Chapter 379 Are there any last words?



“No, let’s go back together if we say yes?”

“To die and die together!

“How can we leave you directly, regardless of patience and humiliation?

The entire battlefield.

Countless pirates cried, yelled, and broke down emotionally.

No one thought that Whitebeard was already determined to die and was determined to die here.

Moreover, before he died, he wanted to open up a retreat for their sons.

“Boom Rumble”

There was a loud noise.

The dilapidated square, and even the whole island that was already riddled with holes.

They were all roaring, shaking, and shaking.

His gaze resolutely looked at the expanding front, tearing the ground like a rage, and destroying all the shock waves ahead.

“Huh, Huh,” his body was dripping with blood, his complexion was bloody, and he was so red that he couldn’t help but breathe in astonishing heat, and Whitebeard’s chest was ups and downs, and the imposing imposing Whitebeard kept panting.

The horizontal sword stood there with alert, not daring to be careless.

There was a faint sparkle in the determined eyes.

“Forgive me, I got everything I want with the 787 from you, but failed to open up a bright future for you before the end of my life. Now it’s time to say goodbye completely here.

I silently blessed my sons: “Go! Don’t hesitate! Don’t get lost! Don’t look back.”

“Magnetic screaming”

The dazzling thunder light.

The sun was overwhelmed, and the sky was illuminated.

It was so dazzling that it made people unable to open their eyes.

Island, sea, sky…

Everything has lost its color.

Become pale.

“Shoo–“A thunder pillar with a diameter of hundreds of meters alone–

No, I should say the vast Thunder Waterfall.

In an instant, he slammed down towards Whitebeard!

Momo-Thirty Times-The Judgment of God!

Whitebeard with his hairs erected.

Observation Haki predicted a fatal crisis.

“Swipe” Naginata flew up, and his right fist instantly raised.

The veins violently burst, and the biceps are beating.

“Air shock!” With a low roar, he blasted into the sky without hesitation!



The exaggerated and outrageous bibj light.

The boundless boundlessness, as if God is angry, wants to punish the blasphemer.

It’s horrifying.

It directly flooded the Great Square.

Constantly, roaring and impacting, there is concreteness there!

Unspeakable shock, full of visual impact!

Kamui is like prison!


“Ah, ah”

“Guru! This is”

“Hey, hello, are you kidding me?”

“Such power is like a god, omnipotent.”

Not to mention those pirates.

The elites of those mercenary guilds were so shocked that they could not speak.

I stared blankly at the vast thunder waterfall that flooded the entire square, shining endlessly, and constantly shining, continuously discharging

The scalp is numb and chills.

Is such an exaggerated thunder and lightning something human can do?

“How strong are you?”

Above the harbor, retreated like a lightning bolt to avoid being affected by the chilling aftermath of Bullet.

He tried his best to open his eyes and looked straight at the vast and dazzling Fan Mangmang Lei Waterfall in front of him.

Clenching his fists, muttering to himself.

“Exaggerated enough”

Rao Shiryu couldn’t help breaking out in a cold sweat.

He couldn’t imagine what pressure Whitebeard was facing at this moment.

If you change to yourself, can you survive?

“so amazing ”

“What a power this is”

“Sure enough, Lord KING is invincible!”

Alfred, Reid, Joyce Polk and other little monsters, when they were shocked, their eyes were hot, full of undisguised fanaticism and admiration!

“It’s like a god, awesome power.”

Hawkeye Mihawk’s eagle-like gaze was shocking, holding the black knife night tightly, and muttering there: “Could it be that you can really get out of this planet?”

He will not forget.

KING once expressed that endless ambition.

Want to explore the boundless, vast universe.

With such a tyrannical power to Ultimate, he couldn’t think of anyone else in this sea that could stop the other’s ambitions.

The well-deserved overlord of the sea Naval Headquarters?


Marko looked at the vast thunder sea, his pupils shrank sharply.

Full of worry, he yelled.

Wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes, his face was painful and unwilling, closed his eyes, and shouted: “Everyone, all retreat, ready to board the ship!!!”


“do not want–”

“Never leave the old man alone!”

“Asshole, if you are greedy for life and fear of death, go by yourself!”

“Idiot, do you think anyone wants to leave the old man behind?”

“Now if you procrastinate, it is undoubtedly to discredit the old man who has done all the awakening.”


Despite Marco’s order, many pirates responded directly.

But there are still many people crying, yelling hysterically, and struggling there.

Saying that he didn’t want to leave, and angered the other people who wanted to take him away.


“Can’t let these pirates go!”

“The victory of the Mercenary Guild must be absolute!”

“For the justice of Lord KING, kill all these pirates.”

“What is the strongest in the world, KING talents are truly the strongest in the world!”

“Yes, the remnants of Whitebeard’s era have been defeated, and these guys must not be let go!’

“Long live the Mercenary Guild! Long live Lord KING!”


Witnessed the godlike power of Lord KING, the president of his own mercenary guild, “the strongest man on the surface”.

Countless elite mercenaries erupted with unprecedented confidence, their morale was high, reached the peak, and they were extremely excited and excited.

There was a weapon held up there, like a ferocious wolves hunting down their prey, yelling, murderous.

Under the leadership of some cadres, a ruthless pursuit was launched.

He didn’t want to let these guys leave at all.

The vast thunder light gradually dimmed and dissipated.

Between the heaven and the earth, the colors are restored.

However, everyone’s eyes widened.

A circular deep pit with a diameter of more than hundreds of meters and no bottom

Present there.

No, it should be said that the abyss is more appropriate!

“You seem to be angry, Bai Hu.”

In mid-air, the whole person shone with electricity, and his stalwart posture was so majestic that people could not breathe. The inexplicable figure stood there in awe.

Indifferently looking down at the bottomless abyss below.

“Any last words?”

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