I cast eternal life with the seeds of Tao

Chapter 643: Always slacking off and having fun

“Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh…!”

The core area of ​​the forbidden land was empty on all sides.

The nine immortal sects set off almost at the same time, rushing towards the core of the forbidden land, the direction of the Daozang sacred tree.

Now, there are only more than a hundred monks from the nine sects who have arrived at the core area. Although the number is not large, most of them are the elites among the elites of the nine sects.

Under the leadership of the core inheritors of the sects, they are like nine unstoppable "divine swords" that directly penetrate the basin shrouded by the sea of ​​fog.

At this moment, Zhao Heng and his four companions also followed the Shura Sect's strong men and fled forward.

The actions of the crowd were decisive and swift, but the forbidden creatures in the core area also reacted amazingly.

Before the monks entered the sea of ​​fog, the forbidden creatures outside the basin felt threatened.

They roared, turned into rays of light, soared into the sky, and took the initiative to meet the strong men of the nine sects.

In the blink of an eye, the two sides were already in close combat.

But without exception, the forbidden creatures in the outer area of ​​the basin that attacked the nine teams had not really touched the nine escape lights.

They were directly crushed and exploded by the mighty offensive condensed in the escape lights, and turned into blood mist and dissipated.

"Boom boom boom..."

Like moths to a flame, a large number of forbidden creatures in the core area were instantly strangled and crushed by the nine huge escape lights, with unstoppable force.

Most of the forbidden creatures that launched the counterattack were in the late second stage of the innate realm, and were no match for the nine sects' geniuses.

Even Zhao Heng, who was following behind the Shura Sect camp, did not even have the opportunity to attack at this moment, and the forbidden creatures in front of him had already perished in large numbers.

At this time, he only needed to stand behind, waving a sword, and cheer for the strong men in front with Dong Yu, and rush forward with his head covered.

He could even grab some star crystals in the chaos.

However, the quantity and quality of these star crystals are far from enough, and they still have to rush into the depths of the core area to get higher quality star crystals.

The crowd continued to rush forward, and as they killed the forbidden creatures, they quickly went deep into the core area.

A huge invisible pressure came from top to bottom, causing everyone's escape light to fall rapidly.

Under the air ban, everyone could only enter the foggy area and rush forward along the low sky.

On the ground, a large number of forbidden creatures emerged and rushed towards everyone one after another.

The team assembled by the nine sects' geniuses continued to rush forward invincible until they entered the middle of the core area.

Among the forbidden creatures in front, a large number of creatures with the peak cultivation of level 5 appeared, and the speed of everyone's rush was slightly slowed down.

These forbidden creatures entrenched here because the breath of the Daozang Divine Tree is beneficial to them. The closer to the Daozang Divine Tree, the stronger the magical breath.

Therefore, the higher the cultivation of the forbidden creatures, the deeper they entrenched, and the difficulty increased layer by layer.

Even so, these forbidden creatures still couldn't stop the attack of the nine immortal sects' geniuses.

Before this, the strong men from all sides tried to attack the core area.

As long as they entered it, they would be immediately besieged by forbidden creatures from all directions, and the pressure rose sharply.

Now the masters of the nine sects entered from nine directions at the same time, which evened out the pressure.

The number of forbidden creatures gathered by all parties was limited, and the core inheritors of each sect joined forces to attack, so the offensive was more sharp, and they passed through the middle of the core area and directly advanced into the inner area.

At this time, Zhao Heng relied on taking advantage of the situation and finishing off the seriously injured forbidden creatures, and he had already obtained a lot of star crystals in his hands, and he was secretly happy in his heart.

Dong Yu, who was standing aside, also pulled out a machete with a rusty surface and looked like it had not been used for a long time, and waved it randomly.

He shouted loudly, and the machete was so powerful that those who didn't know would think he was the vanguard rushing to the front.

In fact, he only occasionally swung a few swords to show his strength and grin at Zhao Heng.

Both of them enjoyed the feeling of hiding behind the strong and slacking.

After all, slacking off is fun, and slacking off is fun.

This wonderful time of working without exerting effort lasted until the team entered the core area.

At this time, everyone was only 20 to 30 miles away from the Daozang Divine Tree.

For the innate second-level cultivators, this was already a very short distance.

However, under the powerful air ban, everyone could only move forward on foot, and the strength of the forbidden creatures in front had reached a terrifying level.

The strength of some forbidden creatures was even comparable to the strength of the embryonic form of the domain, reaching 40% to 50% of human cultivators.

Even among the innate second-level cultivators of the nine major immortal sects, this level of cultivation was considered to be an extraordinary talent with extremely strong combat power.

Blocked by the powerful forbidden creatures, the speed of the nine teams slowed down rapidly.

At this time, the importance of the top powerhouses in the team is highlighted again.

Almost at the same time, the core inheritors of the nine major immortal sects each burst out with amazing means.

Quickly kill the outstanding forbidden creatures in front of them, lead the team to continue to advance.

In front of the Shura Sect, Cui Xuan's body was surging with golden light, and he suddenly raised his hand, and a "golden dragon" burst out from his sleeve.

The dragon penetrated the forbidden creature in front of him with lightning speed, which was comparable to the strength of a cultivator in the embryonic form of the field.

After tearing its body into pieces, it flew back to Cui Xuan's hand in an instant, turning into a golden sword with flowing light.

At the same time, Ning Hanshuang of Xuanshuang Hall sacrificed a long blue silk with a crystal luster, like a dragon, and directly froze a powerful forbidden creature.

Chu Hong of Chiyan Hall, his whole body covered with flames, holding two hammers, smashed a forbidden creature with the appearance of a wild bear into a meat pie.

There were three people and three other core inheritors of the sect to kill the powerful creature in front. The team continued to move forward quickly, getting closer and closer to the area where the Daozang Divine Tree was located.

However, the deeper they went into this area, the faster the strength of the forbidden creatures in front of them increased.

At this time, there were even forbidden creatures comparable to the first-class level of the second realm of innate.

Even with the core inheritors taking action, the team's speed of movement still began to slow down significantly.

Zhao Heng and Dong Yu, who "fish for a living", were not so relaxed. There were forbidden creatures besieging them from all directions.

All parties in the team clearly felt the huge pressure, and some were even accidentally injured by forbidden creatures, and the situation was dangerous.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the four members of Zhao Heng's team each took out a gray-black talisman paper and activated it without hesitation.

Suddenly, a gray light enveloped their bodies.

Then, a strange scene appeared.

Most of the forbidden creatures that besieged them ignored them and rushed directly to others.

Seeing this, Chu Qinyi and Chen Xiao were immediately surprised.

Chen Xiao exclaimed: "Palace Master Dong, your talisman is really magical. These forbidden creatures don't attack us anymore."

Dong Yu smiled and said: "This talisman is not omnipotent. It can only emit the breath of some forbidden creatures, so that these creatures will not choose us as the first target when attacking.

However, this talisman is not omnipotent. Its shielding ability is limited. It will not play a big role when encountering forbidden creatures that are too large in number and too strong in strength."

Before participating in this impact operation, the four-member team had already discussed the details of the operation. They would definitely find it difficult to step onto the Daozang Divine Tree based on their paper strength. If they cannot defeat the enemy, they can only outsmart it.

Dong Yu's four talismans are their trump cards.

"Junior Brother Zhao, what do you think?"

After many dangerous experiences, Dong Yu and Zhao Heng have already formed a tacit understanding. Dong Yu provides some "technical support" and Zhao Heng provides "theoretical supplements".

As soon as Zhao Heng activated the talisman, he quickly rushed to the center of the team from the "tail end" position, waving his sword and shouting.


Seeing this, everyone thought Zhao Heng was going to rush to the front line to join the battle.

But the next moment, Dong Yu and the other two heard Zhao Heng's voice transmission at the same time.

"Everyone pay attention to your position, stay close to the center of the team, use the surrounding fellow disciples to attract the forbidden creatures to attack, and hold on to the thighs of the vanguard, and act according to the situation!"

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