.Yang Guangwen couldn’t help but said to Ling Haotian : ” After the prescription is prepared , write my name on it and put your name on the back , and then send it to the brain consultation room . ”

.” Uh …. good !”

.Ling Haotian raised his head and glanced at Yang Guangwen , with a hint of gratitude on his face .

.You know , the doctor who prescribes the medicine is responsible .

.If the patient has a problem because of taking the medicine you prescribed .

.The medical department will directly find the doctor based on the prescription to determine the responsibility .

.Although Ling Haotian prescribed this traditional Chinese medicine prescription, it is said to have a certain effect on the treatment of brain tumors .

.But the Chinese medicine department has never prescribed this kind of medicine after all .

.Because in the past, patients with tumors were treated by the Western Medicine Department, and they were simply not treated by the Chinese Medicine Department , let alone prescribed treatment .

.It is precisely because this formula is the first to be opened .

.Yang Guangwen was afraid that the patient would have adverse reactions after taking the drug , in order to protect Ling Haotian from being attacked by the patient’s family at that time .

.Only then did he ask Ling Haotian to write his name in the first column of the prescription .

.Ling Haotian naturally knew what Yang Guangwen meant .

.So he didn’t object .


.PS: After reading the comments in the comment area , it seems that there are book friends who study medicine ?

.So the author would like to declare here :

.The author is not a medical student , but a writer of online articles .

.This story is purely fictitious and is for entertainment purposes only !

.Three days of summer promotions , charge 100 and get 500 VIP coupons !

.( Event time : August 13 to August 15 ) _

Chapter 51 _ Don’t listen to doctor’s orders ( for collection , for flowers )

.late at night .

.Ling Haotian had already returned to his residence after work .

.The brain clinic has also prepared the medicine according to Ling Haotian’s prescription and let Zou Baoer take it .

.Now let’s see how the medicine works ?

.jingle bells ….

.Here , not long after Ling Haotian returned to his residence , his phone suddenly rang .

.Ling Haotian picked up the phone and took a look , and found that Tu Yaoyao was calling , pressed the answer button and asked :

.” Hello , Miss Tu , what’s the matter with you calling so late ?”

.After all no matter what .

.This Tu Yaoyao is now his patient .

.Naturally, Ling Haotian could not refuse to answer the call of the other party . This was the most basic quality of a doctor .

.” Hee hee , it’s nothing really , I just wanted to ask Dr. Ling if you slept ? If you haven’t slept, how about going out for supper ? I’ll treat you!”

.Tu Yaoyao said on the other end of the phone with a smile on his face .

.” Eat supper ?”

.Ling Haotian couldn’t help being stunned for a moment , then looked up at the clock hanging on the wall , and scolded softly :

.” What time is it , you are still going to have supper ?”

.” Did I tell you to pay attention to your personal diet ? If you still don’t pay attention to your diet like this , those medicines will be useless . I suggest you go for surgery !”

.You know , for doctors .

.What they are most afraid of is not that patients go to other doctors and do not believe in their own medical skills .

.Rather, he was afraid that even if he had given the right treatment to the patient , he had prescribed a drug that could cure the disease .

.Not only did this patient disobey the doctor’s orders .

.Even worse, just because the condition is just a little bit worse, not treating the disease according to the doctor’s orders .

.This is where the doctor is most troubled and helpless .

.It is also because Tu Yaoyao did not listen to the doctor’s orders .

.Ling Hao only felt so angry , this is not only irresponsible to himself , but also a blasphemy to the profession of a doctor .


.Tu Yaoyao on the other end of the phone couldn’t help but be stunned for a moment !

.She really didn’t think so .

.I just called and wanted to invite Dr. Ling out for a late night snack .

.Didn’t expect the other party to be so angry ?

.For a time , Tu Yaoyao couldn’t help but waved his hand quickly and said :

.” Okay, okay , I’ll listen to Dr. Ling , I don’t have supper anymore , so don’t be angry , okay ?”

.” What do you tell me not to be angry ?”

.” I am the doctor , you are the patient !”

.” This patient has to obey the doctor’s orders , otherwise I can’t cure your disease , or you should go to another doctor !”

.Ling Haotian still felt a little angry .

.” Okay , Doctor Ling, don’t be angry , can I stop eating supper ?”

.Tu Yaoyao couldn’t help showing a lifeless look , and said hurriedly on the other end of the phone with a speechless expression :

.” Okay , okay , Dr. Ling , I don’t think it’s too early , I won’t affect your rest , goodbye ! Bye !”

.After speaking , Tu Yaoyao hung up the phone quickly , for fear that Ling Haotian would continue to scold her again .

.beeping ….

.Listen to the busy tone from the phone .

.Ling Haotian couldn’t help but sighed lightly , shook his head helplessly , then threw his mobile phone on the bed , and began to practice traditional Chinese medicine .

.I saw that his body was like all kinds of animals , constantly changing his body posture , looking very strange .

.However, Ling Haotian himself could clearly feel it .

.With the continuous practice of traditional Chinese medicine to strengthen my body after surgery , my strength and toughness have been greatly improved !

.For a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine , this is undoubtedly another small plug-in in disguise .

.After all, TCM massage , TCM bone setting and so on .

.But it takes effort .

.Otherwise, it is really not good to treat patients with medical skills .

? Ding ! You have completed a thousand TCM physical fitness exercises , and your overall physical fitness has improved by 25% . ?


.more than an hour later .

.Ling Haotian finished his practice , then after washing up, he lay on the bed and started brushing Douyin .

.I just logged into my Douyin account .

.Ling Haotian discovered that his Douyin backstage had received countless private messages , all of which were questions from netizens .

.” Hello , doctor , can Chinese medicine treat hemorrhoids ?”

.” Doctor , what should I do if the shot is too fast ? Can Chinese medicine cure it ?”

.” Is Dr. Ling here ? Do you work in that hospital ? Do you have a girlfriend ?”

.” Doctor , when I wake up every morning, I feel suffocated. I just want to cough and feel tired . Is there any way to treat it ?”

.”I keep coughing and itchy throat , what should I do ?”

.” Doctor , I have a cough and no phlegm at night. I have taken a lot of medicine and it has not been cured . Do you have any way to treat it, doctor ?”

.” Excuse me, what should a child do with heatstroke ?”


.Look at the various private messages sent by these netizens .

.Ling Haotian felt very speechless !

.This is so just talking about a few symptoms , but not looking, hearing, asking , how can I diagnose it ?

.You must know that the external symptoms of many different diseases are actually very similar . If you do not see the patient himself , there is no way to dialectical .

.Not to mention the right medicine ! !

.However, not all patients send private messages without treatment .

.Because there are some symptoms of the external symptoms are unique , or can be said to be unique .

.For example, some symptoms only need to be said by the patient .

.The doctor will know immediately what disease you have .

.Ling Haotian chose the symptoms of several netizens to answer , basically the symptoms that could be 100% certain to be a certain disease , and then asked the other party to take pictures on the spot and then conduct dialectical treatment .

.This process is the same as when he sees a patient on a medical APP .

.It’s just that patients need to spend money to see Ling Haotian in the medical APP .

.But it doesn’t cost money to send a private message to Ling Haotian to see a doctor on Douyin .

.But it came back again .

.Although Douyin sent a private message to Ling Haotian to see a doctor, although it did not cost money , it depended on Ling Haotian’s mood .

.After all, if he’s in a bad mood, he doesn’t want to see a doctor .

.Ling Haotian can completely ignore the other party’s private chat information .


.PS: New book release , beg for support , ask for flowers , ask for collection , ask for evaluation tickets ~! ! !

.Three days of summer promotions , charge 100 and get 500 VIP coupons !

.( Event time : August 13 to August 15 ) _

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