacked Brother Duan when he was seriously injured. What means can you use?"

Having said that, seeing that Zhao Heng was still so calm at this moment, the red-clothed youth also showed a little vigilance in his eyes.

The other party's subtle expression change was captured by Zhao Heng instantly.

Zhao Heng's hand behind his back suddenly stretched forward at this moment.

"Watch the palm!"

This palm was swung out, and it was actually surrounded by smoke and frost, and the power was amazing.

The red-clothed youth subconsciously took a step back to avoid the sharp edge, but suddenly his nose twitched and he realized something was wrong.


He suddenly waved his sleeves, and a strong wind swept away the smoke and dust. Then he saw a figure rushing out of the mountain temple at a very fast speed and fleeing.

"How dare you play tricks on me!"

The young man frowned, moved his feet, and suddenly chased after him...

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