.jingle bells ….

.Just when Ling Haotian was thinking about this .

.His cell phone rang suddenly .

.Ling Haotian hurriedly took out his mobile phone and saw that it was actually a call from Zou Chunli , and quickly pressed the answer button .

.” Hello , Miss Zou , what’s the matter with you calling ?”

.As Ling Haotian’s voice fell .

.Zou Chunli’s crisp voice immediately replied on her phone :

.” Hello Mr. Ling , that’s it , the formalities for your house have been completed now !”

.” I don’t know if I will send you this book and key now ? Or will you pick it up yourself in a few days ?”

.”The room is already done ? Is it so fast ?”

.Ling Haotian was a little surprised !

.It’s only been two days , and the room book and key are all down ?

.It seems that Zou Chunli’s ability to handle affairs is still very strong !

.Immediately , Ling Haotian glanced at the time and found that it was still early before work , so he smiled and said to Zou Chunli :

.” Would you like to send it to me ? I haven’t gotten off work yet , so I can’t leave for the time being !”

.” Mr. Ling, give me an address and I’ll send it to you . ”

.At this moment, Zou Chunli didn’t know that Ling Haotian was a doctor , and naturally she didn’t know where he worked .

.Ling Haotian couldn’t help but smiled and said : ” You can take it directly to Lincheng People’s Hospital , the second floor of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the third consultation room in the west . ”

.” Lincheng People’s Hospital ?”

.Zou Chunli was stunned for a moment , and asked with a look of disbelief on her face :

.” Mr. Ling, are you a doctor ? Work in Lincheng People’s Hospital ?”

.” Hehe , yes , I’m a Chinese medicine doctor at Lincheng People’s Hospital . You can just send it here . ”

.Ling Haotian couldn’t help laughing .

.” Oh oh … ok , I see , I’ll send it to you now . ”

.Zou Chunli hung up the phone with a surprised look on her face , and then excitedly rushed towards Lincheng People’s Hospital on a small electric donkey with the room book and keys .

.Just in time to give Ling Haotian the room book , he can go to see his daughter .

.You know , the attending doctor at the brain department called her early this morning , saying that there was a new treatment method for her daughter’s condition , and the effect was very good .

.after hearing the news .

.Don’t mention how happy Zou Chunli is ! !

.It was only because she could not walk around freely during work hours that she was not able to rush to the hospital to visit her daughter as soon as possible .

.Okay now .

.Unexpectedly, this Mr. Ling would be a doctor of Lincheng People’s Hospital .

.This is really a coincidence, isn’t it ?

.Zou Chunli rode on her little electric donkey with a happy face , as if the air around her was fresher than before , and her heart was full of hope .


.PS: The new book is released , kneeling and begging to hold , asking for flowers , asking for collection , asking for evaluation tickets ~! ! !

.Three days of summer promotions , charge 100 and get 500 VIP coupons !

.( Event time : August 13 to August 15 ) _

Chapter 56 _ Emergency consultation ( for collection , for flowers )

.Chinese Medicine .

.Inside the consultation office .

.While waiting for Zou Chunli to deliver the room book, Ling Haotian opened the medical APP, ready to see if there were any patients looking for him to see a doctor online .

.tata tao ….

.However .

.It was at this time .

.The nurse on duty in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine came over in a hurry and shouted towards Ling Haotian :

.” There are two patients in the emergency department who need urgent consultation . They called Dr. Ling and asked you to come over . ”

.” Oh , okay , I’ll be right there !”

.Ling Haotian couldn’t help being stunned for a moment , then quickly stood up and walked towards the emergency department .

.Although I don’t know why the emergency department suddenly called me and let me go there .

.But this did not prevent Ling Haotian from going to the emergency department for consultation .

.After all, there is a consultation, which means that there is a patient in need of treatment .

.As long as the patients are treated , Ling Haotian can not only get commissions from the hospital , but also get rewards from the system .

.For such a good thing .

.Ling Haotian would naturally not refuse .


.Soon , Ling Haotian came to the Western Medicine Emergency Department .

.After seeing Ling Haotian coming .

.Li Hanwen, deputy director of the emergency department, came over immediately , pulled Ling Haotian and introduced the condition :

.” This time, I’m afraid I need Dr. Ling and your Chinese medicine doctor to help stop the bleeding . The patient is a man and a woman . The two were eating at a hot pot restaurant . After the woman’s husband found out , the other party actually lit the gas tank of the hot pot restaurant and wanted to pull it out. let them die together . ”

.” But apparently the woman’s husband had no experience at all , so the gas tank exploded and he was killed on the spot !”

.” And this man and woman were also affected …”

.” A broken wooden table and chair leg pierced their chests instantly , just as they hugged each other again . ”

.” So now a wooden table and chair leg has penetrated the bodies of two patients, one male and one female. It is very troublesome to remove the wooden chair leg , let alone operate on them . ”


.Listen to Li Hanwen’s story .

.The corners of Ling Haotian’s mouth couldn’t help twitching slightly , and he shrugged speechlessly .

.Emotions is an accident caused by a family love drama ?

.It seemed that the man was too impulsive , he didn’t even know how to use the gas tank , but instead blew himself up .

.As for his wife and another man , they were pierced by a broken wooden table and chair leg , and they are now lying in the operating room of the emergency department !

.Ling Haotian followed Li Hanwen to the operating room , and soon saw the two patients .

.I saw a man and a woman lying on their sides on the same hospital bed .

.A 60-centimeter-long wooden table and chair leg penetrated their chests , and the situation looked very dangerous .

.After looking at the situation of the two patients .

.Ling Haotian couldn’t help turning his head to Li Hanwen and asked :

.” Director Li , can you show me their films ?”

.” Yes !”

.Li Hanwen nodded quickly , and then handed Ling Haotian the films taken by the two patients .

.Ling Haotian took the film and looked at it, and found that the wooden table and chair legs had just pierced through the large arteries in their chests , almost hurting their hearts .

.This is if it runs through the heart .

.It is estimated that these two people do not need to be sent to the hospital , and they should not be able to stand on the way .

.” Because this wooden table and chair leg directly penetrated the aorta in the chests of the two patients , if the wooden table and chair leg were to be pulled out, it would inevitably cause both of them to bleed heavily at the same time . ”

.Li Hanwen frowned and glanced at the two patients lying on the hospital bed, and he couldn’t help but continue to explain to Ling Haotian :

.” But considering the patient’s current situation , if the wooden table and chair legs are not pulled out as soon as possible , the two patients may be in danger at any time . ”

.” So after discussions with several doctors in our emergency department , it was decided to operate on both of them . ”

.” To prevent massive bleeding due to improper surgery later on . ”

.” I just thought of Dr. Ling, your TCM emergency hemostasis method , but I wonder if Dr. Ling can control the patient’s bleeding volume ?”

.Hearing this , Ling Haotian couldn’t help but carefully look at the films of the two patients again , constantly deducing in his mind how to stop the bleeding in case of heavy bleeding .

.The acupoints of Zhongfu and Yunmen in the patient’s chest were penetrated .

.If you want to stop the bleeding quickly .

.It is necessary to quickly close the other’s Ren meridian and acupoints such as Taiyin Spleen Meridian , Atrium , Dovetail , Yufu , Shenfeng , and Bulang .

.After thinking about it, Ling Haotian couldn’t help but nodded and said :

.” Well , it’s not a big problem , as long as you try not to injure other meridians of the patient during the operation . ”

.” It’s enough to have your words , everyone is ready to start the operation !”

.Li Hanwen’s face couldn’t help but be happy , and he turned his head and instructed a group of doctors and nurses under him .

.This operation is actually not difficult .

.The difficulty is that the patient is prone to heavy bleeding , which makes the operation impossible , and the patient cannot carry it until the end of the operation .

.Now that this most difficult level of hemostasis has been guaranteed .

.Li Hanwen and other doctors in the emergency department also have a greater grasp of this operation , and naturally they hurry up to perform the operation on the patient .


.And just when Ling Haotian followed the doctors in the emergency department to operate on the patient .

.Zou Chunli rode her little donkey to the Lincheng People’s Hospital at last , and then came directly to the second floor of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine with the room book and key .

.” Hello , is Dr. Ling there ?”

.Zou Chunli came to the third consultation room in the west and glanced in. She found that there was only a doctor she didn’t know sitting in it , and asked with a smile .

.Chen Jienan is sitting in the consultation room and is bored !

.Suddenly seeing a beautiful woman come to the door , Chen Jienan immediately replied with a smile :

.” Dr. Ling went to the emergency department for consultation , what ‘s the matter ? Are you looking for Dr. Ling to see a doctor ? In fact, the same is true for me , I can show you too !”

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